
Chapter 14

" Believe me, Granny, I don't have a mate. I haven't met him yet" I fist my palms in pain. The pains were severe.

" I don't know what to think right now. You say you don't have a mate sounds shocking to me. Then why are you having a heat " she tried to cool my temperature with an ice cube folded in a hand towel.

" Please help me, Granny. I'll die if this persists." I grabbed her hand tightly.

" Calm down dear, you won't die. Let me get something to drink for you, give me a seconds" she let go of my hand.

I was sweating terribly. My body shook the same with my hands and legs. Please save me Mother moon goddess. " I don't want to die. I have a lot to accomplish"

A few minutes later, granny Joanne came back with a little container containing some substance. She knelt beside me " Have a drink."

I raised my head to drink the substance from the container. It was bitter, really bitter.

" You need to drink up if you want to feel relieved," she says and I finished it at once.

Truth to her word, I felt a little bit calmer and ready to talk.

" it works. Thanks a lot Granny. I owe you one ". I sat upright.

" You don't owe me anything, just make sure you take care of yourself"

I take my words earlier back about her, she is nothing but nice " I'll do that"

She sighed loudly " But dear, I need you to be watchful. I believe you have found your mate but you don't know. When has this happened last to you?"

" It has never happened to me before, this was the first " I assured her

" Then I guess you found your mate here but you don't know. I'll advise you to keep a watchful eye on who he is if not you'll experience more pain than this"

I was scared knowing this " How can I find him? I barely know any guys here"

" His scent "

" You mean his scent? I haven't found any scent appealing to me" I said looking thoughtful.

." Your Wolf hasn't been acting weird this day?" She asked.

I shook my head, known that I know of " Not at all"

" Your case is harder than I thought."


After last night's incident, I went straight to my room having so many thoughts swirling in my head. I slept off as soon as my head touch the pillow surprising even Ashley who had thought we'd have a girl's night.

" I can't believe you slept off just like that "

I chuckled stretching my body " I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling that good that's why"

Ashley wasn't having it. She pouted " I thought we'd spend some good time together " she pressed.

I let out a tired sigh " ok fine, how can I make it up to you then?"

She grinned " Well then, promise me you'll be available for tonight. I heard there is going to be a night party for us"

I furrowed my brows " Why?'

Ashley shrugged " It's a tradition they follow I guess. They always organize some kind of party when they have visitors no matter who they may be "

On second thought, how comes she knows about all this? I couldn't help but wonder so I asked her.

" How did you know about this?"

She rubbed her neck in guilt " Erm, I may still be having a conversation with some of Silvia's friends"

This got me angry " You may or you are?"

She fiddles with her nails ashamed " I know I shouldn't but I just thought having them close for just information like this one won't hurt"

" You don't learn Ashley. After all, they did to you, you still don't wanna be far from them? my goodness," I was irritated.

" Please just hear me out on this, I have my reasons and it's going to be useful for us. You and I both know how hard it is to get information here, at least they come in handy since they are bunches of gossipers" she explained.

I gave it a thought and I see reasons. I too have a task to make to save my family and to also grant my safety.

" Ok fine, you are right "

She gave me a relieved smile " I know you'll understand"

I rolled my eyes at her " So now what? Do you have more news from them?"

She shook her head " Apart from this one I don't have any"


" ok then. " I got down from bed putting on my slippers. I yawned loudly. My body felt weak from yesterday. It gives me the chill. I do not wish for that to happen ever again.

" Go have your bath already, you stink" she scrunched up her nose jokingly.

I glared at her " I don't stink.".


" Just go and take a shower before the guards come to drive us out "

She was right about that. It was almost time for us to all go out " I better hurry up then" I dragged myself to the bathroom while Ashley laughed at me.

The moment the cold water hits my body, I felt this calmness. I made sure I enjoyed my bath while it lasted.

A few minutes later I got out with a towel wrapped around my body. I didn't find the need to rub any substance on my body since I didn't even have one in the first place. I opened my box then it hits me, all my clothes were dirty. I only have three pairs of clothes and I've worn them all. I can't ask Ashley for more, she had already done much.

I wished I knew, I would have brought me. It's all because my coming here was sudden, I didn't have the time to pack. I groaned out loud.

Ashley who was tying the rope of her shoes asked" What happened?"

I pouted " I don't have any clothes to put on"

She sighed " is that why you look sad?"

"Of course I need to feel sad. I'm tired of taking out of the little you have and I wish I can request for my clothes to be brought down to this pack." I said to her sadly...

" Well let your worries die here, you have another option. I do not know why I haven't told you earlier. "

I was all ears, ready to hear what she wants to say " Go ahead"

"There is this place in the pack where people of less privilege like us go to pick up unwanted things like clothes, shoes, and so on. They are condemned clothes which were thrown by people of high rank" she explained further.

This sounds interesting" When can we go to pick up some things please?"

She thought about it " We can go today if you want "

I nodded happily " yes, please. What time?"

" After we are done with our morning chores. You know we have some free time after then"

" Good-by me "

" It's settled then. Let me lend you some clothes to put on before you get yours"

" You are a lifesaver and I can't thank you enough" I hugged her tightly, she wasn't expecting it at all. She giggles nevertheless.

I pulled away to allow her to get the clothes for me. She handed me some long skirts and a blue shirt " You can put this on."...

" Aww, you are the best Ashley. I just can't wait for them to give us our uniform that way it'll be easier. I won't always have a heart attack on what to wear"

" Lazy ass" Ashley chided

I tongue out at her " You know I'm saying the truth"

" Stop being childish"

I laughed putting on the clothes. I put on my sandals and turned to her "Shall we?"

" yes we shall" she answered with an eye roll.

Together we sauntered out of the room.


Upon reaching the palace, I met some of my work colleagues waiting for orders to be given to start working. Surprisingly, they all have their uniforms on and I felt left out.

I turned to the guy beside me " Who gave you all the uniform?"

" The lady of yesterday shared it " he answered.

" How can I get mine? "

He shrugged " you have to wait for her"

I nodded while I also stood waiting for the harsh lady. A few minutes later she came back with bunches of uniforms well packed in a transparent nylon.

" If you know you haven't gotten a uniform, come forward," she said.

I stepped forward followed by three other guys.

" Here take this," she said to me but then paused, her action made me freeze.

She gave me a strange look and I wish the ground will swallow me right now. What's wrong with people here looking at me strangely?

" What's your name?" She asked.

I tried my best not to stutter" I am Melissa"

" From which pack?"

" The east pack"

" Alpha Ronald's pack you mean?"

I nodded not meeting her eyes. I don't know why she felt the need to mention the Alpha's name " yes"

She didn't say anything else instead turned to the next guy and gave him his uniform. I went to join the rest. After she was done, she clapped to get our attention.