
The Alpha's Curses_ Rise of the Abominations

Thousands of years ago, In the realm of the wolves, the power of the northern werewolves were tested, The Demons from all The Dark in the North scattered far and near formed an allegiance which was supposedly impossible they became a colony with A leader. He was called the Demon lord, His face and identity was never discovered even after the wolves conquered them, legend has it he is still in hibernation waiting to strike again Wolves fled into hiding in terror diving insane by the darkness, All except 5 Alphas, the strongest packs in the North. During this period, the Lunar eclipse was close by, The eclipse of the blood moon, the five most powered Alphas came together to in an alliance,On the day of the Eclipse, The sacrifice of blood, the loss on item of importance, the great pain from the loss strength the mind of the wolves increasing their tolerance to the Demons and the will and strength was distributed throughout the packs. The sacrifice was of two sides a great evil and a great power, the curses forever plague the 5 packs but... Years after the war and somehow the curse were broken No one knows how... What was the curses? and what will become of the five abominations?, The generations of Alphas forbidden heirs.... Olivia Star was a highschool students who was skeptical about the Supernaturals... A child who was the next heir and Alpha of the Forsaken crescents pack, How will her life adjust from being a regular highschool students to a werewolf, Am abomination. THE ALPHA CURSES A lot of mysteries to be unfold. Experience Action That Will Keep You Longing For More.

Ghost_xoxo · 都市
14 Chs

Something new: Part 1

Walking up to smell of burnt pancakes and maple syrup, "What the hell mum never burn anything she never has" I pulled my blinders shut the sunlight was directly focused on my face, Trying to stand up, I rubbed my face looking straight ahead,

"Why didn't my alarm go off? 9:15! Shoot I'm late for class"

How did I sleep so long, Jumping off the bed, I groaned falling down to flat on my face, the wave of dizziness hit me as my insides burned as a wave of paralysis hut me, I coughed out blood filling the insides of my mouth, Chills run down my spine as sweat beads stared to form over my head.

I thought back to yesterday,


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you" Diego's voice filled the room as I smiled at him behind the piano, He was a pro at this he had been singing for a couple of years, his hand danced against the keys as the whole room chorused the famous happy birthday to you song, I smiled at him

"Happy birthday sis" We all snapped our head back to Lucas who was sitting on his wheelchair with my mum smiling down at me, I didn't even notice she left the table in the first place

"My love, Thank you love" Talking a few strides I walked towards him he stood up to hug me back, Kissing his forehead as I helped him to the dinner table. , my mum walked to the kitchen, "I love you too pumpkin" Yes my eleven year old brother calls me pumpkin, weird right, Rolling my eyes at him he stuck out his tongue to me, Trying to grab it, he chuckled waving me off.

"Chicken!" He yelled, pushing him self forward jerking me forward in the way, I helped him to sit in between My dad and Diego as I took the seat next to Diego next to Paige,

"I'm starving" Lucas grinned stuffing his face with chicken, The bits of food fell from his mouth, Gross, "What" He shrugged me off.

"I had to sleep all noon so I'm fucking hungry"

"Lucas" My mom yelled at his vulgar cursing, He shrinked back in to his seat eyes wide open like the spatula was gun, "No curses you little biscuit"

We all chuckled, "I'll be back, please excuse me" Paige left the table to take a phone call, nodding I watch her retreating figure snapping back to my brother with a smile. Great he was still being gross.

He must have noticed me staring he glared at me with a growl "What I'm hungry, no I'm actually starving, I skipped lunch because I was sleeping the doctor said I should take a nap"

He said with his mouth full and bit dropped to the table making the scene much more disgusting but I'm used to it now, he was my little goofball and I love him more than anything, "Lukas! Chew with your mouth closed"

Mum scolded waving the spatula once more, He nodded still chewing loud, she gave up placing more food on my plate, I poked at the chicken my hunger out the room as the guts of the man I murder made a photo dump on my brain, I felt the wave of nausea hit me.

"Honey how are you injuries do you need me to tend to them" My mum's voice pulled me back to reality, " Uh what no I'm fine" I felt the whole table stare at me including Paige who just joined us, " Are you good?"She gave a slight nugde.

I smiled up at them, My mum touched my palms lightly, "I'm fine it was just dirt and small scratches" I lied, that's the best I can do right now, as I suppressed the urge to throw up my lungs.

"Scars, how did you get then" Lucas who expression got serious and worrisome, "I'm okay, I was chase by a wolf, when I was in the wood I tripped and got a few graces"

" What the actual" we all felt my mum intense glare as Lucas slowed the last part of he statement, " How? "

He leaned back interrogating me, glaring at him "I'm not telling you but I did get a new Taser collection I'll show you if you drop it" He eyes glimmer up immediately nodding he went back to eat as I tried to push my food away.

I felt Diego touch my hand, he eyes he could see right through my lie, " I pulled the food back forcing it down gagging after every bite, it was delicious but not after what I saw today.

"Let's blow out the cake" Lucas yelled after dinner, laughing and giggling it was a tradition to do this every year, I took my little birthday cap placing it over my head, I close my eyes.

I heard the room chant make a wish, "I wish was for a change", I closed my eyes as I whispered my wishes, We shared the cake movie to the living room playing soft r&b in the background.

we gathered round the flat screen tv on the floor.

My happy family, "3 dead brutally murdered, the bloody found in the woods" I froze up as the news showed the woods I was earlier today, it was getting hot in the room< I was saved by the doorbell.

"I'll be back" I wheezed out staggering out if the room, "Your pizza ma'am" His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, He was hot like smoking hot, "Pizza" He drawled out waving the boxes in front on me. "Oh yeah sorry you look really good by the way"

I wasn't all that shy trust me, "Well thank you are really gorgeous" I smiled up at him taking the package his hand made contact with mine and the burn sent a chill to my spine.

I mean literally it burnt me, I tried my best not to react because that would be weird, "Is everything alright?" I smiled up at him with a curt nodded turning backwards I sucked on my thumb, it still hurts

"Let's watch a movie or no let's play a game Pizza"

I wonder what that was about

I'm sorry for the wait.

I had the worst writers block of the century

This is just a filler chapter

the next one is packed I promise.

Love Liza

Love and light.

Ghost_xoxocreators' thoughts