
The Alpha Queen's Human Mate

His hands ran down around her waist, and a deep inaudible moan left through her breath. A shiver ran down her body. A feeling, she always wished for! A notion, she always dreamt of. But! Why did it had to come this way for her? "Why do I feel like I know you even before we met?" "Why do you resemble like a same person who I loved the most in this world?" "Why do I want to make you feel the same way I did to her?" He asked looking into her eyes. His every words made her feel guilty! But, his sudden kiss on the corner of her lips faded away her each thought of guilt. And it was already too hard for her to face him, whose past is drenched with some other woman reminiscences who is just as close as to her as him... Or even more? But, his touch on her bare skin made surrender after him. His fingers lingered around her neck and shoulders, and his wet kisses trailed over her body, making her to wish more and more for this unending pleasure and ecstasy. ***** How hard it was on her part to not fall in love with a Human, knowing the fact she was a werewolf! How difficult it was to remain silent in front of him helplessly, cause she didn't want to let him know she is a mute girl! Everything was going good, but after losing her parents, every responsibility was burdening on Athena from the age of 10. Being a mute girl, it was harder on her side to deal with the human world and find out the pack, who brutally killed her parents! Hiding her identity as a werewolf is difficult on her part in the Human World and mostly in front of the human, who she fell in love with! It was hard on her part to know about her real identity to herself! Unknown of her identity, with lots of hurdles in her and her human mate lives, she was still finding a way to take Revenge, with her inherited Powers! A battle between Athena, a werewolf and her own life, where she needs to fight against her tribe, to save her family! Would her tribe accept her, After knowing her identity? Would they support her, and give her throne back which was ceased from her father? How would she take revenge against her own family members? Will her Human Mate accept her after knowing her identity? An unpredictable journey, of an Alpha Queen! **** I don't own the cover. All the credits goes to the artist.

PayalSinghRajput · ファンタジー
181 Chs

Her scent has wrapped me around her.

"Thank you for everything you have done to me, Grandma and Grandpa! " Asher said with a smile on his face!

"You both have shown me what life is and how some small gestures can make someone happy. Thank you for raising me and helping me to grow up as a man!

"And, there is something that I wanted to share with you guys..." Asher smirked as he spoke.

"As I said... I have no idea how this town would welcome me, right? But, this town feels way warmer to me now. I don't know why. Maybe, because I saw a girl here..." Asher said as he shrugged.

"She is beautiful. But, there is something about her smell. That has captivated me. That smell is different even though it is just a normal sandal and Rose scent. But, still, there is something else in that scent. That I couldn't figure out what the smell was. But, I really fell in love with that girl's scent." Asher said with a smile.

"I wish to meet her again! But, I don't know if I really can! I know where she could be. But, I don't think it would be appropriate to reach her." Asher said as he sighed.

"But, I want to smell that scent again and again! I don't want to go away from that smell. I just want to hug her and breathe in her scent forever! It's that beautiful. I have never smelled that kind of smell before, but this is something different!" Asher said with a bright smile.

"She wore expensive clothes and got out of the expensive car. But then, why does she live in a town?" Asher asked himself as he sighed.

"I don't have any idea, I just think she likes the countryside! You guys also stayed in the town for peace. Maybe she is living here for peace too?" Asher asked as he chuckled.

"It's funny. How I am thinking about a girl right now, about whom I have no idea ! I just know her name that is Rachel Rae." Asher said.

"But, I like her other name, that is Athena." Asher said with a smile.

"Athena sounds so pleasant to my ears. I feel like there is some connection in between us. But, we have never met each other before?" Asher just shrugged as his thoughts disturbed him 

"How could this be possible?" Asher asked as he sighed.

"But, the thing is I feel something sometimes…! I mean, I feel something when I see her one time and the other time, I feel something else. At one time my heart beat faster seeing her but at the other time it didn't even appeal, when she was so close to me..!", Asher said with a frown.

"Is there something wrong with my heart or am I hallucinating?" Asher asked while patting his head!

"I have no idea. Her scent was not strong enough when she was closer to me…! But later, her scent was so strong when she was a little away from me... What does that mean?" Asher asked again as he had no idea what he was thinking right then. There were many things that were going on in his mind right then. But, he just couldn't figure out the things.

"I wish I had an answer for that." Asher said to himself as he chuckled.

"But, I am sure that I am going to meet her again. I will try to talk to her and make some conversation. I have never been such a guy who reached out to a girl before. But this was my first time. I think I will do good." Asher said as he laughed.

"I know, I suck at reaching a girl. But, believe me, I feel something good and safe when I see her. I am sure, I would be very happy if... Once I take her in my arms? I really want to do that! I want to hug her and love her... Kiss her?" Asher just blunted out and just then, he realised what he was talking about!

"Huh? This is not me who is talking like this... Gosh! This woman surely has magic in her scent that is making me go crazy!" Asher said as he sighed and laughed on it himself.

"I will visit you Grandpa and Grandma. Thank you for listening to me. I love you both!" Asher said with a smile as he again kissed their cemetery and walked away from there as his heart felt light then, after he talked his heart out but he kept Dean in his mind for sure. He had his plans for him to make him regret the way he talked with Asher.