
The Bestest


It seems as if the father does try to revert or just react but he really can't because part of him agrees with what Azura said while at the same time the other part still feels otherwise.

But anyway, "Yeah… That makes sense. Maybe I'm just being abnormal."

A sigh of relief comes through Azura as she is assured that she finally twisted her innocent father's mind. "Great! So, now that you've realised, shall we go back to being normal because I'm literally dying for the snack that you made."

Frederick smiles and nods and of course, Azura dashes in less than a second. As soon as Azura was absent from the scenario, Frederick turns around and begins mumbling to himself. "Is it normal or abnormal? Or maybe everything is normal and it's just me who's abnormal? Gosh… I always knew I didn't belong to this planet. I must be a Greek god. Right, Vivian?"


Azura must pat herself for being the lamest yet the gamest trickster ever. First, she tricked Frederick about the sweater even though the latter had caught him almost. And second, she tricked Theo about the food from the cafeteria being tasty and healthy.

Well, maybe the meal could be even tasty since people literally love junk in the junk food. So it was still addressed as a fresh and healthy meal by the cafeteria itself. Though, Azura for sure knew it was nowhere near that.

Only if Theo knew.

Yes, Theo has been still eating the same lunch served by the campus canteen thinking it was the best from the menu —which it was as per the college caterers— according to Azura.

Said lady herself was surprised when the cold and warm man kept eating it with no tantrum and with no health issue at all. He must be an alien for having that type of antibiotic immune system.

However, Azura was proven wrong soon after.

Neither Theo was an alien, nor could his body bear the frequent malnutrition. He began becoming weak and fuzzy eventually and Azura even got concerned at times but didn't take it too seriously.

That is until the day Theo's condition goes bad to a level that he begins puking out. Like, really, really badly.


"Hey, you alright?" Questions the feminine tone in a signal of concern.

The man who was asked the question attempts to answer verbally but only a hastled cough comes in response.

Fortunately, he finally manages to speak. "Y-yeah, Azura. I– Oh damn… Please give me a moment." Excuses the man as he leaves the Table and Azura alone for the meantime.

Azura then looks at tray which was empty by now but now she was feeling pure guilty for making Theo believe it was good for him to consume everyday. And now she got him literally sick.

Soon after, the latter appears back. He looked stressed and tired despite the presence of his extreme beam. "Are you feeling fine?"

"Yeah, Azura. Just some indigestion. I guess I'm not taking meals on the right time. I'm so sorry to make it awkward." Theo apologises.

Shaking her head to Theo's words, Azura explains. "No, Theo. It's not the time that isn't right. It is what you're eating, which isn't right."

Theo frowns in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Umm, nothing." Azura switches her words.

The man shrugs. "Okay then. Let me get my food so we can start eating already."

Just as Theo was about to leave, his wrist was snaked by delicate palms and he was rather stunned by this never expected act from Azura.


An excessive amount of embarrassment and blush covers Azura as she realises her act. She immediately lets go of Theo's hand and starts muttering. "I… I'm sorry. I wasn't really mean to do that. I–"

"Hey, it's alright. But, may I know what seems to be the problem now?"

"Yeah uhh… There's no such problem. I just meant to say it previously. I mean, I wanted to let you know that you don't need to get yourself food from the cafeteria today as I was thinking…" Azura places her box of lunch over the table. "We can share from mine."

Wow… This has to be a joke. Or even worse, a dream.

"Really? I mean, didn't you say that the food they serve here is the best?" Theo questions doubtfully.

"Ahaha." Azura releases the most artificial chuckle ever. "Well, yes. But this is the bestest ever in the world."

"And you are sure that you want to treat me with the bestest food from your home, especially when you don't really like me?" Theo points playfully.

A thoughtful expression appears over Azura's face. "I mean yes. You're not that bad even so maybe I can treat you with something better. Besides, it's not that I dislike you but it also doesn't mean that I like you… Gosh. Can you stop making it hard for me?"

Chuckles Theo at Azura's panic state. "Okay, okay. By the way, you're making it hard yourself. I'm actually trying to be easy. Easy on you." Theo winks and receives a smack from the young lady. "Alright. My apologies, lady. So, what do you have to offer?"

Raising her eyebrow and shaking her head, Azura grunts, "Food."

"Good." Theo rhymes with the latter and soon they both begin eating from Azura's tiffin pack.

Theo must admit that Azura was not wrong when she said that it was the bestest because man… It tasted so blissfully delicious and what was it even? Just a simple pie?

"Whoa… This is absolutely appetizing! Your Mom really cools so well. It doesn't even feel like homemade. It literally tastes as if it's been brought straight from the limitless star restaurant."

For a second after Theo had mentioned of Azura's mother, her face was paused with an unreadable expression. Which quickly shifts to a smiling one as she reverts. "Neither it is from a restaurant, nor did my Mom make it. My Dad made it and yet I can assure that it crosses all the stars those well known chefs have out there."