
The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

“Why do you have scars?” All of sudden, Iris changed the topic, as she looked at Cane in the eyes. She was still clutching to his sleeves. “Your father gave me,” Cane replied. He thought, Iris wouldn’t remember this conversation when she woke up. “That must be so painful.” “They are.” “Will the scars heal?” “I don’t think so.” The night indeed made you vulnerable and let you said something that you would never admit when it was bright. The obscurity softened your heart. “Too bad. You have a warm soul.” Iris frowned slightly. “I no longer have a soul.” He had sold his soul for the freedom of his people. There was nothing left of him right now. “Yes, you have, but you are in so much pain.” Iris blinked her eyes. “Your beast is in pain. You have so many scars.” “The only scars that I have is on my face.” Iris shook her head meekly. “I am not talking about your face. I am talking about your soul. Too bad, you are in so much pain… what my father and brother had done to you must be painful…” And after that, Iris closed her eyes and fell asleep. ====================== She is the daughter of an alpha who has killed his family, razed his pack and has also made his people slaves. Now, he has achieved revenge after ten years of being treated as a slave and was living a life that no one would ever imagine. Life akin to hell. And ten years later, Alpha Cane manages to take over and kill the alpha who has made the lives of his people worse than death. It was time for him to make the children of the alpha pay for what their father had done. Only… Iris was a runt and she was very different from her father.

i_want_to_sleep · ファンタジー
1039 Chs


"Why don't you take your revenge on my father instead?"

Even though it was hard, Iris managed to get her question out of her lips. She felt it was unfair that she had to bear the hatred of Alpha Cane, for something that she didn't do at that.

"I have the same question as you. Why me and my people?" Cane didn't raise his voice, even so, Iris couldn't hear him, but she was so scared to look into his deep and cold eyes, thus she focused her attention on his lips instead. "Your father razed my pack. Killed my parents and my little sister and brother, enslaved my people, but they let me live to go through those hellish ten years as his slave. Why me?"

Tears streamed down Iris' eyes. She was so scared, but for some reason, she could understand him, she could feel his pain. This was not fair for him either.

"Please…" Iris whimpered when she felt his hand squeeze her breast. No one had ever touched her this way before and even though she was not her father's proudest daughter, no one would dare to degrade her.

"Please? I have said that word countless times, but what did your father say? He told me; 'you can implore all you want, but I will do as I please, that's how power works'."

Iris screamed in agony when he pinched her nipple so hard that she felt so much pain.

"Don't cry, this is just the beginning. The day of your father's death was the day when you became my slave, my property and I am your master."

Through her blurry vision, as tears welled up in her eyes, Iris read his lips and she knew that he was true to his words. This was only the beginning.

Cane growled to see that she was in pain and her tears bothered him, thus he turned her body around and let her kneel on her knees, as he pressed her head into the soft pillow and started to undress her.

Her father did this to the women in his pack and let him watch everything.

He positioned himself behind her and readied himself. He would make her feel the pain, so she would know what kind of pain that he and his people had gone through.

It was great that the alpha had two children, thus he could torture them as he pleased. After all, that was how power worked, right?

On the other hand, Iris thrashed her body around when she felt her dress being torn apart so easily, as if the fabric was as soft as tissue. She shivered when the night wind caressed her bare skin, while she could feel his rough fingers gripping her thighs.

Iris realized what would happen to her and prepared herself for it, but then when she was faced with the horror, she couldn't help but recoil in fear.

However, Cane stopped all of a sudden.

Iris didn't know what happened, but he moved away from behind her, as the weight from the bed lifted. He got off the bed and Iris immediately grabbed a blanket to cover herself. His back was facing her, as he put on his pants back.

"What is that on your back?" He asked her, but because she couldn't read his lips, she didn't know what he was saying. "I am asking you what is that on your back? Who has done that to you?"

Cane knew that the alpha's daughter was a runt, she had a problem with her health, therefore she rarely appeared in public.

During his time as a slave in this pack, he only saw her twice and didn't pay much attention. Why should he? She was only a pale looking little girl, who always seemed gloomy.

"I asked you." Cane turned around and faced Iris, he glared at her because she didn't answer him.

The young girl was wrapping the blanket around her body, but he had seen her. She was so small and fragile, even a starved slave looked healthier than her.

How did they feed the alpha's daughter all this time? And how could she have such glaring scars on her back?

Yes, her back was littered with scars.

As a shifter, she should have the ability to heal without any traces, unless you were injured by something made of silver, like the scar on Cane's face.

But then, who would do that to the alpha's daughter in her own pack?

"One more time, I'm asking you, who has done that to you?!" Cane couldn't believe that he was being ignored by his own slave.

He marched across the room and forced her to face him, but he could see a glaring mark on her chin, where he gripped her earlier. It was red and slightly bleeding. She should have healed such a minor injury by now, why couldn't she heal?

Cane frowned to see her ocean blue eyes. Her auburn hair covered half of her face and flowed onto the blanket that she used to wrap herself with.

"Answer me," Cane hissed viciously.

"What?" Iris gulped down with so much difficulty, as she tightened her grip on her blanket, as if this was the only protection that she had, even though she knew that Cane would be able to get rid of it without breaking a sweat if he wanted to. "What question?"

Iris missed his question and now she was confused about how she should answer him.

On the other hand, Cane was not any less confused than she was, because he was frowning really hard now. His callousness was broken and he showed a little bit of emotion, aside from anger and hatred.

"Get out," Cane finally said. "Get out of here."

He knew everything about Iris's brother, the next in line for the alpha of the pack, but he didn't care much to find out about the little girl.

Cane let go of Iris and she scrambled away from the bed, but she was naked, since Cane had torn her dress apart.

"I… I will wear your shirt." Iris saw Cane's shirt on the floor and immediately wore it. She glanced at him, but he didn't do anything to stop her.

Edited by: Anshu_Bangaram

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