"This is the child of the one you killed!"
Came the fiercest and sharpest accusation.
Corral's heart began to race.
"No, that's not true." Corral shook her head vehemently.
Cherry said nothing as Corral turned to look at her.
"But you said you killed her." Cherry said as she was trying to control her anger.
"I did." Corral was exasperated.
She had pushed her inside the water; she had drowned; she had seen her go down to the bottom of the sea.
No one had found her body. No one.
"You saw it." She told her aunt Cherry. "They searched for her body, but no one found it. She was dead. I saw her drown. I remember pushing her in."
She turned to Marie. "It must be a mistake. How can my sister have a child?"
"The Cauldron never lies." Marie said, stepping away from the cauldron. "Come see for yourself."
Cherry walked up to the pot and then looked down inside.
Then she raised her head back up.