
The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.

The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers. Well, I got the gamer ability. And I’m gonna use it to stand at the peak. But it's gonna be a long journey before I reach that summit. SI - MC. ------------------------ Updates 3 to 4 times a week. Checkout my patre on site. www.patreon.com/MonkWithAPen --------------------------------------------------

MonkWithAPen · アニメ·コミックス
314 Chs

Chapter 197 - Quest Failed?

Fire Capital.

A few hours before Daichi reached the Capital.

A man in a well dressed suit was standing on his balcony looking at the night sky. He had a melancholic expression as he looked at the stars.

'Soon you two… I'll see both of you very soon. I'll finally be with you.'

At that moment another person came and stood behind him. "Sir, I have news. It seems Yondu from the Royal court has gone to the Leaf village. Rumor at the hospital is that he is going to bring Daichi Hekima, the student of The Sannin and medic ninja Lady Tsunade, here to heal Leorio."

The man merely scoffed as he heard that. "Just as we expected. But at this late stage... It won't matter. There won't be anything he can do to save him. This poison was created by that man. It's not something a child can(Cough Cough)" The man suddenly started violently coughing into his hand. There was blood on his palms.

"My Lord. Here." The servant standing behind gave the well dressed man a small piece of cloth to wipe off the blood.

"Thank you… Junichiro... It doesn't matter who Yondu brings." The man took another gulp of air and continued. "Unless he brings Tsunade herself, there is no way… to save Leorio from death. And I made sure to put this plan in motion now when she was out of the country."

"But still my Lord, the head of the hospital believes the boy can save his life. He is not someone who speaks empty words." The servant now identified as Junichiro spoke.

"Is that so…? Well then, why don't you pay the hospital a visit and stick around. Find out what happens and report back to me."

Junichiro bowed as he heard his master's order. "Yes Lord Jedayu." He vanished from his spot leaving the sick man alone on his balcony. 'Daichi Hekima… Lets see if you can do the impossible?'


Daichi had entered the isolation room and several people were waiting outside in anxiety. As the Minister and his wife waited for the good news another young woman soon came near them.

"I heard he's here. So I came as quickly as I could." The young woman spoke softly to Lady Fuyi.

"Yes. He's inside healing Leorio. He is our last hope." Taji replied with a small smile as he looked at the girl.

"But can he really do it? I heard he's only 12 years old."

"You needn't worry about that Lady Junko. Right now, Daichi is the best medic in this hospital. If there is anyone who can save your fiance, it's him. Lady Tsunade taught her students well." It was Dr. Karuizawa who spoke these words. He had faith in the boy's skills.

Genma's who stood leaning against the wall had a smirk as he heard the doctor. His opinion of the boy was increasing day by day. 'Looks like the kid has a fan… Daichi's talents are truly incredible. To be compared to someone as accomplished as Lady Tsunade herself at such a young age.'

Yondu came near the Mayima family and spoke. "I understand your fears. But for now all we can do is wait and pray."

The group nodded and waited. More than two hours passed by with no news.

Dr. Karuizawa was slightly tense. Despite his strong faith in the boy, the person who was lying in critical state was the nephew of the minister. If anything happened, he didn't even want to think of the consequences he would face. 'Come on… Only you can save his life.'

The group patiently waited and after about half an hour more they saw the boy coming out of the room.

Daichi walked out of the isolation room and looked at the people present. There was the 3rd Minister and his wife, a young woman who Daichi quickly used 'Observe' and identified as Leorio's fiance Junko Sekari, the messenger of the Royal court Yondu, head of the Fire Capital Hospital Dr. Karuizawa, his temporary Jonin instructor Genma Shiranui and several guards of the Mayima family.

They all had their eyes on him with the Mayima family having great hope in their eyes. But that hope was quickly vanishing as they looked at the dark somber expression on Daichi's face.

Daichi closed his eyes and took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He looked at the 3d minister and his family members as they came near them.

Dr Karuizawa frowned as he looked at Daichi's face. 'Don't tell me you… failed..? Was there nothing that could have been done?'

With a sad and soft tone Daichi spoke. "I'm sorry sir. I was too late to save him."

"No. That can't be." Leorio's fiance and Lady Fuyi burst into tears while the minister just stood still trying to process the information.

[Reputation massively decreases with Taji and Fuyi Mayima.]

Yondu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he heard this. 'Did we overestimate the boy's skills? Or was it too late to save him when we got here? Now this situation is going to escalate. Lord Ryuga will be angry and that's not mentioning what Lord Taji will do…' The messenger looked at the grieving man and frowned.

[Reputation decreases with Yondu.]

"How? How could this happen? Was there nothing you could do?" He asked the boy in a shaky tone.

[Reputation massively decreases with Tadashi and other Guards.]

"I did everything I could, but the poison was too strong and I got here too late." Daichi replied in a soft tone.

Genma who stood against the wall sighed. 'It seems we indeed reached here too late... Still with everything I heard about you, I thought you would be able to pull some kind of Miracle. But it looks like not even the best medic can save everyone. The death of Lady Tsunade's fiance is proof of that…'

[Reputation slightly decreases with Genma Shiranui.]

[Reputation slightly decreases with Dr. Karuizawa.]

"Aren't you the student of the greatest medic in the world? How could you not save him?" It was Leorio's fiance who shouted this question angrily at him.

[Reputation massively decreases with Junko Sekari.]

Genma was about to step forward and defend his ward but Daichi slightly raised his hand, stopping the man.

"I'm sorry. There are some things even I'm not capable of doing."

"C-can we see him…?" Tears were flowing down Lady Fuyu's cheeks as she was coming to terms with the death of her adopted child.

"Yes. Of course." Answered Daichi.

The young medic ninja then turned his attention to the 3rd Minister. "Lord Taji. I need to speak with you along with Dr. Karuizawa, Lord Yondu and you too, Genma sensei. The poison isn't contagious but there is something you should know about it."

Daichi said, pointing to the room Leorio was in. The people who Daichi called out glanced at each other but followed after the boy into the room without question.

As the group of seven walked into the room the Mayima family guards stood in silence. They had great fondness for their young Lord and his passing away had struck them all. Especially one in particular.

The Guard Tadashi tightened his fist and clenched his jaws in anger and sadness. 'Damn it. How could I let someone poison Lord Leorio. How did they escape me?'

He looked at the closed entrance of the room Leorio was in. 'Daichi Hekima. I thought you were some great medic ninja. But it looks like you're just another overhyped useless brat.'

The guards waited for about 10 minutes before everyone started coming out of the room.

Lord Taji had an unreadable face as he looked at his guards. 'To think there could be a traitor among my guards… He said it was unlikely but still… This is a risk that's too big to take.'

Lord Taji looked at the man that was stationed outside Leorio's room last night. "Tadashi, go with the Leaf ninjas and assist in their investigation." The guards all heard the sadness in Taji's voice.

"Yes my Lord."


"Yes sir." Another guard answered and straightened.

Taji was silent for a few moments and then in a small voice, gave the order. "Make the funeral arrangements."

"Y-yes sir."

"The rest of you. Return to your posts."

Everyone began leaving and Dr. Karuizawa headed to the medic station. "I have strict orders from the Minister not to disturb the body. No one is allowed to go inside the room. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Um sir, did that mean Daichi failed? Is Lord Leorio…" A medic asked and the head doctor sighed.

"Yes. I'm afraid so. And we still haven't found what poison was used. So for the moment Daichi will be using the lab in Sector 3. Do not disturb him."

The fact that Daichi failed was certainly news to everyone. And before long the death of the minister's son quietly spread throughout the hospital.


A man who was paying close attention to the chatter in his surroundings suddenly focused on a new conversation happening. He was sitting in a corner of the room wearing ordinary clothes.

"Yes. It's true. Daichi couldn't save his life. The Minister's son is dead. The guards stationed around the room all left."

"I can't believe it. I thought for sure he could cure the poison in time."

"That's the thing. They couldn't even find what poison was used. Daichi is working on identifying it now…"

The man smirked as he heard the news. He got up from his seat and slowly made his exit without anyone noticing. He made sure no one was following him and quickly made his way to his master.

"It worked, master. The Minister's son is dead."

"Hmm… Yes. I'd expect no less (cough) (cough) from the poison made by… Sasori of the Red Sand. Even Tsunade's apprentice…. couldn't save his life… Now… Onto the next part of my plan." The sickly man turned towards his aid.

"I know… you're not looking forward to… What comes next, Junichiro.(cough)(cough)"

"No master Jedayu. But I will endeavor."

"You will be… fine. You will find a new purpose. My death will set you free…" The well dressed man slowly walked towards his kneeling servant and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"To be free..? I never considered this as an imprisonment, master. It was my choice to serve you…" Junichiro replied with small tears rolling down his eyes.

His master didn't say a word and just looked up at the night sky.


Tadashi, Genma and Daichi were in front of Leorio's bedroom. Daichi had used 'Observe' skill to see if Tadashi was a possible enemy but the information he was shown told Daichi that Tadashi was a loyal guard.

'A sensory ninja huh. To escape his senses this culprit must have some serious stealth skill… It's also a good thing the isolation ward had chakra blocking seals.'

Tadashi looked at the two Leaf ninjas with a stony expression. He was angry at Daichi for his failure to save Leorio and even more at himself for failure to protect his ward. But he decided to cooperate with the ninjas and find the people responsible for his young lord's death.

"Did you sense any suspicious movement around Leorio during these last few days?"


"Did you see or hear anything unusual yesterday?" Genma asked the guard.

"No… Wait!"

Genma narrowed his eyes as he looked at the guard.

Tadashi thought about the strange thing that happened and decided to tell the ninjas.

"Last night as I was standing guard, there was a sudden burst of light coming from Leorio's room. It was only there for a split second before it disappeared. I only saw the light because I was standing near the door and saw the split second flash coming from below the door."

"Did you go and check the room?"

"No. I quickly went into sensory mode to check if there were any intruders but I didn't sense anyone or anything abnormal. And I felt Leorio's chakra. He was sleeping without any problems. I figured it might have been some tricks my mind was playing on me. So I didn't give it much thought… But now…"

"We'll need to check the room. Please stay here." Genma gave the order and both he and his ward entered the room. It was a spacious room with one open window and a king size bed in the middle. The room was on the third floor of the Mayima mansion.

The two ninjas began examining the room with Genma taking a look at the area near the window and Daichi examining the bed to see if he could find any foreign particles. Time went by and they couldn't find anything yet. As Daichi inspected the wooden structure and the mattress upon it he saw something strange.

"Hey Genma sensei. What do you make of this?"

The special Jonin came over and looked to where Daichi was pointing. He narrowed his eyes and concentrated. A few moments later he saw it too.

On the wooden headboard in the center there was an almost imperceptible lightly burned area in the shape of a square. It was almost impossible to notice with a normal eye and could be easily mistaken as part of the wooden design of the bed.

"That's… odd… What is that?"

Daichi took a closer look and several seconds later replied. "Whatever it is, that's not part of the design. It's too regular. It's a square shape burn approximately 10cm in length."

Daichi leaned closer and took a few sniffs. He did a double take and took another whiff of the burned area.

"I think I know how Leorio was infected. Call the guard."

Genma raised an eyebrow and looked at Daichi in silence for a few seconds and then decided to do as the kid said. He called Tadashi inside and the two of them waited for Daichi's explanation.

Daichi looked at the guard who just stood in silence. "I was under the impression that the culprit came here last night, slipped through all the guards and security, poisoned the minister's son and left without anyone noticing. That's not the case."

Tadashi was surprised to hear that. "What? But then how did he…?"

"You said you saw a bright flash of light. Just for a split second…"


"Your eyes weren't playing tricks on you. You did see it. More precisely what you saw was evidence being destroyed."

"What are you talking about Daichi? What did you figure out?" Genma was eager to know the truth behind the case.

"Flash paper. When it burns, it does so very quickly and it leaves no smoke and no residue."

Tadashi was shocked. "Flash paper?"

The Genin nodded. "Yes. Flash paper or nitrocellulose. It's created by mixing paper or cellulose with equal portions of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid converts nitric acid into nitronium ions that easily makes nitrogenated cellulose. Also known as flash paper. When activated, it generates an exothermic combustion reaction that releases bright light and converts into carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor. All of them are gasses and leave no Ash residue. But it's not perfect. Someone with a keen Inuzuka level nose can find the small residue if they know where to look for it."

"I see… That explains the light. But that still doesn't explain the poison." Tadashi questioned.

"My guess is, the flash paper was also the delivery method. The toxin that infected Leorio was in gaseous form. So there must have been a seal on that paper that released the poison a few hours into the night. Right on top of the sleeping Leorio's face. And the moment it did its job, the whole paper burned leaving almost nothing that could be traced."

The eyes of the two adults widened. "Wait a minute. You're saying…"

Daichi nodded his head in affirmation. "Yes. This paper must have been placed here hours before last night. There are two ways that could have happened. Someone inside these walls placed it here.."

Tadashi clenched his fists at the thought of a traitor.

"Or the culprit most probably infiltrated this place when it had the least guards and placed the paper here." Daichi finished.

"I see.." Genma was silent for a while and thought about his next move. Several moments later, he turned to his ward.

"Daichi, why don't you get some rest. You've had a long day. I'll take it from here."

"Wait. I can help." The gamer ninja wanted to help so that he could make sure the quest was completed.

Genma shook his head from side to side "You've done plenty to help, kid. Right now, based on everything you've told me, I have an idea as to who could make something like this. I'm gonna report my findings and then get whoever did this. Don't worry. You can join the fun after you've had a good long rest."

Genma came near Daichi and gave him a piece of paper with an address in it. "We'll be staying there for the duration of our mission courtesy of Lord Taji. Go there and get some sleep. We will definitely need your help tomorrow."

Daichi wanted to protest but he decided to go along with his temporary Jonin instructor. Bidding farewell, Daichi quickly made his way to his quarters. It was located in one of the best Inns in the area. The room was far better than any he stayed in till now.

'This isn't half bad. I guess a good night's sleep won't be a bad thing.'

Daichi closed his eyes and drifted off into dream world.

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