
chapter 10.

So the guy stood up and he said "GPS please tell me the update of tagbina surigao del sur.". Then on his smart glasses there appear an image of a long forgotten map. He then said "A.I please check the bridge of manambia tagbina surigao del sur. It has been 20 years since it is not rehabilitated.". Then an image of a wooden bridge appear, then he saw same road, same wooden bridge same old image. "So this is philippines. Same old same old. So they are still watching over me. Isn't it human trafficking." So he saw a notification and it says there is someone watching you." What a poor public governance". Then the guy said "Can you tell me their crime rate.". Then the internet said "Tagbina surigao del sur is still considered as npa town village. A town who treat humans like dogs. A town who make their citizens flee. Town with suicidal rate. Town with low employment rate, town with salvaging record. Town with slow progress from year 2003 and 2006. Town who claims millions of projects." So the guy then said " Im really sorry but this is a report coming from the Internet itself. This is Artificial intelligence. This is their so called misgivings. "Did i just forget a certain family who almost made me mentally ill and made me suffer hell. What was it again, Trasmonte, Guingguing, Declare, Polizon and Oraiz. All of them lived on Tagbina surigao del sur, a place with no modern equipment. A place asking for help with false reports. Oh I forgot, I am being watched. Well I don't really care. .

"I am still a young one and I almost did died several times on their hands. Such place did give me death. Suicidal on such things for they all are heartless folks. I am supposed to be a grandchild of floria calang cuyno but I am treated as an outsider. The trasmonte familia who are constantly torturing me. Well what could a family with no regular job do against a family of a municipal mayor who works on municipality. There is this thing that best describe trasmonte familia. Laughing when it is entire serious. If you ever saw such family please stay away, or you might kill them instead. I am one of their so called 6 years fucking tortured in hell. I am just a happy go lucky guy and I love it so much when everything went serious comedy starts at its peak. I dont like getting evolve with them. Thief? Beggar on street? Tortured by the family? Lone survivor at age of 12. I learned gambling and I learned their dark side. I just hope tagbina surigao del sur will get their own taste of karma. Afterall I am still alive writing at its peak. Such ears and eyes are really extraordinary, such behavior of watching us and slandering us is a super natural behavior. Oh I remember a family of oraiz, shit as hell. She is an educator who loves loves eaves drop on our private life and she did cross the line saying that ducusins are all dogs. Such human trafficking must be subjugated on lethal injection and death penalty. As I said, I'd rather kill the billions as long as I know that they are all unjust.". Then he went out for a breather and he said "A.i, immediately send my files on our class website. Name it as new philippine constitution assignment. Then saved it on a folder with a name, old fossil government being treated as a joke on foreign country. Then submit it to the site and inform my classmates crow that I have successfully made a new constitution for fuckinf old philippines.". Then the Artificial intelligence did so and his smart armchair did send it to their schools website. Then the guy said "Is it evening on the philippines?. Should I ask for an update.". Then he went out of his house and just like that he completed his so called assignment using his smart armchair.