
The Alpha Wants Me?

[Mature content and trigger warning] Jeremy stepped closer while Eloisee stepped back. His lips tickled up into a smirk, his fangs out for the world. “ You thought because he was here to take you, you'd be safe from me? How naive my little pet, you can never escape me, even if you go to the edge of the world ill still be here.” Eloisee’s eyes widened. The choice of words Jeremy used were the same ones he used before, she started to scream in her heart. Not in that room, anywhere but that room. “ Jeremy stop, n-not here.” She let her thoughts slip out her mouth while tears fell freely down her face. Eloisee's back hit the wall and a veined arm slammed on the wall beside her head. She looked at the red eyes trembling. “ Oh so now you can talk back, such a spine you developed.” Jeremy spat, his face distorted from spite. ********************************************************************** Pain is all Eloisee Eileen knew, abused and mistreated by her stepsibling and stepmother, she has aspirations to run away and become an omega without a pack, just as her dreams are coming true and she is close to escaping the pain, she gets the shock of her life. She is being sold off to the Bloodhowl pack Alpha Riviera Luminary, to be his treasured wife in exchange for the Silvermount pack getting an alliance and resources. Being the alpha’s wife, Eloisee has to navigate the treacherous path of being a wife in a new pack while fighting demons from her past and present trying to drag her to the depths of hell with them, while finding it in her to love her husband and mate.

Nika_Etominika34 · ファンタジー
8 Chs


Eloisee nodded. " Yes, he saved me from someone."


Elizabeth placed the pot down and walked over to Eloisee, she wrapped her arms around her and ran her hand through her hair. " You poor thing, mama Eli is here if you need anything."


Eloisee eyes widened, they barely knew her and they were welcoming. A tear escaped her eye and she nodded, it felt nice to be needed and to have a shoulder to cry on.


Elizabeth moved back and looked at Eloisee crying, she wiped a tear from her face and offered her a smile. " Why not help us finish cooking? Your husband is going to be here soon." She winked at Eloisee.


Eloisee blushed as she got off the chair and headed to the other side of the table to help Mia and Elizabeth finish cooking.


Riviera and Ruid had just left the hall and they were walking along the dirt path, taking a short route to the house.


Ruid stole a glance at Riviera and laughed as a leaf landed on the latter's nose.


Riviera blew the leaf off and looked at Ruid from the corner of his eye. " Very funny."


Ruid coughed getting his snickers under control. " Jokes aside, you took a big step, marrying, I feel for those girls who wanted you." He said as he looked at the moon in the sky.


Riviera shrugged. " Not my fault that they weren't confident enough to talk to me." 


" You don't have to be cold like that, anyways what happened when we left? You were in a bad mood."


Riviera clenched his jaw remembering what Jeremy did. His reaction to Eloisee on the ground crying was odd to him, he had never reacted like that since when "She" was in danger. Eloisee was the second woman in his life he reacted like that for.


" Jeremy hurt her and I almost killed him. "


Ruid raised an eyebrow, " You almost killed him? Maybe it's your instincts that took over, remember me with Mia? Your instinct to protect your mate made you lash out. "


" She is just the woman I'm married to, I doubt she would want to be bonded to me for life, She flinched when I tried to touch her earlier."


Ruid shook his head, his friend was certainly dense around women, made sense more to him why Riviera couldn't say no to "Her".


 He nudged Riviera on the side. " She was just rescued from an abusive situation by someone who she doesn't know, if I were her, I'd be afraid too."


Ruid's words made sense to him, but what ifEloisee got scared by him when he attacked Jeremy? He shook his head and increased his walking pace, he wanted to talk to her.


The duo got to the house and Riviera took the intiative to open the door. 


He stood there, mouth gaping like a fish, Eloisee was setting the table and in his eyes she was absolutely regal. The way her hair moved when she laid te cloth on the table, the gleam in her eyes as she set the plates.


" This is a surprise." Ruid disturbed his observation moment and entered the house, he placed a kiss on Mia's lips as he sat down.


Riviera cleared his throat regaining control of his composure, he closed the door behind him as he made his way to the table.


Eloisee looked at him and offered him a small smile before ducking into the kitchen to help Elizabeth bring the food.


Riviera sat at the head, his lips in a thin line as he looked at the food being prepared.


Did i see that right? Did she smile at me? Of course not, she's afraid of me, why would she smile. This is so confusing, Riviera thought as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.


Elizabeth with the help of Eloisee set the table and everyone took their respective seat at the table as they began to eat.


Mia with a spoon full of food looked at Riviera. " I heard from Eloisee how you saved her from someone, a knight in shining armor ey."


Riviera coughed and Eloisee blushed, their eyes met briefly and Eloisee looked at her food while Riviera looked at Mia with a death glare.


Ruid and Elizabeth chuckled at the look while Mia was full out l;aughing.


She wiped the tears and ate her food. " I never pictured the cold, heartless Riviera acting as a knight in armor to a damsel… I should say his damsel in distress."


Riviera shot Mia another look. " Who said I'm heartless?" 


Mia waved her spoon in the air, " You know the people around, you have a reputation after all."


" Yeah right." Riviera snorted.


Eloisee looked at them from her spot as she ate. Riviera's mask of being a cold person was nowhere to be seen, she ate her food in silence paying attention to the man she was bound to.


Elizabeth caught on her silence from her. " So Elo, what are your hobbies?"


Eloisee looked up from her food from the question, she saw that everyone was looking at her, Mia, Ruid, and Elizabeth were eagerly waiting for her answer. She looked at Riviera and saw a look of interest in his eyes.


She placed her fork on the table and looked at her food avoiding their eyes. " I love to run, in my wolf. I also love to paint."


" When I am free from my duties I'll take you to see the pack lands." Riviera broke the silence much to Eloisee's shock.


Dinner passed by quickly, and Eloisee got to know more about the four in the room with her.


Elizabeth was the former Alpha's wife and mate, she was the one doing the duties of the pack luna and acted as an advisor to Riviera. 


She also learned that Ruid and Mia had a young pup and were childhood friends with Riviera, which made sense considering how close they were with him.


Lat but no least her husband, she did not learn much about him but she learned that he was a hardworker who wanted the pack safe from threats.


She sat on the bed still in her clothing. She was waiting for Riviera to come. Elizaeth went to bed after they finished dinner, Ruid and Mia went to their house and Riviera went to his study but told her, he would be back.


Eloisee twirled her fingers together, wondering what would their sleep arrangements be like, were they going to be sharing the bed? That made the most sense since they were husband and wife at that point.


The reality of her situation settled in, it was not a dream she was going to wake up to. She was the alpha's wife on paper, the pack Luna.


Her mind raced with thoughts. Was she going to be a good luna? Was she going to be a good wife?


" You are still awake?" Riviera asked as he entered the room. 


Eloisee looked at him. " yes, I was waiting for you."


Riviera smirked and threw his coat on the couch. " Oh? I am touched, but you didn't have to." He removed his upper clothing and went to the wardrobe.


He took out two shirts and a pair of pants, " Here, you can't be sleeping in those clothes, they are uncomfortable, you can use the bathroom to change."


Eloisee nodded, she took the clothes and went into the bathroom. 


She looked at herself in the full-body mirror. The scar running from her neck ended on her thigh, she looked at it and ran her finger on it. Beside the scar were smaller ones from a knife. Feeling disgusted at her body, she quickly wore the clothes Riviera offered her, she folded hers, and placed them neatly on the hanger.


She returned from the bathroom and saw Riviera on the bed. She hesitated for a bit, but made it to the bed.


She laid down but made sure to keep her distance.


Riviera closed his eyes and smiled, her sleeping in the same bed as him was enough for him.


" We should go to town tomorrow to get you some clothes."