
Chapter 9: Bad News, Blood Binds

A terrified scream clawed its way out from Stella’s throat.

Not only had her gorgeous and mysterious next-door neighbor just turned into what can only be described as a werewolf. Right in front of her in the increasingly broad daylight. On the same street where they both lived.

Stella blinked. Feeling as though she were coming in and out of consciousness while people she didn’t know gathered around.

Was it a fever dream? Had it really happened?

Flashes of a horribly bloody brawl cycled through her brain. She’d been surrounded. Stella remembered fighting them. She’d fought them off as best she could.

Then someone else was there. A beast. It was Bennett. Her neighbor. And the others.

Her memory was coming back faster now. More clearly. She’d been so terrified to see his transformation from the man next door to a towering beast covered in hair. She hadn’t been able to move.