
Into the woods

~Dalis POV~

The silver scalpel burned as she cut my ear. I could feel the blood tricking down my face as she so meticulously cut.

"You think he will like my present?" She laughed as the dropped the piece she cut into a box like before.

Turning to face me I could see just how hurt she was from the explosion. The whole left side of her was red and blistered. There were some deep wounds from where the car pieces must have got her all along her. But those wounds were slowly closing before my eyes. I just hoped the wolves had made it back to the pack lands safely.

"Do you really think that you will win this?" I asked ignoring my pain.

"Oh sweetheart, it's basically already won." She turned back to me leaning in closer, staring deep into my eyes. "You will watch as your pack is destroyed. But don't worry I will save your parents for last, and make sure to kill you right in-front of their eyes." She snickered backing up.

"All this over a guy? Come on girl, get a grip." I said sarcastically through gritted teeth.

She ignored me and uttered a few words over the box before it disappeared into thin air. With one last glance she looked over and left the room. I looked at the thick metal straps that held me in, slowly trying to break free of them. Even with using all of our strength they did not even budge.

"At least she didn't notice we're reconnected." Fallon huffed as we pulled futilely.

"We need to figure out how to get out of this." Annoyed I kept trying them but to no avail.

All this time I was struggling to work the straps loose I did not notice the young man slide into the room. He cleared his throat catching my attention and halting my attempts all together. There was no way he was much older than nine-teen and from the way he smelled he was most definitely human. I eyed him suspiciously waiting for what ever he was going to do.

"Hello.." he said shyly, "they told me that your kind is dangerous." he inched closer to me curiously.

"We are if you deserve it... Or if you attack first." I said not noticing I was using my alpha tone.

"My father says your monsters that shouldn't exist in this world.. That its unnatural." he said backing away from me.

"Listen kid. I've been tortured, I'm hungry, and I haven't had a decent nights rest in weeks. If you could just cut to the chase I would be very thankful.." I said feeling my exhaustion taking over me.

I could see his eyes looking at the blood that was still running down the side of my face. They grew big noticing the piece of ear missing. His mouth hung a little at the sight and he started to gag.

"Woah now kid its okay, please don't get sick in here." I tried to sound sympathetic but honestly if he hurled it wouldn't be long until I followed suit. His gaging finally stopped and he looked at me with such a serious face.

"This isn't what I signed up for. You seem so human... This.. this isn't right!" his eyes filled with tears. Just as quickly as he entered he left.

"What the actual f*ck was that?" Fallon huffed in annoyance.

"I'm not to sure, but.." The thought was cut short by the mechanical whirring of the metal straps that held me in. Soon they fell open letting me free.

"This could be a trap." Fallon was fully on guard, I could feel her so close to the surface that we could change at any moment.

"Or, hear me out. Or he had a change of heart?" even I thought that was a long shot. It didn't matter though, if this was our one shot we needed to take it.

"Wait!" Fallon shouted, causing me to go completely still. "someone is coming." I quickly snuck behind the door as silently as possible, and stood ready to pounce on who ever came through the door.

The lock of the door took what felt like forever to open, my heart beat growing louder in my ears with each second that passed. When it finally opened the foul smell of rouge burned my nostrils.

"Dali.. Oh Dali..." The sinister voice called into the darkened room. "Come on out, I heard the kid while he was letting you go. Humans.. So weak." he clicked his tongue and let out an evil twisted chuckle.

The moment I could see the their shoulder past the door I pounced. Sliding my hands down their arm and grabbing their wrist. Using all of my strength I pushed it up while simultaneously kicking the back of their knee causing them to fall.

"You b*tch, let go of me." their voice strained as their head turned to look at me.

The shock I felt washed over me like a cold shower. Not only did I not notice his was his voice familiar but his blonde hair, and brown eyes that now showed a film of red over them were all that of someone I had known since moving to this pack.

"S..Sam? Sam Malloy?" my strength faltered but luckily Fallon was able to keep our grip on him tight.

"Yes, its me. Now come on let me go." this time his voice came out in a soft whine.

"Don't. He's rouge.." Fallon said tightening our grip causing him to wince.

"I know but its Sam.. How many times have I eaten at Gino's pizza shop. How could I ever tell his father it was me who killed his son?" My breathe came out shakily and heavy.

"He will understand. He is a rouge Dali. He is gone." Fallon growled at me "We need to get out of here. Back to the pack where its safe."

"We need.. We need to save him." I said to her softly. Memories of Sam walking with Finn flooded my vision. What would I say to my mate.. How could I tell him I killed one of his best friends.

"Come on either get off of me or kill me already." Sam growled, I could feel my tears falling over and streaming down my face.

"Sam how.. how did you end up like this?" I could tell he knew I was crying from the blood curtailing laugh he let out.

"As if you could be the next Luna. Your weak." he scoffed. "My wolf is free now, no one to hold me back. No Alpha to obey. You should join us." he laughed at his joke so hard his whole body shook.

"I am not weak!" something in me felt like it knew what it was doing so I followed my instinct. I grabbed his shoulder using what felt like more strength we have ever used and picked him up. Jumping as soon as his feet began to leave the ground. I wrapped my arms around his back securing both of his arms in place.

"Now fall." a small silky voice said. I closed my eyes and did just that.

We fell hard onto what felt like a wet floor. The air came hissing out of my chest on impact. Sam landing hard on my chest, sandwiching me between himself and the ground. I released my grip ever so slightly and Sam shot off of me and into the darkness. Wheezing, I stood up on guard trying to be ready for an attack from any direction. I had just began to catch my breath when I noticed Fallon standing ready for an attack next to me in the darkness. Confused I reached out and felt her fur.

"It's okay, catch your breath I'm watching them." she growled protectively.

"Them? Where..?" My question was cut short as a loud growl rippled towards us making my head snap in its direction.

"Where have you brought me?!" Sam growled standing next to his wolf a few yards away. Both he and his wolf had a red haze surrounding them. Almost like insects swarming around them by the thousands.

"She has finally brought one of you to me." the silky voice rang out from above. "Well done my child." her pale white hair beautifully down her light blue dress.

The moon goddess floated down landing gracefully on the watery surface. This time however she did not appear to be much older than twenty. She looked at me and smiled, then slowly walked over to Sam.

"D.. Don't come near us." he and his wolf started to back up slowly as she approached them.

"Trust me my sweet puppy, you will feel much better." they both stopped in their tracks almost like an invisible wall had been put up behind them.

With a light jump she levitated just enough to pat them both on the head. As soon as her hand lifted from their heads the red haze began to fade, turning a deep purple before blending into the night. I could see Sam and his wolf begin to tremble as the last bits floated into the abyss. They slowly fell into one another, both whimpering. It broke my heart to see them in so much pain, not just as their Luna but as a friend.

"Sam, are you okay?" I shouted as I ran over to them.

"I.. I'm so sorry Dali, I didn't mean what I said. I.. I don't know why I did those things.." he barely managed to whine out those words in between his silent sobbing.

"It was not your fault my child. You were cursed by an ancient evil magic. I had thought to be long gone. It is my fault I was not able to protect you." the moon goddess reached out her hand once more to pat his wolf's head. "Now that I know exactly what was used I can free your brothers and sisters." she turned to me pausing to look at my ear and frowning. "Shall I fix that for you?"

"Thank you but its okay. I want to remember always what I can survive through." I said feeling my resolve coming back once more. She laughed lightly shaking her head at me.

"I think giving you permission to use my domain when I connected you and Fallon was exactly the right choice." she motioned to a door that was slowly building up from the water and becoming more solid. "As heir and remaining descendent of my bloodline this is the least I can gift you." she smiled brightly before ascending into the sky.

"As heir? Heir to what?" Sam said getting up with the help of his wolf.

"I have no clue, are you okay?" I asked just as confused as he was.

"Yeah, so do we just go through the water door or?" he eyed it suspiciously.

"Um yeah, I guess." I looked at Fallon who huffed annoyed I would even ask.

I took Sam's arm I hadn't twisted and helped him walk to the door. Only stopping right before we were about to go through it. My mind raced remembering the escape and how Trista had tricked me before. This felt different though, how would she know what the domain had looked like. I looked over my shoulder and sighed.

"Go my child I can not keep the door open for long. When the time is right I will release those who are cursed. But first you must gather them in a safe space away from the hunters." the voice rang out from all directions soothing my anxiety.

"Ready?" I asked Sam not sure what might be on the other side.

"As you say Luna." he bowed his head respectfully as I grabbed the knob.

The door swung open letting out a blinding light. We pushed our way through blindly squinting. The light grew brighter and then went dark but in the darkness my other senses went to high alert. I could hear people groaning in pain, smell blood and the burning smell of silver. My heart dropped thinking we must be back in the warehouse. Sam began gagging next to me from what I could only imagine was from the smell.

"Dali?" a shaky voice croaked. "are you finally back?" the next thing I knew there were arms around me embracing me gently. "My baby your finally back." my moms voice sounded hoarse making it almost unrecognizable.

"Mom?" I said as my eyes focused on her face. Only noticing the pack house's kitchen becoming more prominent behind her. She hugged me more tightly and began sobbing letting out a few muffled I'm sorry into my hair.

A crashing sound drew my attention from my mother's comforting arms. Making me peek up just as the main kitchen doors were thrown open. He looked frantic, the bags under his eyes showed how little sleep he was getting. His dark hair shook as he scanned the room from side to side until his eyes met mine. When they did he fell straight to his knees and began to tear up with happiness.

"You're here." I croaked out from in between the tears I hadn't noticed were there. His eyes widened at the sight of me, making his smile fade only a little.

"You're here." he stood up and closed the distance between us, examining me the whole way over. "Are you okay?" he said in a soft tone.

"I'm doing much better than Sam over there." I nodded in his direction, he was sitting on the floor against one of the cabinets shaking. "I guess traveling through the goddess's domain isn't for everyone." I let out a light hearted sigh as I stood up to.

"She let you travel through it?" my mom said dusting her pants off.

"She did, she said this is the least gift I can give you as heir?" I said confused.

"What a rare gift indeed." she just nodded and walked away to tend Sam.

I turned to Finn, he looked so exhausted it broke my heart. I reached up touching his face, his usual stubble had turned to almost a full beard. He leaned into my touch, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. I threw my other arm around him in a hug and pressed my face into his chest. Even if this was a dream at least he is here.