
The Almighty Voyage

The almighty voyage is about how a king and his Royale knights go on a voyage to attempt to find a Divinely Garden of fable with the hopes of attaining supernatural/Divinely powers/abilities. When a member of the Royale guard isn't chosen to go on the voyage, he teams up with a member of the kingdoms council and they form a pact acquiring supernatural/Divinely powers another way. leading to a civil war within the kingdom. Along the way the king and the Royale knights will meet Templars, members of the order of the assassin's and uncover many truths as well as legends that this world holds.This is the Almighty Voyage

Osidion · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Voyage Tales IV Pt. III

The episode opens with King Orion, 

 It open with King Orion on his royal steed rushing into battle. My fear is now reality, for the state of Obadiah is still weak, for we dont have nearly the number of forces necessary to counter an attack he says. It then cuts to a flashback of Orion giving the Royale knights orders. This is the plan Royale knights of Obadiah! I will take the gates, that should stop them from coming inside the kingdom. 1st captain I want you to head east. 2nd captain Michael I need up on top of the roofs, from up there you can get a good vantage point. 3rd captain Drake I want you to head east. And lastly 4th captain Joan I want you here south around the castle grounds. Now let's show the reptilians what happens when they mess with King Orion. The flash back ends, He then spots a group of reptilian warriors battling with the remaining guards ahead. father watch over me and my Royale knights, lend us your strength to win this victory and protect your legacy. now vile creatures taste my wraith. He yells as he jumps off his horse. To help the guardsmen take on the reptilians. Warriors of the reptilian kingdom, you have sealed your fate. I will not allow you to go any farther, he then draws his weapon, a gun sword, 

    Hey look it's the King a guardsmen says. The reptilian warriors stop attacking the guards and focus' on the King. Ahh so the King makes his appearance on the battlefield a reptilian warrior says. So that means if we slay you then the game is over another reptilian warrior says 

    For I will personally slay every single one of you he says as he points his gun sword at them. Many of the warriors begin hissing at him, come on now Orion says to them. 

I'll take you on! I'm not scared of you! you filthy human! one of the reptilian warriors  says as he dashes toward Orion. Orion points his gun sword at the creature, and pulls the trigger. The creature drops to the ground. Orion then dashes in quickly slicing and killing 2 more reptilians. Orion then flings the blood off his blade. The army of reptilians take a step back. Dont tell me he says as he points his weapon thats all you have he says as he fires it at 3 more reptilians hitting them in the face killing them.

      The remaining guardsmen cheer for their king, they then rally together to help Orion fight the remaining warriors. Come now guardsmen, together with teamwork only can we win this battle. He yells. Yey the guards cheer. Now charge Orion states as the guards attack  the reptilians. 

It then cuts to sir Adam 1st captain of the Royale knights, he's on his stead racing towards the reptilian warriors. The king was right, for the reptilians were following us, they were planning on attacking us. for they try'd a sneak attack, but it will not succeed! If Dracon thinks the Royale knights of Obadiah are weak,  then he is sadly mistaken. there they are right up ahead. Its a lot of them Now this is what I call a battle For Obadiah he yells as he jumps of his horse and lands in the middle of the reptilian warriors. He then grabs his weapons 2 swords, and is able to slay a number of warriors in a spinning attack lions twister. 

     The group takes a step back and begins to hiss at him. Warriors of the reptilian kingdom, he says to them as he slings the blood off his left sword. He then points his right sword dripping blood at the group. For I am sir Adam 1st captain of the Royale knights of Obadiah, he then slings the blood off his sword. I'm here to protect my kingdom, if you wanna venture deeper into the kingdom, then you must go through me he says as he takes a defensive stance.

     It's just 1 of you a reptilian asks mocking him, do you truly believe that you can defeat all of us? It's not a matter of me believing. For it's the Duty for a knight to defend the defenseless and ensure the safety of those in need. I will slay ye all if I must to protect my home. Now HAVE AT THEE he says! 

     With pleasure human! A reptilian warrior screams as he charges toward Adam. Adam blocks with one sword and slays the beast with the other. The reptilians are taken back at just how fast and easy Adam was able to defeat him.

       So it seems that the Royale  knights of Obadiah are on a totally different level. reptilian says speaking up.This one, Hes much stronger and faster, than the others. What you speak is the truth, Adam tells him. As Royale knights our combat skills are on another level. We train for hours a day just so we can be ready. 1 Royale knight is equal to 7 trained guards. Now, Who's next Adam says staring into the eyes of his enemies. 

   It then cuts to second captain sir Michael,  hes up on the rooftops doing recon. This is bad he says talking to himself out loud as he sprints jumping from rooftop to rooftop. It seems that the enemy has made it's way inside walls, he says as he stops to get a good vantage point. we have to eliminate them quickly before they can cause any more harm to The kingdom! He says looking down upon kingdom. 

it then shows a group of 4 reptilians on top of the rooftops. One of the beasts gets whiff of something and alerts his partner's. Hey guys he says in a snarling tone, we got company he says as he sticks his nose in the air and begins to sniff around, the others join in. Sniff… I smell him to one says me to another agrees. Sniff… over there one says as he points over towards Michael. Haha the sap doesn't even see us, he'll be easy he says as he takes aim at Michael using his crossbow. Gottem he says as he pulls the trigger  

It then cuts back to Michael running along the rooftop…. huh he says as he stops, just then the arrow wiz's by him. Whoa, that was close, he then looks to his right. It came from this direction he says out loud as he scans the area, ah I see he says as be begins running towards the group of reptilian archers. How did you miss one asks, great another says, hes looking this way… crap he sees us. Now hes coming,  quick take fire he says as all 4 reptilians begin to shoot towards 2nd captain Michael. Just great, he says as he dashes towards the archers dodging the arrows shot at him. This is just what I needed right now.

What! How is he dodging all of our shots a reptilian asks. 

it's simple really  Michael says as he jumps into the air. He then extends booths arms and out pops his weapons dual spring wrist blades, Its because, your weapons are trash! Michael then lands shoving his blades in the chest of two of the four reptilian archers.  Now then that's two down he says as he stands up pulling the blades outta the corpses; he then turns around. And two too go he says as he crosses hes arms, take this he says as he looks into the eyes of one of the two reptilians. X BLADE he he yells an he dashes towards the reptilian cutting straight through him. It was so fast the last reptilian says to himself out loud trembling outta fear. He then drops to his knees, spare me please the reptilian begs as he grovels for his life. Sorry says the 2nd captain,  I dont do dat he says as he stabes the reptilian in the chest killing it. 

 It then cuts to 3rd captain of the Royale knights sir drake on horseback heading towards the reptilian warriors. I thought we were finished with these reptilian freaks when we left their lands. These monsters must have followed us. Ahh found them he says out loud, he then unmounts off his horse and takes aim using a gun shield. he smiles take this he says as he fires a shot in his back dropping a reptilian warrior. He then confronts the remaining warriors. This isn't your kingdom, whatever your reasons for being here are irrelevant now be gone he says from behind his gun shield as he fires more shots killing 5 more reptilian warriors. Great he says as he pulls the trigger, I'm outta ammo, looks like I gotta do this the old fashion way he says from behind his shield. he then runs in and shield bashes a warrior dropping him to the ground. A few reptilians come on you overgrown  lizards I'll take you all on he yells as he punches the reptilian to death. He then picks the fallen reptilian warrior up by its tail and throws him into the others.


You reptilians have no business being in the kingdom, now be gone he says as he reloads his gun shield, no die he says as fires more shots killing more reptilians.  Up ahead is a civilian fighting, it's a man swinging a huge war hammer. Who is this brute of a man Drake says to himself. The man seems to be trained hes holding his own against the reptilian warriors. Just then the reptilian warriors dogpile upon the man, sir Drake quickly rushes to his side. But hes stopped, the man use nothing but brute strength to break free of the pile.

What strength Drake says to himself. Hey civilian Drake calls out, I seen what you did to those reptilian warriors. You seem to be real strong,  how about you lend me a hand riding the kingdom of this reptilian plague. It would be an honor to fight along the Royale knights in defending the kingdom. 

 It then cuts to joan 4th captain of the  Royale knights, she's on horseback, it's a group (4) of reptilian warriors surrounding a young boy and his sister. The young boy is desperately trying to defend himself and his sister against the reptilian warriors. He walks over and picks up a sword. You think you can stop me one reptilian warrior says to the young boy wielding a sword. Your gonna end up like your parents Just then Joan comes up from behind and stabs one  in the chest, the 3 remaining reptilians attack her. She is able to quickly slay them. Are you alright she asks the young kids hug her and begin crying we are now they say hugging her. Quickly get outta here she tells them. The kids then run off. Just then more reptilians show up and surround Joan. This doesn't look good, she says out loud looking around, they have me surrounded. Just then 2 reptilians jump out and attack her, Joan is able to side step them and cuts them. I will protect the kingdom of Obadiah she says breathing heavily, and charges back into battle. 


 It then cuts to a female watching the Royale knight. She fights with such passion,shes beautiful but yet so fierce. She then looks at her hands. My blood is rushing with excitement Is this what my father meant when he said the spirit of a warrior? I just can't sit around and watch she says as she turns and darts into the house. She then grabs her father's Longsword and stares at it. Father I now know what you meant when you said the spirit of the warrior, I finally know what I need to protect. She grabs the sword and rushes into the fight.

       It cuts back to Joan shes exhausted, look at how many there are, I dont know how much more I have in me she says. It's just so many and look how far they ventured into the kingdom. She says as she slays another reptilian. Suddenly a voice cries out, hey need some help? Who's that Joan asks as she looks up. To her surprise she sees a girl running towards her. No stay away, this is too dangerous, she says slaying another. The reptilians turn around and begin  to charge at the Longsword wielding girl. The girl Is fast and agile, she's able to evade the attacking reptilian an cut them, Joan is able to take out the stragglers. That was mighty valor of you. What are thous name? Joan asks the young woman. Beverly the young woman answers. Beverly, Joan says as she bows her head to her, thank you. I ask, will you side me in riding the kingdom of Obadiah of these foreign menace. Yes, I'd love to defend the kingdom. The two then venture off into battle. 

It then cuts back to king  Orion, it shows him slaying the very last reptilian warrior, around him are piles of dead reptilian warriors everywhere! Looks like that's the last in this area he says as he flings the blood of his sword. He then goes to reload, I wonder how the others are doing he says out loud. Hopefully they didn't die he continues on as he finishes up loading his gun sword. There we are locked and loaded. Michael shows up and informs the Orion on what's going on My king he yells out.

Ahh Michael, glad to see you're alive. so how are things looking 2nd captain? Are the other Royale  knights? Orion asks.

The Royale knights are good my Lord, for it seems that the reptilians have made their way Deep into Obadiah, but the Royale knights have been able to hold off the threat for the most part. also it seems that some of the residents began to join the fight as well.

Now that the entrance is blocked off, all we must do is defeat the remaining warriors in the kingdom. Yes this is true. Just then Orion stops talking and just stands motionless. Is there a problem my lord the 2nd captain asks.

Yey, Were not alone Orion says. Just then Orion jumps out the way! My lord, are you alright Michael asks, yey, 2nd captain for I am alright.  Whew, Michael says out of relief. What was that? It seems to be some form of acid. But where did it come from? Michael asks. Him Orion says pointing his pistol sword. No reptilian beast, show thys self.

Haha the reptilian laughs as he shows himself. The warrior stands 7.5 feet tall and is extremely muscular. How'd you see thru my camouflage he says snarling at king Orion. I didn't, Orion says looking up to the giant, I sensed your presence he says pointing his blade at him. Now fowl beast, leave this land this moment,  I king Orion expel all you reptilian warriors outta the kingdom of Obadiah! Kingdom of Obadiah the giant reptilian warrior says to Orion, ha dont make me laugh, look around, your already weaken kingdom to finished an when once I kill king, the game is over, and time for a new age the reptilian giant says to king Orion as he opens his mouth to spray king Orion with an acid-venom my lord look out Michael yells as he quickly throws a dagger at the mouth of the reptilian killing him. I had him Orion says to Michael, my apologies my lord Michael says as he jumps down on ground level. But I didn't want to take the chance. Now stay behind me my king, for I can take these beasts.

Yey the remaining guardsmen cheer,  let's join the 2nd captain. Yey, Dont worry my Lord, we will protect you. Let's go men! A guardsman yells. Ahhhh the men yell as they charge towards the reptilians. No wait, Michael yells, but it's too late, the guards have already begun charging towards the Kayaka warriors. 

The small group of Kayaka's (3)waste no time in killing the guards. How easy they were a kayaka says, with blood dripping off his claws. think I'm warmed up now. Be says as he turns his attention on the king. I won't let you lay a finger on the king beast. Michael yells out.  ok, so these warriors are different from the others, they're much thicker which probably means they can take a hit. they shoot acid, and can camouflage. I'm out numbered and out matched. I'm have to take all of them out in 1 by 1. This doesn't look good. A knights gotta do what a knights gotta do he yells as he charges towards a reptilian. 

Look another one, a reptilian says, yes and he will end up like the others. Dont bet on it Michael  yells as he draws 6 daggers with both hands, he then throws them at the knee caps of the reptilians. Ah the reptilian cry out, imma smash you he yells as he goes to hit Michael with his tail but misses. Nice job Michael, now that they can't move, nows our chance to take them out with 1 attack. Just then Orion throws 2 jugs of oil at the ground. 

How dare you spoil us with such filth, after I kill you, imma skin you and slowly drink your blood King Orion. A kayaka snarls at him. Wait, did you say that this was oil another kayaka asks. Orion smiles, burn he says as he pulls his trigger setting the group on fire

Nice job Michael, you as my king,  quickly Michael help me deal the gate,with it close we won't have to worry about more. Right Micheal says as they close the gate. Now that the gate is closed, they cant get any reinforcements in, which only leaves the reptilians left in the kingdom. We just may win this, let's go and check on the others, quickly now, with godspeed! Orion says as he takes off sprinting. 

Wow, the king is so fast; right behind  you my lord Michael says as he jumps back on top of the roofs and takes off following behind his King.

It then cuts to first captain Adam. He's in the middle of battling the reptilians. He's already slayed many foes leaving their lifeless bodies in piles.

 Is that all you have lizard scum! He yells at them, have at thee! a reptilian jumps from a rooftoptop behind him. Adam quickly turns around and strikes the beast with a downward slash, cutting it in half killing it.  

Before he has time to adjust, 2 reptilians attack him. 

Come, nows our chance while he's distracted a reptilian says as it camouflages

Right the other says as he too camouflages.

Where did those two reptilians go adam says as he stands still, looking for them.

Hahaha, like our trick a reptilian asks

Coward! Show ye'self! Adam yells.

One second we're here, the next we're gone! One says as he leaps at the chest of Adam slashing his chest armour leaving scratch Marks in the metal. Adam jumps back, to gather himself. 

Did you forget that it was two of us Royale knight, the other reptilian says as he uses his tail to sweep the 1st captain causing him to fall to the ground on his back.

The 2 reptilians walk over to him and appear looking down at him laughing. 

 You fought well… for a human one reptilian says, but it wasn't good enough the other tells the 1st captain. The two reptilians begin to beat Adam with their tails. Haha they laugh as they wail on him. Die, die, die they shout with every strike from their tail.

I'm sorry my king, forgive me! The 1st night yells. For I wasn't able to defeat them! For I'm still weak! It was a honour serving ye! Please forgive me he shouts! 

Just shut up and die already a reptilian says, Suddenly a bang is heard, and both reptilian's drop to the ground, dead. Orion and Michael quickly rush over to help Adam up on his feet. 

Whoa, you let them overgrown lizards do this to you? Michael asks. 

 I was doing fine until 2 of them turned invisible, and ambushed me.

Yey, they do that. The king says.

 It caught me off guard. I thought I was a goner. And I would be if it wasn't for you and my brother. Adam then kneels. I'm in your debt he says.

Dont beat yourself up about it brother. The same thing would've happened to me if I were fighting them one on one. I was fortunate to have the kings aide.

Are you alright 1st captain?, can you still fight? King Orion asks.

Yey. My king for I have been beaten, but not defeated! As a knight I have a duty to withhold. Adam tells his king.

Orion gives him a grin. Excellent,  now let's go and find the others.

It then cuts to 3rd captain Drake and the hammer wielding citizen. It seems that was the last of them lizards in this area. Yey the third captain replies. I like your style citizen, your strong, brave and can fight. What's your name Drake asks him. John, the hammer wielding man says. Well John the third captain as he extends his arm. Thank you for your aide today, I'm honored he says as he bows.

It's no need third captain, for Obadiah is my home as well, I was just doing my job he says as he puts his hand on the third captain's shoulder. Just then Orion  and the show up.

Hey brother Michael calls out from the rooftops. You alright he calls out waving his hand. Yey brother for all is well. Drake calls out. Michael jumps down from off the roof, and Orion an Adam arrive. Drake Orion calls out, glad to see you are not injured. Yey, my lord he says as he kneels before Orion. My lord, drake says to Orion; I have a person who I would like to introduce you to. Drake then calls John over. My king, this is John, hes a citizen of Obadiah. This man aided me in my battle with the reptilian lizards. I've seen him in action he says as he looks over at John and puts his hand on his shoulder; he's strong and skilled in combat. I believe that he would be a strong Royale knight. 


Such words being spoken 3rd captain king Orion. A Royale knight, John says. Look, sure, yea I am strong and yea I can fight, but I'm no Royale knight he tells him. King Orion walks up to John.  John,I would first like to thank you for your aide in defending the kingdom of Obadiah, for your services will not go over looked Orion tells him. 


  Thank you my king the citizen John says,  but like I told sir Drake, Obadiah is my home as well, i was just doing my duty in defending my home.


  I see Orion says, it's also been brought to my attention that you are a very strong fighter, able to slay many reptilian's. As you can tell the current state of Obadiah is not good. I need more knights at my side to help defend the kingdom of Obadiah from threats like this.  Will you accept the offer of being a Royale knight of Obadiah?


John stands there in shock.  Are you seriously asking me, to join the Royale knights? Yes, king Orion says I am. I accept John tells him.  I hope I can make you proud my king he says as he kneels. Welcome to the Brotherhood he says as all the knights put their right hand on john.


 Come now, let's go. We still have 1 more member we need to check on. Right all the knights say in unison 


   It then cuts back to 4th captain Joan, and the citizen Beverly. The reptilians have stopped fighting, they look around and notice that they have no reinforcements. They turn their tails and begin to run, Beverly slices off ones tail. Ye will not escape, Joan yells, suddenly a loud Bang fills the skies and one of the beast drop dead, another beast then drops dead to ground due to daggers. I recognize these daggers,  hey Michael calls out squatted from a nearby rooftop. Joan looks up. Glad to see you are alright. How's the others, how's the kin? she asks her superior Turn around and  Ask him ye self.


  Lord Orion, she says with cheer as she runs towards him giving him a hug, I'm glad to see your alive, she then looks at Adam. Adam! She cries out.  Areth ye alright?, what happened?! 


 Worry not 4th captain, for I am alright. I was unaware that the reptilians could camouflage, and 2 of them caught me off guard, he tells her.

   I see that there is a person along with yall, and who might ye be Joan asks him. For this is sir John the third captain to Joan. He aided me in battling with those overgrown lizards. Ye king Orion says interrupting them. And for his valiant effort, I made him a Royale Knight; say hello to the New fifth captain of Royale knights of Obadiah,  Fifth captain John!

  Nice to meet ye' Joan says. My Lord she calls to Orion. I too have some I would like for you to meet.  This is Beverly, and she to aided me in my fight amongst those vile lizards. She showed bravery as well as skill. I wanted to introduce her to you, in Hope's of granting her the title as Royale knight. The king smiles and walks over to Beverly 


 Beverly Orion says, it's also been brought to my attention that you are a skilled fighter, able to fight alongside a Royale knight. Like I said to or 5th captain; I know you can see that the current state of Obadiah is not good. I need more knights at my side to help defend the kingdom of Obadiah from threats like this.  Will you accept the offer of being a Royale knight of Obadiah?


 She then closes her eye; like my father, I will accept the offer to be a Royale knight of Obadiah. With this new title I make a vowel: to help defend the kingdom and protect the citizens of Obadiah. 

   Great to hear Obadiah says as he closes his eyes. Welcome to the team. He says to her. Now come now Knights of Obadiah he says as he turns and looks at them. For today victory was ours, for because of you he says as he points at all the Royale knights.  The kingdom of Obadiah still stands, and will continue to see future days; the citizens as well. If it wasn't for ye, my father; King Obadiah, the previous king. His legacy would be no longer and his death would have been in vain. I thank everyone of you Orion says as he kneels before all 6 Royale knights. 

Now then he says as he gets up, with that being said, those reptilians truly did a number on the kingdom. Clean up will start tomorrow, so rest up and enjoy thous victory! In the meantime, I have some pressing matters to address, Orion says as he walks towards the castle. 

It then cuts to King Dracon, back at the reptilian kingdom.  He has just received a letter from a messenger bird. Dear King Dracon, the letter reads; I'm writing this letter to inform you that I am still alive and Obadiah still stands! For you and your forces could not defeat mines, and instead of sending a military campaign to storm your kingdom and start a war. I choose to graciously accept my victory and move on. Just know King Dracon this is Ye's one and only pass, any other act done will be treated as a declaration of war. Please Do not take me, my kindness or my Royale knights as weak for it will truly be the end of you, as well as your Kingdom. Yours truly King Orion