
The Adventures of Hadrian Black

A soul called Hadrian gets a chance to reincarnate. How will he fare in a world of wizards, gods, demi-gods, and superheroes? ------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own Harry Potter, Marvel, or Percy Jackson. The cover image I found on the internet.

Mettid · 書籍·文学
12 Chs


It was now May 2000, and a lot had changed. Hadrian continued as a professor, having destroyed the Horcrux in the Diadem of Ravenclaw. He planned on giving it to Dumbledore once Voldemort was dead.

Speaking of Horcruxes, Hadrian had hunted down every one of them just a month before. The diadem was easy, nothing to say about that. The ring gave him some problem since he wasn't a parselmouth and bringing down the wards would alert Voldermort.

The locket, once he heard the news that Regulus Black had died, he took by using a Hogwarts house-elf to make contact with Kreacher. Once the bitter elf appeared, Hadrian told him he could help finish his master Regulus's last wish. The grateful little thing almost didn't leave once Hadrian destroyed the connection between the soul and the locket.

The one he thought would be the most troublesome ended up being the easiest. Apparently, the globins knew exactly who Hadrian knew, so when he asked for a meeting between him and Ragnok and informed him of the cup and its condition, they simply gave it to him. Their reason was that Voldemort was bad for business and they didn't want to know what Hadrian would do to get his hands on the cup otherwise.

And just like that, Voldemort was mortal once again.


Hadrian grinned as he looked down at the corpse of Peter Pettigrew. The little rat had confessed under veritaserum that he was a death eater, he just didn't have a mark because Voldemort didn't want his spy getting caught by Hadrian's spell.

With a flick of his writs, Peter's body caught on fire and burned to ashes. To the rest of the world, he would be one of the many causalities in the war against Voldemort.

Hadrian turned around and apparated to the Order's headquarters. It had been a month since Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were born. Both of them were with Lily and Alice at the Potter's Cottage under the fidelius charm and a dozen other wards. It wouldn't do to put all the eggs in one basket, after all. The secret keeper this time was Dumbledore for Frank and Alice and Hadrian for James and Lily.

That way, if Voldemort wanted to go after either of the families he would need to get the secret out of two very dangerous individuals. Hadrian was actually hoping Voldemort came after him.

The meeting went as usual, with information about death eater raids, the Ministry, and Auror corps, and who would be on watch where.

While they talked, Hadrian recalled other things that changed in the last three years.

The wizard and witches of magical Britain were no longer sheep that hid at the first sign of trouble. Now, a great number of them fought back. The only times the population hid was when Voldemort himself appeared, and that Hadrian could understand. Due to that, Voldemort's attacks had become rarer and rarer since most of his followers were either dead or in prison.

Hadrian's business also expanded. With the money coming from the non-magical world, and the sales on the magical side Hadrian expanded into other industries, like pubs, inns, he even bought buildings and created magical apartments.

With the things going the way they were, it was time to finish off Voldemort. Now, Hadrian only had to wait for his opportunity.


The end of the year came and with it the last battle.

Hadrian was enjoying the afternoon sun while having some ice cream in Diagon Alley when the silver phoenix Patronus appeared.

"Hogsmead is being attacked. Voldemort present," Dumbledore's voice came out before the phoenix disappeared.

Hadrian apparated to Hogsmead and immediately took notice of Voldermort. He had to give it to the guy, he was good. Really good. If in one second the average auror could shoot three curses, Voldemort could shoot seven. Of course, Hadrian was far from average himself.

Hadrien fire one Reducto that forced Voldemort to defend himself, and now he had his target attention. There were no words traded, no insults. Hadrian looked into Voldemort's eyes and saw hate and insanity. In Hadrian's eyes, Voldemort could only see the glee a predator would have in catching his prey.

There were battles still ongoing around them, Dumbledore himself was fighting five death eaters. James, Sirius, and Remus moved together with such precision one would think they shared the same mind; Frank Longbottom and Alastor Moody weren't taking any prisoners; Fabian and Gideon Prewet - who were alive dua to Hadrian's help - were causing mayhem and chaos wherever they passed, you could see from where future Fred and George Weasley took their pranking genes.

Hadrian was sure that if not for the babies, Lily and Alice would be here bulldozing through every death eater as forces of nature.

With one last glance at his comrades, Hadrian calmly walked in Voldemort's direction, like a cat stalking his prey.

Later, if someone asked Hadrian about the fight, he would say he never had so much fun.