
The Alpha's Redemption

As she ran through the gloomy, tangled woodland, leaves crunching beneath her feet, Hazel's pulse raced in her breast. Fear overcame her as she turned around and saw Alex, her former mate, close behind her. The person she had once loved turned into her most significant threat, and she couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Hazel, you can't run forever!" Alex's voice, rife with rage and desperation, resounded through the trees. "You can mate with me, or you can die!" As Hazel pushed herself harder and became more determined to escape, her breath came in frantic gasps. The idea of being forced into a relationship with someone who had been so ruthless and oppressive was too much for her to handle. The person who was meant to love and care for her, her mate, had turned into a monster. "You can't hurt me or anyone else; ill save my people, I promise!" Hazel responded with a cry that was tinged with defiance. "I'd much rather die than be with you!" As Alex's footsteps approached, he grabbed her arm to stop her. Hazel broke free, her face covered in tears as she was driven by fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to keep fighting and running for the sake of her survival, for the entire supernatural beings, and for her mate,  whom she vowed to protect. Hazel kept running with a resolute purpose, desperate to reach safety and freedom from the cruel fate Alex had placed upon her. No matter how severe the situation, she would do whatever it necessary to survive, to save both her life and the life of her mate and the entire supernatural beings.

Midnight_Shadow_5813 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


In a circular arena, surrounded by a large crowd of people from different packs. The two werewolves, one from the Timber pack and the other from the Ghost pack stand in the center of the arena, snarling at each other with eyes locked in fierce determination.

Both werewolves are strong and formidable opponents in their own right. The Timber pack member exudes brute strength and power with his imposing presence, his muscles bulging under his thick, dark fur. His sharp teeth and fierce growls attest to his ferocity, making him a force to be reckoned with. On the other hand, the Ghost Pack member may be leaner and more agile, but his sleek, silver fur, piercing blue eyes, and swift moments suggest he is just as formidable as his opponent.

The crowd surrounding the arena is split into two groups, each cheering for their respective pack member. The Timber pack supporters are chanting and shouting, "Timber pack! Timber pack!" while the Ghost pack supporters respond with their own cheers of "Ghost pack! Ghost pack!"

They charged the air with excitement and tension as the two werewolves circled each other, waiting for the perfect moment to launch their attack. The sound of snarls, growls, and cheering fills the arena as the battle between the Timber pack and Ghost pack members unfolds before the mesmerized eyes of the crowd.

As the two werewolves stand ready to begin the match, their minds link in a private conversation. The Timber pack wolf speaks first, wishing his opponent good luck with a hint of playful teasing.

"All the best; I hope you will win this time."

The Ghost pack wolf responds with a fierce howl, his determination evident in his words.

"Same to you fucker; this time, I'll tear you into pieces. Mark my word; I will win this time."

The Timber pack wolf chuckles in response, ready for the challenge ahead.

"We'll see."

With that, the match begins with a loud whistle, and the crowd roars with excitement as the two werewolves lunge toward each other with fierce intensity. The commentary echoes through the arena, capturing every moment of the intense and fierce battle between the two skilled fighters.

As the match begins, the two werewolves lunge toward each other with fierce intensity, their movements quick and precise. The Timber pack wolf charges forward, his muscles bulging with power as he attempts to overpower his opponent. But the Ghost pack wolf is quick to dodge, his lithe form moving with grace and agility as he evades the attack.

The crowd watches in awe as the two skilled fighters continue to circle each other, each looking for an opening to strike. Some fans cheer wildly, while others are tense with nervous anticipation, hoping their pack's champion will come out on top.

The commentary echoes through the arena, capturing every moment of the intense and ferocious battle that unfolds before their eyes.

"Wow, what an intense start to this match! The Timber pack wolf charges forward with all his might, but the Ghost pack wolf is quick to dodge, showing off his impressive agility."

"The Ghost pack wolf is proving to be a formidable opponent, using his speed and agility to stay one step ahead of his opponent.

But the Timber pack wolf is not giving up so easily, determined to win this match and secure victory for his



Commenters are making comments.

"The crowd is on the edge of their seats, watching as the two fighters continue to circle each other, each looking for an opening to strike. Will the Timber pack wolf be able to overpower his opponent, or will the Ghost pack wolf use his speed and agility to outmaneuver him?"

The commentary was said.

The two werewolves continue to exchange blows, their movements fast and fluid as they dodge and weave through each other's attacks. The Timber pack wolf lands a mighty blow on his opponent's side, but the Ghost pack wolf retaliates with a swift kick to his opponent's chest. The crowd gasps at the ferocity of the fight, caught up in the moment's excitement.

"The Timber pack wolf lands a powerful blow to the Ghost pack wolf's side! That's got to hurt!"

The intensity of the battle only seems to grow as the minutes tick by. Both werewolves are determined to come out on top, fighting with all their might to claim victory for their respective packs. The crowd roars excitedly, urging their pack's champion to keep fighting.

"The crowd is on their feet, cheering on their pack members as the fight rages on! It's anyone's game at this point!"

Suddenly, the Timber pack wolf gains the upper hand, landing a series of quick and powerful blows on his opponent! The Ghost Pack wolf recovers from this onslaught.

As the match nears its end, both werewolves are battered and bruised but still fighting with all their might. The tension in the arena is palpable as the match's final moments play out.

"The end is in sight, and both fighters are giving it their all! Who will rise in this epic battle between two fierce rivals?"

The commenter commented

"And it's over! The Timber pack wolf emerges victorious in a hard-fought battle against the Ghost pack wolf! What a great match!"

The crowd cheered as the match was completed, and the Timber Pack people hugged each other and cried joyfully.

After the intense and grueling battle, the two werewolves finally stand face to face, their forms shifting until they become human again. They are both naked and covered in minor bruises and cuts, with blood trickling down from various wounds on their bodies. Despite the fierce rivalry and brutal fight they just endured, they approach each other with mutual respect and understanding.

The Timber pack wolf extends his hand towards the Ghost pack wolf, who accepts the gesture with a nod. After a hard-fought battle, they shake hands, a sign of respect and sportsmanship.

"Good fight, man," says the Timber pack wolf, a hint of respectfulness in his voice.

"You too," replies the Ghost pack wolf, a small smile on his face despite the pain he is undoubtedly feeling.

The two fighters turn to face the cheering crowd, raising their arms in unison as a sign of victory. The crowd roars with applause, acknowledging the skill and bravery of both warriors.

The girls eye them when they are naked; some girls who have mates, close their eyes while who don't have one, are seeing their naked bodies shamelessly.

The Timber pack wolf in his human form appears to be a tall, muscular man with chiseled features reminiscent of a Greek god. His dark hair falls in soft waves, framing his strong jawline and piercing green eyes. His skin is bronzed as if he's spent many hours in the sun, and exudes confidence and strength. His physique is impressive, with well-defined abs and broad shoulders that suggest he is a formidable opponent in battle.

The Ghost pack wolf in his human form is equally striking, with a lean, toned build and piercing blue eyes that seem to look right through you. His hair is a light, almost silvery blond that falls in soft waves around his face, contrasting with his tanned skin. His features are sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that give him an air of intensity and focus. Though he may not be as physically imposing as the Timber pack wolf, he moves with an effortless grace and fluidity that speaks to his formidable skills as a fighter.