
The Alpha's Redemption

As she ran through the gloomy, tangled woodland, leaves crunching beneath her feet, Hazel's pulse raced in her breast. Fear overcame her as she turned around and saw Alex, her former mate, close behind her. The person she had once loved turned into her most significant threat, and she couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Hazel, you can't run forever!" Alex's voice, rife with rage and desperation, resounded through the trees. "You can mate with me, or you can die!" As Hazel pushed herself harder and became more determined to escape, her breath came in frantic gasps. The idea of being forced into a relationship with someone who had been so ruthless and oppressive was too much for her to handle. The person who was meant to love and care for her, her mate, had turned into a monster. "You can't hurt me or anyone else; ill save my people, I promise!" Hazel responded with a cry that was tinged with defiance. "I'd much rather die than be with you!" As Alex's footsteps approached, he grabbed her arm to stop her. Hazel broke free, her face covered in tears as she was driven by fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to keep fighting and running for the sake of her survival, for the entire supernatural beings, and for her mate,  whom she vowed to protect. Hazel kept running with a resolute purpose, desperate to reach safety and freedom from the cruel fate Alex had placed upon her. No matter how severe the situation, she would do whatever it necessary to survive, to save both her life and the life of her mate and the entire supernatural beings.

Midnight_Shadow_5813 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Alex p.o.v

My body is on fire after the last two hours of vigorous exercise, but I'm not in the mood to stop because of the dream's strange, realistic, and perplexing nature. I had a lot of questions about the girl in the dream, including who she was and why she was coming into my dreams.

I know this is just a dream and that I don't have to give a flying fuck about it, but for some reason, it keeps coming back to me. This is not the first time this dream has occurred, and this girl has appeared in my dreams before; in fact, she has taken up permanent residence in my dream without my permission.

I'm in my senior year of high school. After the vacation today, I attended the classes. I will be travelling out of my hometown with my partner Rose next year, and all I want in return is pups from Rose as soon as possible so that I can concentrate on becoming the Celestial Highness. I have so many ideas about how to do this, including how to defeat every supernatural being to accomplish this. I admire Majesty Marius; he has been a powerful vampire for over six decades. I observed people's admiration, terror, delight, trust, and confidence for Marcos in their eyes. I want everyone to view me in the same light as they view Highness. We have been destroyed by many supernatural beings, simply because we care more about our pack than other people, but this time it will not happen, and I will change everything. They are snatching our authority from past centuries; not a single werewolf was given the title of Celestial Highness; they are snatching our powers from us. I want to demonstrate to everyone that werewolves are more robust than all creatures.

I encourage myself to separate myself from the dream by giving myself a pep talk.

I went into the kitchen and noticed Rose preparing breakfast for me. I approached her and gave her some sloppy kisses on her shoulders while wrapping my arms around her waist.

"good morning, sweetheart."

I smiled at her, and she responded with a good morning greeting in her sweet, innocent voice and a smile.

She is my only peace and hope, so I turned her head in my direction and kissed her on the forehead.

"Mmm, it smells delicious. What are you making love."

"merely some toast, bacon, and eggs. I didn't have a lot of time to make anything fancy."

Rose responded by smiling sweetly.

"That's OK, my dear. I'm simply glad we got to eat breakfast together. It's the ideal way for me to begin my day."

I honestly told her how much I enjoyed spending time with her since she responded to what I had to say.

"You always manage to elevate my mood.

My future Alpha, I enjoy spending time with you too."

She teased as she said.

"Not future Alpha, call me future Celestial Highness," I informed her, and she smiled faintly. Rose feels the same way, believing I cannot ascend to Celestial Highness.

The one thing about people that irritates me is when I tell them I want to be a celestial highness, they always mock me.

My entire mood was ruined when I saw her sarcastic smile. I immediately went to my room to prepare for the class; I had a shower, dressed in a grey sweater and black jeans, and went to the dining room. I entered the dining room and sat down with Rose for breakfast.

"What's going on, Alex? You're looking upset," Rose asked.

"Nothing Rose, simply that I'm hungry, therefore I'm focusing on my meal." I lied

"Alex, did you talk to your dad about the matter?" I didn't understand what she was saying

"in what regard, Rose?"

Rose hesitated for a while before speaking.

"regarding my studies, Alex."

After hearing that, I was highly irate and enraged; I dropped the fork and tightened my jaw.

"Rose, how often do I remind you that Zeta rank members do not study or attend schools or colleges? What is the need for you to study."

She was on the edge of tears when she heard Rose grow depressed.

"What do you mean by "what is the need for you to study"? I also want to attend school, hang out with my friends, skip classes, and enjoy sports events, school dances, clubs, extracurricular activities, field trips, and many other things that my people nor I have ever experienced."

She expressed her sadness.

Alex did not melt upon hearing it; instead, he felt fury growing by the second.

"These are the regulations created by our ancestors, not by me; this is your people's rank duty to fulfil. The ancestors forced us to do all these things, and now you want me to change everything. Can you become strong as Alpha?"

As Rose heard that, she simmered down because she realized that none of the rank people, not even men from Zeta rank, could be vital as the Alpha.

"Open your god-damn mouth; cat got your tongue."

Rose recoiled at the sound of Alex's shrill voice.

"You're saying that everyone in our rank should spend their entire lives cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, doing laundry, and dusting in schools, colleges, and malls. Even though we don't enjoy working and prefer studying like everyone else."

Rose inquired with a broken tone because she has always wanted to go to school and live the student life; she despises being a maid, but the pack's regulations say she should never study.

Alex's fury diminished to almost nothing, upon hearing Rose's broken voice.

He wiped Rose's tears as he held her cheek.

"Rose darling, it's not in my hands. Although I'm not an Alpha, my father is, and he disapproved of it. Not only my father but also my ancestors disapproved of it. "

"I wish we had votes, just like the regular people, so we could choose anybody we wanted."

Claiming that Alex was left confused and enraged when Rose reached the kitchen.


The disagreement with Rose ruined my mood; why can't she see that it's not in my hands; it's their fate, and no one can change that? I reached my school and searched for my friends.

We will always be in groups, especially in school, where we eat together, play together, and bully someone together.

'where are you guys.'

I mind linked my friend(Aiden)

'we are in the football ground.'

Aiden responded me

I reached there, in school we will allways be in groups,where we eat together, play together and bully someone together. If we have any internal issues, we will leave them at home and come to school, where we will all be together.

Amy, Mary, Elizebeth(Lizzy), Jacob, Damon, and the other members of my pack are chatting and making fun of each other about their trips and other unimportant topics.

There will always be chatter where there are girls.

I focused my attention on Amy after hearing that "another normal girl" would be attending our school this year."

"Who told you that," Mary questioned.

"I overheard Dean and the principal talking, and I think they'll post that on our college secret society group so that we can be aware of that," Amy informed while sipping her coffee. "She's new to this town; today will be her first day."

Mary, Lizzy, and Jacob agree and take it seriously. "Not another normal kid, because of these social rules we can't even use our supernatural powers, and if we don't use them they will become dull, our school rules are changing day by day, how our parents used to enjoy their power and strength now we are suppressing them and living like a corpse, even we have powers we can never use," Lizzy said.

"Why can't we just murder or toss her out of the school so that no normal child will be afraid to enter?"

According to Lizzy, she enjoys abusing others and has a constant urge for blood.

Killing and kidnapping are her go-to solutions for everything.

She had numerous cases, but my father paid for them because she was the daughter of one of his friends.

"Lizzy, please just shut up. Let's be clear: We are not discussing taking anyone out. Also, that girl is not a typical child like the others around. She is a member of the Serpent's Eye Coven, who are furious with us for driving them out of the town. Due to their celestial Highness, they remain calm, but if we make any foolish movements, they might turn against us. Hence, let's take it easy and let things be," said Amy.

Amy's words upset me. I don't like it when people compliment Celestial Highness in front of me; instead, my packmates must compliment my dad or me because they must believe that I am the world's most vital being.

"What you mean, 'cause of some celestial highness? We should expel her from the school and wait to see what happens. I'm not a coward who Allows them to work their magic. As a wolf, I detest making my pack members fear witches who aren't even permitted to practice magic. Even if they use it, they cannot harm me."

Everyone who heard that from me agreed to ban her from school.


As we waited for her to enter the school, I was on the first floor, leaning on a railing and staring at the ground floor. Other people stand on the steps to block and tease her a little. To recognize her while she is in college, Mary has already secretly obtained her photo from the office.

"This time, we will not lose in front of some weak, lame normal kids, so they can take lessons of not messing with us. call all the normal kids in the school, they will see how we are bullying her"

We were all looking at Lizzy as she mind-linked us. She is a crafty lady loved by all of us; if you want to plan something nasty, just ask her, and she will give you a foolproof plan.

Some individuals went to call the typical students from each class.

The situation is prepared. We are eagerly anticipating Her arrival when suddenly I felt different. I have an odd feeling that my inner wolf is restless and ready to take charge. I am still determining the cause of this feeling, which I do not frequently experience. It's hard for me to stay in human shape; my heart beats faster, and I can smell something new and strange. I don't know where it came from, but there is a cinnamon and lavender aroma. My inner wolf gets more upset as the aroma's potency increases quickly.

I simply feel uneasy and restless.

I took a long breath to calm my wolf and prevent myself from leashing after Mary's mind communicated that the new student was inside the school and in the parking lot.

Jacob was close by and could hear my wolf growl. He looked at me with confusion as the scent grew more robust, and my wolf began to growl.

"Guys, the newbie is the one with Emili and Veronica."

When Lizzy's mind linked, I turned to face her

as Emili and Veronica walked through the main door; my eyes fell on the girl on Veronica's right side.

I was astonished since I thought she couldn't possibly be. Is this some joke, or is someone playing a prank on me.'

'no, this is not a joke. this is real; she is our mate.'

my wolf(Nova) communicated with me, leaving me in shock and confusion.

'how can she be our mate when we already have Rose as our mate.

''i have no idea how it happened'

my wolf responded.

I can see her face as she moves closer, and it's the same girl who haunts me in my dreams.

Beyond surprised, I was at a loss for what to do.