
The Alpha King's Tribrid Mate

Warning:Mature content. ... Layla shivered as Riven's hot lips trailed down her jawline, burning a hot trail towards her lips that were aching to be kissed. But he didn't kiss her. Instead he hovered a breathe away over her parted lips. His palms gripped her waist and pulled her closer. He watched her with half-closed eyes, his golden pupils burning with raw passion. Layla trembled under his intense gaze and her lips parted further. "Riven...", she whispered. "Tell me what you want, my sweet Layla". Riven's husky response caressed her ears. "Kiss me...please". ... How well can we survive from the trauma of childhood abuse? Most times, all it takes is a step off the edge of a cliff to end it all. And that is what Layla did. Born from rape and abused since childhood, Layla loses her ability to speak and gradually loses the zeal to continue living. There was nothing left for her in the cruel world and she was ready to put an end to it. Giving up on life, she made her way to the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean. Without a second thought, she closed her eyes and let her body go, welcoming the peace and calmness that came with death. And when she opened her eyes again, there was a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. ... Supreme Alpha Riven Qinn, Alpha of Dark Creek Pack, strongest and most powerful lycan ever, has lived for centuries and with each passing full moon, he loses the hope of ever finding his one true mate. But fate directs him and he finds Layla on the shores of the river surrounding his territory, almost buried under the wet sand. He touched her and one word resounded in his head. MATE! Safe in the arms of the Alpha, Layla realizes the world is not as cruel as she thought. A deep passion springs forth between the mated lovers and Layla finds herself longing for his touch and presence. Suddenly strange phenomenon begins to occur. Layla's speech is restored and along with it comes strange powers coupled with the gut wrenching pain she endures every full moon. An ancient fae is consulted and it is discovered that Layla is a special being. A Tribrid. Born from the three strongest bloodlines. This discovery brings forth damned creatures and giant titans from Tartarus, all with a desire to possess the blood of the Tribrid which can cause great havoc in the wrong hands. Riven and Layla will have to fight against Tartarus and the endless conspiracies that threatens to tear them apart. In the course of saving the world, can their love overcome all obstacles or will fate bring them to ruin? Author's Note:This is not your usual werewolf story. It's my version. Author:BellaCupid Email:cupidofafrica@gmail.com Email:bellaxcobar@gmail.com Discord:BellaCupid#2434 Instagram:bellacupid17

BellaCupid · ファンタジー
55 Chs


"Wake up you worthless girl!".

Layla jerked awake at the sudden command. Her eyes snapped open and looked around frantically, trying to get her bearings.

"I said wake up!". The voice commanded her sharply again and was preceded by a bucket of cold water that was splashed on her.

Layla jumped up from the sack she had slept on through out the night. Her bones protested with her sudden movement, aching terribly from laying on the hard ground every night. She wiped the droplets of water from her face and stood still, shivering slightly from her drenched dress coupled with the morning chill. She looked up at the woman who stood at the entrance of the basement and curtsied a little.

Madame Parker glared at the mute girl with so much venom in her eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Get to work right this instant!",she snapped at Layla.

Layla quickly ran past her and climbed out of the basement. She made her way to the kitchen and stopped, staring unbelievably at the mountain of dirty dishes and utensils. It was only just yesterday she washed every single dish and pot, every cutlery and cup. And today the sink was already filled to the brim.

Layla wasn't surprised though. She was used to the hard work she was subjected to everyday. Hearing Madame Parker's approaching footsteps, she snapped out of her daze and rushed towards the sink to begin her daily chores.

Madam Parker entered the kitchen and walked passed Layla who had her hands deep in a large bowl of soapy water. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a pack of stale bread. Closing the fridge, she turned and threw the pack at Layla who struggled to catch it.

"That's your breakfast girl. Finish that up and go wash the bathrooms. The house needs cleaning and my clothes needs washing".

Layla looked down at the pack of bread that had probably spent more than a month in the fridge. The bread already had brown edges filled with mucus and it had an offensive odour. Saddened by it, she dropped it beside her on the ground.

"What's that? Not happy with it?",Madame Parker asked. She marched towards Layla and gripped the girl's hair in a tight fist, making Layla cry out in pain.

"You should be thankful you ungrateful brat", Madame Parker spat out viciously. "I could have left you in the arms of your worthless mother the day you were born. You're only alive because she begged me to take you. You deserve everything you're getting now and more".

Layla was sobbing softly as Madame Parker pushed her away. She heard it so many times. How her mother died bringing her into the world. How her mother in her last dying breathe begged Madame Parker who was her only sister, to take her and raise her. Layla was reminded of it every day and it hurt her deeply.

"You're a worthless girl and you deserve no name",Madame Parker continued bitingly. "A child who was born of rape and who took her mother's life at birth should not be allowed to live. You should have died with your mother the day you were born. Dumb girl! I hope you never get to speak ever again! You will spend the rest of your life here because no man will want a mute girl who was born from rape!".

Having spoken to her satisfaction and enjoying Layla's tears of pain, she kicked the bowl of water aside and it overturned, spilling out the soapy water all over the kitchen.

"Get to work this instant!',Madame Parker said sharply and walked out of the kitchen.

Layla slumped down on the ground, her eyes reddened from crying, her face streaked with tears. She drew her knees up and cradled her head in her arms, crying her heart out. To be called a child of rape was enough pain to her but, to be reminded that she took her mother's life at birth was the ultimate sorrow, coupled with the fact that she was mute. Layla was tired of life in Madame Parker's home. The only reason why she remained there was because she had no where else to go. She didn't know her father and her mother was gone. She had no other relatives apart from Madame Parker. She was all alone in the world.

Layla got tired of crying and she pulled herself up. There was nothing else to do than to continue living. There was no way out. Her whole life was lined out for her. She would serve Madame Parker until she grew old and died, without getting to love or be loved in return, without her children and grandchildren surrounding her. It was certain for her.

She quickly picked up a mop and bucket and began to clean the spilled water. She finished with that and returned to the dishes she was washing. As she washed, she let her mind reminisce the past years she had lived in Madame Parker's home.

For as long as Layla could remember, she had always been abused and treated like a nobody. The abuse started at a young age and continued for so long until she lost her ability to speak. She was whipped at the slightest offense and she had the scars to prove it. Long faded red whip marks on her back, legs and arms. She was rarely allowed to go outside the house so she didn't have to hide the scars that marred her skin. Madame Parker who had warned her countless times never to address her as 'aunty' didn't have children yet. Layla sometimes believed that she wasn't given children because of her cruel heart and wickedness. Her husband, Uncle Parker was no better. He treated Layla like she didn't exist and only punished her when she really deserved it unlike Madame Parker who would use every opportunity to hit her.

Layla's mind trip was cut short when she heard a knock on the front door. She remained where she was, cleaning the dishes because Madame Parker had warned her never to answer the door or show herself when there was a visitor.

She heard whispers as Madame Parker conversed with whoever was at the door. Then footsteps as they climbed up the stairs to Uncle Parker's study. The door was slammed shut and the house became silent.

Layla grew suspicious suddenly. Madame Parker's visitors never went up when they came. They always stayed in the living room, watching TV and laughing loudly as they got drunk on liquor. Her curiosity was piqued.

She arranged the last dish on the rack and threw the soapy water down the sink. In a matter of minutes she was done. One mind told her to get on with her work and forget about Madame Parker's visitors but, the other part, the stronger part urged her to climb up to Uncle Parker's study and eavesdrop. She knew she would be in so much trouble if she got caught but curiosity got the better of her.

Holding the hem of her dress, Layla tiptoed up the stairs, deliberately skipping one particular step that creaked. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she got closer to the study and stopped in front of the door. She was breathing hard now as she leaned forward and placed her ears against the cold wood.

She could clearly hear Madame Parker's voice. Uncle Parker's voice was deeper and not so loud and the visitor's voice was moderate.

"This might be our only chance Gary",Madam Parker was saying to her husband. "She's all grown up now. We can't keep her here any longer".

Layla frowned as she listened. Who was all grown up? Were they talking about her? She continued to listen.

"How old is she now?",Uncle Parker asked.

"She will be twenty three in four months time", Madame Parker replied.

"A perfect age for the job",the visitor said. "I've seen her. She has the body that men will lust after. I hope she is the quiet type".

"Yes she is",Madame Parker said quickly. "She is very docile. She won't give you any trouble".

By now Layla was sweating hard and her heart threatened to bust through her chest. They were planning to give her away to some stranger. She began to tremble in fear as she listened.

"It is settled then",the visitor said. "I shall come for her tonight. Prepare her".

"I promise you Rufus, she will be well prepared. She is still a virgin so Lord Brandon will have to pay double before he touches her".

Layla's eyes widened when she realized she was to be given out to a man. She took a step back in shock and her foot slipped from the edge of the stairs. A strangled cry left her lips as she tumbled down the stairs loudly.