

Conrad POV

I have waited for her for so long, the mate that was taken from me, my Alanis. She was promised to me when we were children, but her parents, those fools, broke my heart by sending her away. I was only a child when I lost my mate. No child should be told that they will have to be alone because the mate they were promised s being sent away. They defied the weeping wolf and should be punished for coming between Alanis and me. They have to pay. I need to get to them before they have a chance to tell Alanis anything about my family or me. They have to be silenced. They will be silenced no matter what it cost me.

Alanis's parents had no right to interfere with fate. She was my fated mate. The weeping wolf chose us to be the elite Alpha family. We would produce elite wolves to rule over the imperials and they did not want that. The imperials are afraid of the elites, and now they will pay. I will kill them and take Alanis.