
Chapter 7.

Article 7 Millitary and Defense. In response to article 6 section 1. Millitary Ballistic Research. The government must also start to innovate their own needs on ballistic equipments and upgrade the technology that they use on it. It should immediately support the article 6 of research and development to ensure their strengths when it comes to warfare. We must not relly on money and keep on buying ballistic equipments to other super powered country. The philippines with brilliant heads could adopt to such race. With the metals on the depth of Marianas trench and the metals on the High mountain, the philippines will be able to create such ballistic researches and produce more advanced millitary strength.

2. Nuclear Weapon Research. The government must recognize the existence of nuclear weapons and the only way to develop such things is to recognize article six which is research and development. This mandate will pave a way for the young generations who are curious enough to study and create nuclear weapons. Their existence will help the country in times of war.

3. Ammunition Development . The government must learn how to mine hard metals and minerals to produce modenized ammunition which is main necessity in times of war. The development of ammunition is like the development of your smart phones. In terms of war, those who have an advance and modenized equipment and technology in warfare prevails. Not only will this help us in dire situations but also protect us from any upcoming war.

4. Head quarters. The headquarters of the millitary and defence must be filled with 2030 modern technology that way in times of war and emergency, they will be able to adopt professionaly. The only way to do that is to support article 6 of the new constitution which is research and development. To modernize the head quarter with modern tech means winning to us Filipino.

5. Sattelite Systems. There is no other and better place fitted to transmit and gather accurate live report data than the space. The government should realize this and know the importance of this thing. With the existence of Internet and data centers, the use of satellite technology no longer revolves on Internet and televisions screens, they also must be use on military and defence so that the philippines must be able to protect its own jurisdiction by itself, without the assistance of the neighboring country. This section is directly connected to the article 6 of research and development of the new constitution.

Section 6. Radar System on Maritime Bounderies. Territorial Dispute rose up as an issue in the year 2030. Maritime rules has been deprived and has been neglected. The only way to monitor the boundary of an archipelago is to create and deploy buoys with radar system on it. They will no longer need ships and fuels just to monitor their boundaries. With the floating buoy that gradually send several data on airspace sattelite and with the modern head quarters, the Filipino will be able to protect its Soverign archipelago professionally.

Section 7. Soldiers Martial Law. The philippines millitary strength do not only rely on the modern warfare machinery and equipments. The millitary strength also relies on the abnormal and harsh way of training on the field. The martial law must be retained and be practiced by those who are willing to die for their country. That is the heart of our soldiers. Their martial training must remain and be consistent, in that way when it comes to war, they all will have a chance to fight like a commando and g.i Joe. Those personalities who wants to attend the army and defence whose aim is to gain more wealth and money must be filter out. This profession are for those who are willing to die and for those who are willing to accept death at all times. They must accept the torture of the body and mind and not think of High regular paying job.