
Viktor's Rage Pt. 1

Viktor's POV

Two Days Ago

"Damn those fucking werewolves!" I screamed. "I was this close to taking the human away from the bloody wolf-born Alpha. I wanted to get to her before he turned her. He doesn't deserve a woman like that. Wolf-born are all the same. They think they can do whatever they want, but I'll show them."

"Indeed, Viktor," replied Olivier.

Olivier always let me rant when I was angry and never seemed to get upset. I was glad I turned him. He made an excellent advisor. Even though I wasn't actually an Alpha, I still saw myself as one. After all, I had already killed one wolf-born Alpha and wouldn't stop until I killed them all.

Olivier would be my Beta. As for turning him, those wolf-borns and their stupid laws about not turning werewolves unless they were fated mates. Since when did I listen to wolf-born rules and regulations? I would create my own and become a ruler over all the humans I turned into werewolves.