

Drab rested on the windowsill with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes resting on the vampire who was sleeping soundly.

Something was soothing in the way the vampire slept, his chest heaving rhythmically.

Carefully monitoring his features, Drab realized that he looked a lot like Laura. With finely shaped brows and long lashes, the vamp could contest for one of the most beautiful men Drab had ever seen.

Drab chuckled softly. He was calling a man beautiful. Well, most of the vampire's features were feminine save for the neatly-trimmed beards on his face and chin.

The unconscious man stirred.

Drab tensed.


The grunt pushed Drab closer. The vampire's face was contoured in pain, his breath coming out in gasps.

He seemed weak. Whatever Abe gave him really accomplished the desired result.
