
Outta control

~Finn's POV~

With all of the preparations set, we readied for the move. Each dispatch had its own orders, told separately to them just incase one was caught. All of the alphas stood on edge as they risked their pack to deal with this common enemy. Rainer growled deep, letting me know he was ready for anything. I stood confidently although I felt like I was going to be sick.

"My warriors should arrive any time. They may just be able to get the patrols from behind." Issac said coming to my right side.

"Thank you," I paused for a moment, not knowing quite what to say.

"Don't thank me until the war is won." he retorted.

I just nodded my head and let out a sigh. In moments we would be setting up one of the greatest wolf migrations ever experienced, all because of some heart sick witch. My stomach turned at the thought of her touching my mate even for a second. Then the rage set in, completely muting any other feelings. I was going to tare her to shreds.

"Their here, and they found two patrols. They are being dealt with as we speak." Issac said relaying from his warriors.

The two sectors moved with excellent precision, safely taking away four cars of the sick and elderly. Slowly but surely we got each of the cars out with out any issue, all heading in their own respective directions. The warriors joined us at the pack house once everyone had been safely sent away.

"That felt too easy." I said almost surprised it worked out so well.

"Something must have happened." Julian said joining us in the main room.

"But what?" Zane said as he and Issac sat down.

No one said anything, each just as shocked as the other. Each knowing, now that it was safe, this place would soon become a battle ground. My heart was beating out of my chest at the anticipated attack. We all sat in silence waiting for some word from the warriors on guard, or even a call from the ones on the move. Suddenly a omega burst through the door gasping for air, setting the whole room on edge.

"There are wolves at the edge of the pack lands.." he gasped a couple times before continuing. "They said the luna was with them.. that she set them free and to come here." he wheezed out.

"What? Where are they? Is she with them?" I almost yelled at the wolf, but kept the little composure I could muster.

"She is not." he said turning away, "but this one, she says she knows something." he turned letting a small girl with very curly dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes pass.

"Hello alpha, I am Carine." she peeked up at me and began violently shaking as she continued. "Alpha Daliah, she set me and so many others free, but we lost her. She told us to run in this direction and don't stop. When we went to turn for her all we heard was an explosion and that was all. She told us not to stop, to get to you and lead you back." she started sobbing, making her shake even more. "We have to go get her!" she almost yelled the words.

"Listen, first you have to calm down if we are going to find her." Zane said leaning down to help her to a chair. "Just tell us what you remember about what happened." his words seemed to soothe her enough to speak clearly.

"I pledged my life to her, we have to save her! I can take you where we need to go." she said with a new found strength. It looked as if she had been close to breaking but her resolve was too stubborn. She reminded me of Dali.

"Show us." I said pointing to the map. Her finger trailed along the river only to stop near the human town.

"Its some where around here." she said circling the town near the one human's shop.

"This is no where near Et Lupum." I said confused.

"Maybe they took her the long way around to throw us off." Issac said rubbing his chin.

If this was the case then the witch has had us all fooled and looking in the wrong direction this whole time! The growl that left my chest was deep and powerful, the poor girl shrunk in her chair from the sound of it. Now we knew where she was, we needed to go and get her.

"Where are you going young alpha?" Zane said knowingly.

"To get my mate." I huffed as I headed for the door.

"I don't think that would be wise. If the luna had orchestrated an escape. It was exactly what we needed to get the rest of the pack out." Issac said putting one of his hands on my shoulder. "If this is the case than, the witch's compound is likely to be on high alert." he finished with a small pat.

"I can't just leave her in there." even Rainer didn't care how many stood between us. Only that we could be back with her again.

"The cars that were sent to the closest safe house just arrived." Julian interjected. "They did encounter hunters but they were short lived." he laughed lightly. "I say we go get the luna." he looked at me with full force.

"You'll come?" I asked dumbfounded that he would risk such a thing.

"Why not, we all live and breathe by the goddess. If she sees fit to call me home at that time, I know my pack is safe and my Beta would be a great Alpha." he nodded with a huff.

"Same." Zane said realizing that Julian was right.

"If I die, I will finally see my mate again." Issacs's eyes glazed over just slightly. "I have lived a longer life than most alphas and I never once heard of us all running together for one cause. I'll be d*mned if I do not at least make history twice. The choice is yours young alpha." he bowed just slightly, something most if not no alphas do.

"Thank you all." I was speechless as each one followed suit with Issac. "Lets go get my mate, and finish off that witch once and for all.

"Rouges have started to enter the lands Alphas." Dustin said as he entered the room. " We are holding them off but the numbers are much larger than we expected.. and well our scouts have returned.. Except not on our side." he finished with a grave look on his face.

The witch was able to catch and change our warriors? Just like that?! I couldn't contain Rainer any more and we ran for the battle, Dustin right behind me. I let Rainer take over changing into his form as we ran full force. It didn't take long for us to reach it. I could see one rouge clawing at the throat of one of our warriors and we went for him. Catching him by the throat as we hopped over them, tearing it out as we landed on the other side.

One by one we all took down the rouges and stood on guard. Some of us were in wolf form, while others stood ready in their human form. The link chattered with different updates. It seemed they had attacked us from all points, some warriors were met with rouges and others the brotherhood of hunters shot silver bullets at them. We weren't with out losses from all packs but we were still standing tall!

It seems the first wave had been finished. With out clearing the dead those who could were called back to the pack house to be treated if needed. Our group headed back as fast as we could. When we arrived the house resembled the hospital after their last attack. I couldn't help but remember my father as I looked around me. Dustin ran out throwing me a pair of shorts and sweats.

"It seems we have minor losses but were seriously injured." he shook his head as he turned so I could change.

"The other alphas?" I asked sliding into the clothes.

"Their groups suffered no losses, but they were heavily injured. We have the medical staff treating all currently." he huffed sadly.

"And Val?" I could tell that there was something he wasn't saying.

"She was hurt... badly" the tears welled up in his eyes but he never let them fall. "She will be okay." shaking his head he pulled himself together.

"Of course she will," I gave him a knowing nod and headed to the conference room.

The halls were lined with the injured. The smell of blood and silver was prominent in the air.

"This is what our mate has been living in." Rainer whined at the thought.

"She is tough, tougher than most. You know this." I barely could stomach the smell, she definitely would be suffering.

"Sure. We need to go get her now." he said growling at my thoughts. With a silent agreement we entered the main conference room.

"That was insane. I've never seen hunters and rouges work together like this." Julian said as one of the nurses bandaged his arm.

"I never thought it was possible for rouges to even move in formation like that." Issac said joining the group.

"This can not keep going." Zane said, the laid back demeaner of him fully gone, replaced with rage.

"Then lets go get my mate and finish off their base." I said not realizing the strength behind my words.

They all stared at me almost as if they were seeing me differently. Each one of them looked at me as if I had two heads. I ignored them and turned to the map.

"That she wolf said they followed the river, were there any abandoned warehouses that could be used for such a thing?" looking at the same map we've been staring at for hours felt almost as if nothing changed. The adrenaline was finally running out as the sky turned from day to night.

"You need sleep. You all do." my mother entered the room surveying the masses. "Dali is okay Finn, you can not save her if you pass out from exhaustion." she gave me a small smile.

"Did she reach out again?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"No but I can just feel she is okay.. can't you?" she eyed me like she always did when she wanted the truth from me. Almost as if she was looking at my aura instead.

I closed my eyes and waited. Searching for any connection to her I could. She was there, a small piece of her was still there! My eyes shot open and the excitement washed over me. I ran over, picking her up in a big hug.

"It seems her and Fallon are reunited. It seems she isn't reaching out for a reason." her brow furrowed in the confusion.

"Its okay, as long as there is a chance to save her I will take it." I knew what I had to do to rescue her, and I was prepared.

"Alpha another package has arrived!" the omega said shaking.

"Let my check it before anyone touches it." my mom said as she followed the omega out, letting my fury carry me I went as well.

The package was almost the same as before, my mom uttering that old language. This time she thankfully was okay. Opening the package we found another note with a small piece of what looked like flesh covered in blood. I read the note aloud again.

"How long do you think I can keep her alive if I send her back in this size of pieces?" growling I crumbled the paper in my hands. From the scent of the box I could tell it was her, but where did that awful witch hurt my mate.

"Rest now alpha Finn, we attack at nightfall." Issac patted my back, although I wanted to rush off into the day and rescue Dali, I knew this was exactly what she wanted. I needed to rest first, replenish what I had lost in todays fight.

"As soon as the sun is out of the sky we move." I left the room and went straight to the small room she and her parents had stayed. The springy pull out mattress was horrible but her scent still lingered here. And here is where I would stay.