

Diana maintained her stance to keep pursuing Arya, while her parents forbade Diana to return to Arya.

Elsewhere, Arya was having a conversation with Ryung Hwa, they were so close like they had known each other for a long time.

Even Arya offered a job to the woman whose soul was trapped in Alexa's body.

"Miss, do you want to work in my father's company after you come back to Indonesia with me?" Arya asked sincerely.

Ryung Hwa furrowed her brows, she didn't understand what Arya meant.

"What do you mean by offering me to work in your company? And why did you take me back to your country?" Ryung Hwa was confused.

"I am taking you home with me to Jakarta because you can't go back to your home country in such a state, I just want to help you as a friend. Who knows, one day your soul will return to your body after you are in Indonesia," Arya explained.