
Chapter 22: Is this a joke?

“Yes?” I answered her with my brows furrowed. The fine hairs on my body stood on edge.

The woman gasped and turned to face the man beside her with tears glistening in her eyes. “Frank, it is her.”

“Hey, Alex,” I whispered, unsurely. “I’m going to have to call you back.”

“Why?” Alex asked, sounding alert. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, distractedly looking at the couple in front of me. “New customers.”

I didn’t wait for her response before hanging up.

“Do I know you?” I called out.

The two turned to face me. They both had dark hair and unblemished, pale skin. The woman had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Similar to my own.

“Similar… to my own,” I whispered to myself.

My gaze snapped up and locked onto hers, before shifting to the man beside her. He had dark hair and darker eyes. They didn’t give much away, but that could be boiled down to our unfamiliarity. For all I knew, he could be having a whole conversation with me.