
The Alpha's Redemption

As she ran through the gloomy, tangled woodland, leaves crunching beneath her feet, Hazel's pulse raced in her breast. Fear overcame her as she turned around and saw Alex, her former mate, close behind her. The person she had once loved turned into her most significant threat, and she couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Hazel, you can't run forever!" Alex's voice, rife with rage and desperation, resounded through the trees. "You can mate with me, or you can die!" As Hazel pushed herself harder and became more determined to escape, her breath came in frantic gasps. The idea of being forced into a relationship with someone who had been so ruthless and oppressive was too much for her to handle. The person who was meant to love and care for her, her mate, had turned into a monster. "You can't hurt me or anyone else; ill save my people, I promise!" Hazel responded with a cry that was tinged with defiance. "I'd much rather die than be with you!" As Alex's footsteps approached, he grabbed her arm to stop her. Hazel broke free, her face covered in tears as she was driven by fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to keep fighting and running for the sake of her survival, for the entire supernatural beings, and for her mate,  whom she vowed to protect. Hazel kept running with a resolute purpose, desperate to reach safety and freedom from the cruel fate Alex had placed upon her. No matter how severe the situation, she would do whatever it necessary to survive, to save both her life and the life of her mate and the entire supernatural beings.

Midnight_Shadow_5813 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


All of them were in a position to frighten Hazel as soon as they saw her, but Hazel had no idea what they had in store for her.

Lizzy blocked Hazel from approaching the first floor, saying, "Hey, look who it is, little miss new witchy-poo."

Who the heck are you? Leave me alone".

Incredulous, Hazel stated, 'I don't know why everyone is in my way. I'm nervous and excited about the new school, but here I am, blocked by some random kids' Hazel thought.

"I dislike people who raise their voices in front of me, especially the weak ones, so please lower your voice and don't worry about who I am."

Hazel's hair was allegedly grabbed roughly by Lizzy.


Hazel was confused and hurt; everyone laughed as they witnessed it and heard her cry in agony. Due to the absurd restrictions placed on them, every superhuman wants to expel regular students from school.

Veronica begged Lizzy to leave her alone, saying she was new to the school and had done nothing wrong. but Lizzy laughed like a manic hearing that.

"It's monotonous, Lizzy; let's also have fun."

As Mary approached Hazel, she gripped her jaw and forced her to look Mary in the eye.

"Why did you come to our school? Are you a little piece of trash? Don't you have anywhere else to go?"

Mary remarked as she shoved Hazel to the floor.

All the while, Alex stood motionless, unsure of how to react, stunned and confused as to how the new girl could be his mate when he already had one. Could he accept her? Since she is a member of the Serpent Coven, nobody has the right to fall in love with her or mate with her, not even the pack's alpha.

"Common man," remarked Jacob, standing next to Alex, "let's just help our friends kick the girl out of the school."

Claiming that Jacob would assist Lizzy, Mary, and Amy in humiliating Hazel.

"Don't you dare touch her," Alex shouted At Jacob

"Jacob was astonished and perplexed when Nova (Alex's wolf) yelled at him. Normally, Nova doesn't come out so readily, and Alex has such control over Nova that he can stop Nova from leashing, but this time was different."

"Alex, what happened to you? Are you okay?"

Alex advised, "Let them handle Jacob; see what they can do. If anything happens to them, we will interfere," but he was upset to see Hazel in that situation and wanted to go there and save her. His wolf Nova was furious with Alex for treating his mate in such a disrespectful manner. Still, he was powerless to stop him because if he did something dumb, people would be suspicious, which may affect his goal of becoming a Celestial Highness. He would never permit that to happen.

"Control Nova; I'll never allow that unimportant girl to stand in the way of my goal." I'll reject her, so keep your cool and don't yell.

Alex told Nova and made every effort to stop him from taking control.

Hazel was knocked to the ground by Mary, who then doused her with water.

Everyone laughed when they saw them. The commoners looked at Hazel with sympathetic grief but didn't intervene because they knew that the Timberwood pack members were more potent than ordinary people.

Hazel was on the ground sobbing because of the bullies; she tried her best to defend herself, but they attacked Hazel with tremendous force before she could do anything. Veronica stopped Mary from attacking Hazel further.

Stop it, or I'll never leave you, people,"

Veronica warned them that she was done pleading with them and intended to assault them. When Emilie spotted the Timberpack members, she fled because she didn't want them to harm her.

"Are you not terrified of us? I'm offering free advice. We'll eat that uncooked chicken, so flee like Emilie and save your life."

Lizzy spoke as she attempted to shove Veronica aside and get to Hazel.

"If you want to take her down, you have to take me down first," Veronica said. "I'm not like Emile; I'll never leave my friends alone."

When Veronica warned them, Lizzy attempted to smack her, but Veronica grabbed her hand firmly.

"Leave my hand, you bitch"

Lizzy forewarned Veronica; when Lizzy used her werewolf strength to try to release her hands from Veronica's grasp, Veronica used her witch power to keep Lizzy's hand, which shocked everyone in the corridor.

"Stop using your powers, witch or else I can make sure that today is your last day in this town."

Lizzy threatens Veronica since she knows how dangerous and potent Veronicz can be. Upon hearing this, Veronica smiled at Lizzy.

"That's the best you can do; threaten me with punishment from a higher authority. You don't have the guts to fight me face to face; if you think you can handle me, fight me, and then we'll see who wins and who loses."

While Hazel was still on the ground, Marry slammed hard with her pointed heels against the back and knuckles of Hazel's hands. Hazel's hand spewed blood, but Marry stood there laughing, seeing Hazel's condition.

While they were all standing there like statues, Hazel sobbed in pain.

Hazel noticed people staring at the scene without doing anything to help.

"Please go away from me."

Hazel cried and pleaded.

Veronica abruptly turned her head to look at what Mary was doing. Veronica was ragged seeing Hazel in that position.

It is intensifying. They only intended to tease Hazel somewhat so that she would leave the school, but when Veronica gets involved, the situation worsens.

"I summon nature's magic for defence against the wolf by the serpent's might and the moon's brightness."

Veronica chanted in her mind.

Marry removed her foot from Hazel's hand due to the pain that Veronica's spell did to her.

"If you guys ever attempted to touch her, I'll blow your brains out, and I'll never hesitate to take that action or give a damn about the repercussions."

While still holding Lizzy, Veronica threatens her.

Everyone is surprised to see Veronica utilizing her magic because serpent coven witches are forbidden from using magic in schools and are only allowed to use magic outside of schools.

Aiden, Jacob, and a few other members made an effort to protect their people from the witch of the Serpent Coven. Everyone at the school despises serpent witches and treats them as untouchables, worse than enslaved people. When Veronica attacked Lizzy and Mary, they felt insulted by the thought of an untouchable attacking them.

"Back off, you slave; keep your distance from us."

Jacob shouted and started to move into the scene to assist Marry. However, he soon halted. When other serpent coven witches and wizards arrived to save Veronica and Hazel,

The person who brought everyone was Emilie.

"If you touch her, I'll murder you and your seven generations."

Jacob had been warned by Ben, the most senior and powerful wizard. Every moment that goes by brings the situation closer to disaster.

Ben is feared throughout the campus because he can defeat anyone with witchcraft.

Everyone assumed Emilie had fled out of fear, but instead, she returned with all of her coven members while sporting an evil grin.

"No matter what, the members of our coven will never abandon one another."

Emilie told timberpack wolves.

Emilie sprinted up to Hazel and assisted her in getting to her feet. Hazel lost his unconscious due to the trauma.

Alex noticed that Hazel's face was covered in bruises and was irritated. He wanted to go there, and comfort Hazel, but his fear of coming clean held him back.

He is unaware that his scheme to victimize others would cause him the great suffering.
