
world background

our story starts in a world like yours....but not exactly the same...its a world of elemental magic. when a child is born the have no magic because they have not developed yet. the elements chose who to give their magical affinity to on the childs 16th birthday. these elements are Air. Water. Earth. Fire. Spirit. and when they all want one child they bless that child with all 5 of them.....and when this happens they combine and the child gets 1 more affinity out of 3....Space. Time. and the last is the most powerful....Magic. you see one who gets magic can use any affinity and can create spells that cant be categorized into any of the other categories. this affinity is so rare it is said only the purest of heart can get it. and our story begins with one such child.....

hi srry if this is odd or the plot is weird im just starting amd its mainly just ideas so far

Eric_Bonnercreators' thoughts