
Lies Like Lilies


"Good." Theo rhymes with the latter and soon they both begin eating from Azura's tiffin pack.

Theo must admit that Azura was not wrong when she said that it was the bestest because man… It tasted so blissfully delicious and what was it even? Just a simple pie?

"Whoa… This is absolutely appetizing! Your Mom really cools so well. It doesn't even feel like homemade. It literally tastes as if it's been brought straight from the limitless star restaurant."

For a second after Theo had mentioned of Azura's mother, her face was paused with an unreadable expression. Which quickly shifts to a smiling one as she reverts. "Neither it is from a restaurant, nor did my Mom make it. My Dad made it and yet I can assure that it crosses all the stars those well known chefs have out there."


And soon after another day of college has come to an end. Meaning the end of Theo and Azura's regular get together and as usual, Theo already has a not so pleased face.

"It was quite surprising and good that we didn't get to encounter Cindy or Leanne much."

"Really? I actually wanted to encounter and counter them even more so they would think thrice before bothering us. Bothering you, Azura." The last line almost comes as a whisp but for Azura it is more than enough to get a hold onto. To get a crisp.

Lowering her gaze from the man, Azura chirps, "It's alright, they're not that bad. And besides, I'm used to it. I think it's just better if we don't pick a fight or anything that could create a show for the whole campus to talk about."

"Well, then. Let them talk. They should also know that there are two nosy chipmunks around us who should rather be in a tiny cage than lurking around in the university for no good reason at all."

Theo's demonstration makes Azura chuckle subtly. It sends Theo's slight to see Azura smiling because of him. "Let's just leave that, okay?"

Nods the man in agreement before he also encourages in switching the topic as he says, "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I think I couldn't tell you earlier how much I liked the food made by your father today."

Azura raises her brow. "Oh really because, I think you literally rambled for the whole lunch hour about fondering, wandering and mouth watering it was."

"I did? How funny because I thought and still I'm thinking that it's just not enough. I'm feeling like I should prize your Dad for granting me such a great meal. How did your Dad not flaunt about it? I would literally feel myself like a master chef if I get to make even instant noodles properly."

"Seriously, now you're making it feel like my father is not mine but yours."

The man chuckles. "I mean, I would really wish to have a father like him. Especially when I know that I have to get back to that cafeteria's lunch…"

Not letting the man complete his defeated sentence, Azura jolts in. "Actually, I think you don't really need to eat that food from the canteen again."

Now a perplexed expression takes place on Theo's face. "And how? Am I going to be on an infinite fast?"

"No, no." Azura reassures the man before she takes a breath and sighs. She doesn't know if why she is even going to do this despite knowing that she is just gonna regret. However, here she goes, "You won't need to have it again because we will be sharing from my lunch everyday."

Of course as expected, the surprise and happiness on the man's face was priceless. He seemed as if he was granted a million dollar dream.

"W-what? Azura… I, are you talking for real?" Theo asks. His tone was high pitched with bliss.

Azura nods. "Yes, this is real and I'm talking to you for real. You can eat with me and you will eat with me from my healthy homemade food. You deserve this especially because…"


"Because you've been eating junk and hurting yourself just because of me." Azura trembles and Theo looks in confusion. The lady takes another breath before she begins speaking. "Actually, I'm so sorry. I made you believe that their menu was delicious and healthy even though I know it would be bad for you. I wanted to make suffer for bothering me." And Azura obviously wasn't sure if when did Theo ever do that but anyway.

"Oh… So you wanted me to spend all my time in the restroom so that I would not get the chance to be around you?"

The weird reason given by the man made Azura shake her hands instantly in defense as her cheeks go red. "What? No. Well, I of course wanted you to go away but definitely not like that. And besides, I don't even want you to be away anymore."

A short moment of silence takes place as soon as Azura's lips confess that little phrase.

Theo smiles at the girl's honesty. "At last." He says in a relieving tone and Azura hides her face shyly. "Now that you have confessed some hidden truth, I'd also like to let you know that…" He takes a little pause. "I'm sorry to break it out to you but, you didn't really get to fool me. You ain't that smart, Azura."

Although Azura didn't even know as to what the man was trying to point out to, his comment about her being not smart offended her so badly that she could feel herself enraged internally. "Hey! Shut up and what do you mean by that? How come I ain't smart?"

Chuckling slowly to most probably himself, Theo perks, "You ain't because it wasn't you made me believe if that canteen food was good or made me eat successfully. I always knew that the edibles there were low quality and harmful for health with a high cost of price. Yet, I decided to eat them. And let you think that it was because of you."

Azura was dumbstruck. "Really? Then, why did you do it?"

"For you, Azura."