
The Aloof CEO's Unclaimed Bride

Engaged to the city's youngest billionaire, the man whom she had a crush on for years, Aurora believed she had it all—love, wealth, and a bright future. Little did she know, she was merely a substitute for his ex-lover. Determined to spare herself further heartbreak, Aurora disappeared from his life on their wedding day, leaving no trace of her existence. But life had a cruel twist in store for her. She was pregnant with his children. Five years later, their paths crossed again. He refused to let her escape. He was set to win her heart and that of his twins. Torn between the love that once broke her, her children’s greatest wish, a threatening court case, unsolved murders and secrets, what will Aurora do? ~~***~~ Cover not mine, all credit goes to the owner. Mature Content! Adorable Kids!

Baebiii · 都市
11 Chs

Mild Threat



"Aurora, darling," Axel drawled, his voice dripping with warmth. "How lovely to see you."

Aurora's jaw clenched. "Don't you dare call me that."

Her voice was a low growl that could send shivers down the spine of anyone listening.

Not Axel though.

A hint of a smile played on Axel's lips. "Now, now, where are your manners? Don't you want to invite your husband in?"

He gestured theatrically towards the room, but as he put a foot forward, he was met with an obstruction.

He pushed past her, his leg wedging itself against the doorframe before she could slam it shut. A wince crossed his face as she shoved against him.

"What are you doing here?" Aurora demanded, her voice trembling slightly.

"Well, well." Axel's voice trailed off, his earlier charm replaced by a steely glint in his eyes. "Came to see my wife... and my kids."

Aurora cast a glance around the room, her gaze lingering on the closed bedroom door separating the living area from the room.

Relief flickered in her eyes – the children were thankfully out of sight, asleep in the room.

Turning back to Axel, she hissed, "Are you insane?" Her voice was laced with anger. "Or maybe you're just being delusional. I told you, they're not your children. We were never even married, to begin with."

Axel chuckled. Although there was a hint of a smile flickering in his eyes, his humourless sound was devoid of warmth. 

"Oh, I see the card you want to play, Aurora. Have you forgotten someone ran off on the day of our marriage?"

Aurora rolled her eyes at his response.

"Had you not thought it unwise to play games, we'd have been happily married and my kids wouldn't have to grow up without a father." 

Pain flickered in her eyes the second he mentioned her kids. 

That was one point in her parenting she always wondered if she did things differently, perhaps it would get better for them. 

"Well, we can always rectify that oversight, you know?" Axel's domineering self took a step closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "Let's just head down to the courthouse and make things official. What do you say?"

Aurora's eyes blazed with fury. Was he listening to anything she said?



That was what ticked her.

It had always been him and what he wanted. Never had it being her happiness. 

She was tired. 

"This isn't funny, Axel. Leave, or I'll call the cops!"

"And what would you achieve?" he countered, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Negative publicity? A drawn-out court case? Think of the twins, Aurora. Wouldn't they be better off with a complete family?"

"What are you saying? You know, I could sue you for trespassing." Aurora threatened with an icy tone.

"Maybe." Axel shrugged, "Not if I sue you first," he retorted, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

Aurora's eyes widened in disbelief. "On what grounds?" she demanded, her voice tinged with scepticism.

"The truth," Axel said as his smirk widened into a grin. Leaning in closer, his voice dropped in a whisper, "that Aqua and Aura are mine. Our children."

A tense silence filled the room, broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the wall clock. Aurora's mind raced, searching for an escape, a way to diffuse the situation.

"You have no proof they're yours," she finally stated as she tried to gain some semblance of control on the conversation. 

"Oh, if it's proof you want, it's coming, my dear," Axel replied smoothly. 

Aurora eyed him from head to toe. 

"A little birdie told me a very interesting story. But for now, just know one thing—you can't keep me away from my kids. And most especially, don't think you can run away or disappear a second time."

He took another step forward, invading her personal space. 

Instinctively, Aurora tried to react and back away when he leaned in close, his hands blocking her escape as they wrapped around her waist. 

Axel's gaze lingered on her lips, long enough to show her his desire and how much he carved her—Just like before. 

The scent of his cologne, a sharp citrus mixed with a musky undertone, filled her nostrils. 

Instinctively, she recoiled and this time, she found her back against the wall.


Her brain raked for some answers but Axel's left hand hovering over her head pulled her back from her reverie. 

Seeing her reaction, a predatory smile stretched across his face. He leaned in further, attempting to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. 

Taking in her scent, he breathed deeply. 

Aurora found herself momentarily rooted to the spot as she locked her gaze with him. 

Since he wasn't letting her go, she maxed up her confidence and stared him straight in the eyes. 

Her mistake as she found herself drowning in those beautiful eyes and the next second Axel leaned in for a kiss. But as if awakening from a trance, she turned her head to the side evading his attempt.

Axel grinned, attempting to pursue, but Aurora stepped to the right side, breaking past his hold. 

She shook herself and headed for the door. "I'm pretty sure you've overstayed your welcome, Axel. Please, take your leave now."

Axel straightened up, his expression unreadable as he made his way to the door. But before he left, he paused, turning to face Aurora one last time.

"I'll be seeing you around, love. Until then, dream of me and my lips," he said cryptically before disappearing into the hallway, leaving Aurora alone with her thoughts.

Several seconds ticked by, yet Aurora remained rooted to the spot. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest. 

She did not know why, to date, whenever Axel was close, she found it hard to resist his charms. 

'Damn you, Axel.' she cussed inwardly. She did not return from her city, after living life in peace, to come and be troubled by him. 

Aurora reached for her chest, rubbing gently on the spot above her cleavage. 

Just now, when he mentioned a law suit concerning her children, she felt her heart would suddenly burst out of her chest. 

She whipped her head in the direction of the room. Her eyes distant as her mind flashed her twins faces before her eyes. 

"I'll fight for you two, no matter what."