

In order to clean up his image, bad boy Ethan socialite decides to have an arranged fake marriage with one of the city's wealthiest billionaire's daughter, Olivia. But their fake marriage becomes a problem when Olivia starts to have real feelings for him. Frustrated with having all the women in his life sexually want him, Ethan decides he doesn't want to have a female working for him, the least. However, things change when Genevieve come into the picture highly recommended, applying as his personal assistant. To celebrate his 25th birthday, Ethan fly his senior staff to a different country. What happens when his personal assistant, Genevieve, discovers on the trip that her boss she has a crush on is secretly married to her twin sister? The city knows Ethan is married, but not to Genevieve's twin sister. How? Who is the legal wife and what chance does Genevieve stand when Ethan is entangled with multiple women? Genevieve is playing mind games with bad boy Ethan - she's got his heart and soul. Somehow, Ethan is always thinking about her- She is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. She doesn't notice Ethan and this hurts his ego. Genevieve believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she discovers Ethan is secretly married to her twin, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged after a Walking One-Night Stand with Ethan. What happens when both discover that, Ethan is the Vampire prince that killed Genevieve's family, destroyed all the wolves and made her live without a pack to rule, worlds apart from her twin sister?

Mesioye_Adenike · 都市
42 Chs


  "Can you just go! " I say to Olivia angrily. If only she knew the main reason why I choose to support her, then she would have left my office since. I just couldn't stand her. " I know your ego won't let you accept the fact that you are just trying to act all angry at me, but you love me." Olivia say to me. She was getting me infuriated as she still stood there. " Olivia please leave now, or I will be forced to push you out of my office…now I know you wouldn't that to stain your image?"  I say to Olivia, giving her a warning eye, she knew I meant what I said now. " Fine I'll leave…buzz kill. Olivia say to me, walking out of my office, as I watched her waist move from one side to the next side. I didn't feel any connection with Olivia, despite the fact that she is always looking hot and sexy. As Olivia walked out of my office, I slammed the door and walked to my office chair to seat down." Damn it!" I say to myself, knocking off my office staples and document off my table. I beat myself so bad as I thought . I knew I needed to apologize to Genevieve, before it escalates into something I can't handle. I heard a knock on my door, it was Akira, as she came into my office after knocking. " Some shareholders of the company have arrived… they want to speak with you." Akira say to me, folding the piece of paper that was in her hand. " okay, let them in." I say to Akira. "One sec! " Akira say to me, going back to her office to tell the shareholders to come into my office. I don't know why they came today, because our shareholders meeting was supposed to hold end of the month, which is next week. " I will have to find out myself." I muttered to myself. Waiting for Akira to bring the shareholders to my office.  A knock sounded from my office door and I knew the shareholders were the ones knocking. " Please come in…the door is open." I say to the shareholders, quickly picking up the stationers I threw on the ground. " Ethan..it's so nice to meet you again." James say to me, sitting down at the guest chair in my office. James is one of my company investors. He has a blonde hair, plaited into weaves. James loves to be professional everytime, and so he loves to put on suit and tie to look serious and Professional. Today he wore a navy blue suit and a black tie to match with his black shirt. " Thanks! Please sit comfortably." I say to James, extending one if my hands to shake him. I looked at the other shareholder." Don't just look at me…we need answers. " Sadie say to me, sitting down and looking straight into my eyes. I feel uncomfortable as she stares at me. What answers were they talking about, did they get to know that Olivia and I were not legally married? Or they found out about the truth of my past. " Please…I'm confused, what answers are you talking about?" I ask Sadie, patiently waiting for her to explain. " The company is going down financially and you are asking me what I mean by answers?" Sadie say to me, snapping back. " I don't understand." I say to Sadie, now throwing a worried glance at James. " What is happening… James?" I ask him. I couldn't comprehend what Sadie was saying, because she kept on screaming. My office is sound proof, so no one heard her screaming. " Ethan.. we noticed that the last audit report that was done by this company, had a lot of discrepancies." James say to me. " Discrepancies…h..how?" I ask James confused, about what he was saying. " Don't tell me you don't know that someone has been stealing money from the company and squandering it on themselves?" James reply to me, giving me a stink eye. " What?.. honestly I didn't realize that." I say to James to Sadie, apologizing to them. " Ethan, we didn't invest our money into this company to watch it crumble." Sadie say to me, snapping at me. " C'mon Sadie, let the man breathe. From the look on his face, he didn't know." James say to Sadie, scolding her and telling her to calm down.  " Well, how are you sure that he didn't know.. remember the trip he just recently came back from, it could be the company's money he spent on it." Sadie say to James, giving me a stern look. " I beg your pardon madam, I won't sit here and watch you indirectly call me a thief. I didn't take out of the company's money, and everything that was spent on that trip was personally sponsored by me." I say to Sadie, snapping back at her arrogant attitude and assumptions. " So why did we notice a discrepancy in the finance of the company...care to explain?" Sadie ask me, still giving me the stern look. She meant business and I need to give them answers on why there are some money missing in the company's account. " Okay! Madam, I will look into this case and get back to you." I say to Sadie. Also looking at James, who sat comfortable on the guest couch, looking handsome. " You better look into it and give us a reply or we are getting back our money from the company and will invest in another profitable company." James say to me, standing up to leave. " Wait! You can't just pull out of the company like that?" I say to James, begging him. Well...we need answers and we want  stolen  funds returned back to the company's account or else …" James say to me, adjusting  his suit and tie  one more time. "Do have a nice day." James say to me, walking out of my office, while Sadie followed him behind. I could hear her heels make noise on the tiled grounds of the company as she left. I watched Sadie and James walk away until they were out of my sight. " Stolen funds! Who could have done this to the company? " I say to myself, brainstorming on who it could be. I know that there are only three people that have access to the company account login. And that is Akira, Bart and Olivia. Asides them no other worker in the company has access to the company's fund. The others were just my employees, doing their physical job . " So who could it be… I can't loose this investors." I say to myself, as I keep on thinking if who stole the money between the three suspect. "I swear…when I find out who is trying to destroy my company, I will fire them from the company." I say to myself again, Walking towards the refrigerator in my office to take a bottle of water. Today seems to be a bad day for me. I sat down again in my chair thinking of what to do.