
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 9/ the encounter

Sunrises bring the dawn of the day as Kiyan and Hiroshi wake up the birds are chirping. "Hiroshi, I'm going to head down to the river to wash up" Kiyan says as he walks away. "Okay holler if you need anything!" Hiroshi hollers back as he gets everything put away. Kiyan walks down to a nice sized river to clean up. "Ahhh keep away from me you daemons!!" Kiyan looks up from across the river to see a young woman being chased by a group of daemons. The three end up encircling her and one holding onto her forcefully. Kiyan jumps to the other side shouting "hey pick on somebody your own size!!" the water on his body begins to evaporate from his anger rising. The daemon holding the women laughs "like you can do anything without scaring her" Kiyan looks at the women seeing she looks human but with an odd scent. The other daemons attack him while he is thinking about what to do. Kiyan pulls out his short sword cutting them down leaving one daemon left. The daemon backs up with the women pulling out his dagger to her throat. "don't come any closer I will end her and devour her soul." The daemon demands trying to stay in control. The faint sound of a bow being drawn back can be heard reaching Kiyan's ears. He smirks "as you wish" as Kiyan bends down revealing his friend on the other side of the river releasing his arrow. Panic sets in the daemon's face as the arrow hits him right between his eyes.

The daemon's dead body leans back dropping to the ground the women got out of its grip running to Kiyan. "Are you alright miss?" Kiyan asked her as Hiroshi crossed the river to approach them. "Yes, all thanks to the both of you" the women say looking up at Kiyan. They both stared at each other like they were frozen in time. "What is your name ma'am and why are you alone?" Hiroshi asks, breaking the trance they were in. "My name is Arianna, and I was collecting herbs before I got chased" Arianna explains as hoof beats could be heard in the background. Three riders on horseback appear with a rider less horse in their group. The leader of the group got off his horse and hugged Arianna. "Thank, the angels you are alive!" Arianna hugged him back "it's okay father these two gentlemen saved me since I didn't have my gear with me." Arianna gestures to Kiyan and Hiroshi. "Thank you both for saving her. We got ambushed by daemons and got separated while we hunted for food" the father thanks them with gratitude. "that's odd for daemons to just randomly attack like that out of nowhere" Hiroshi says confused. "The Grand Elder says it is because the daemons need strong souls, they go after them to 'appease' the sin lords" the second rider pipes up. "Could we speak with the Grand Elder?" Kiyan asks "yes but, mostly because. One you saved Arianna and two she saw you in her visions" the father replies as everyone gets on the horses riding to their camp.

*Time skip to camp*

The group arrives at the camp seeing people move around getting chores done. "Arianna takes them to speak with the Grand Elder okay" her father asked her "yes father" everyone dismount off the horses Arianna leads them to the Grand Elder. "Welcome back young one. Who have you brought with you?" the Grand Elder questioned in a calm and gentle tone. "I have brought two gentlemen that saved me from being killed by three daemons" Arianna bows her head as the boys do the same out of respect. "Come on in and sit-down young men and tell me about you want to talk about" Kiyan and Hiroshi look stunned at the elders exceptionally calm demeanor. Arianna chuckles at the boys "happens every time" as she sits to the side where she can watch everyone. Hiroshi looks at Ariana confused but turns his attention to the Grand Elder. "We had received word from the angel Abaddon. The sin lady of Wrath has awoken and is on the move" Hiroshi says with great concern in his tone. Arianna eyes go wide in surprise making a mental note. "That is grim news indeed Hiroshi you three will need to figure what's going on and stop it" Grand Elder speaks while putting herbs into a pestle to grind. "Wait three?" Kiyan looks to her lost as to why the Grand Elder said three. "Yes, as much as we do not really want to put Arianna in this. I have no choice but to see the visions and the attacks make it obvious on what must be done" Grand Elder says in a sad tone. Arianna speaks up "we've tried but it only gets worse, and I don't want to hurt my family" she begins to grin the herbs for the elder "are you all heading to Alcina?" Kiyan asks. "Yes, we are Kiyan" Grand Elder replied "after some time after we get all the supplies, we need here we will head out on this journey" Hiroshi says determined.

"Very well you can stay in Arianna's caravan for the journey to Alcina" Grand Elder says. One of Arianna's brothers popped up and said "do not try anything bad. it is not us you have to worry about getting to you it is her she is strong." The brother warned them "I wouldn't think of doing anything like that" Kiyan and Hiroshi defend themselves at the same time. a rock the size of your palm zips in between Kiyan and Hiroshi smacking the brother in the center of his head. Arianna stands up, leading Hiroshi and Kiyan to her caravan. She opens the door to let them in. "Wow looks bigger on the inside than on the outside" Hiroshi said amazed while looking around. "Yep, it's a wonderful way to travel" as she gets two beds ready for them to sleep on. "What is your job in the caravan of your family?" Kiyan asks curiously. "I am a seer and charm maker would you like for me to show you how?" They both pause thinking then Kiyan raises his hand. Arianna grabs his hand bringing him to her table and sets a small dragon-like statue holding a purple crystal ball in its hands. Kiyan raises an eyebrow but lets her continue. "You are a strong person that has someone watching over with wings like a dragon it is distant but always near when needed. You will become a great warrior of the crossroads." Kiyan looks at Arianna amazed about what she had told him. "Wow no one have ever guessed that, nor have we told anyone about that" his attention drawn to the fact his hand in her with a strange feeling welling with in "that is how a seer can use their talent but there are many ways" Arianna explains as she subconsciously rubs her thumb across Kiyan's hand.

"Umm could you show me another way miss Arianna?" Hiroshi asked her with curiosity. "Yes, I can Hiroshi" Arianna stands up walking to Hiroshi with a white feather in her hand. Using her free hand to touch Hiroshi's forehead where the third eye would be sitting. Hiroshi stands still curious of what Arianna will say "I-I see a family of five, but one is faded, like they are erased or forgotten" Hiroshi's face changes to confusion. "The mother and the youngest sibling are full fledge angels. The father is human same with the oldest sibling but has ties to heaven." Kiyan raises his eyebrow surprised. "What about the faded one miss?" Hiroshi asks calmly but anxious in his tone. "They are stuck in-between two sides lost and suffering from being..." as she is about to continue her daemon father speaks in her mind yelling *ENOUGH!!* she collapses to the ground with Kiyan catching her just in time. A few minutes have passed by as she begins to wake up sitting up holding her head. "I'm so sorry miss Arianna I didn't know that would happen to you" Hiroshi say in a panic as he looks her over like a concerned brother.

"It is alright Hiroshi it's a sign the legend could be true in a way" Arianna replies strained from the headache. Hiroshi and Kiyan nod thinking the same. "I have food in the pantries if you're hungry I'm going to head to bed now" she stands up heading to the opposite end, climbing into her sleeping nook, and closes the curtains. The boys leave her alone for her to rest, she pulls out a bowl speaking in a quiet tone "was that necessary father" as Andras appears as a smaller form in the bowl "it was necessary my daughter. We do not know who to believe or trust. Remember angels have their ways to get creatures killed no matter what" Andras warns her. "I understand that father but one of them seemed familiar, but I won't know yet since I have not seen my older brother in many years" Andras nods "rest well my little ink daemon you have a long journey and let us hope Gluttony doesn't get anxious on waiting" as his image disappears Arianna puts the bowl away and goes to sleep.