
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · アニメ·コミックス
69 Chs


Raising her eyebrows, Saeko asked "Shall I bring the girls?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you."

"I'll be right back" Turning quickly, Saeko took a quick impulse and ran through the trees.

After 5 minutes of waiting, Fenrir looked up and saw the striking dragon descending beside him, while an ice-colored phoenix about a meter tall stood on his shoulder.

The time that passed gave changes to all of them, not only to Saeko.

After a month of hunting, Rei could finally feel her heart and managed to transform into a small Phoenix, a form in which she spends most of her time since for some reason, she feels much more comfortable being like this than being in her human form.

Rubbing her face with Fenrir's ears, Rei asked "News new?"

"Ankor found something in human form, we don't know what it is."

"I see" Jumping towards Fenrir's head, Rei gently bent down and leaned back between his fur "It would be nice to see humans, maybe we can trade".

"Trade what? Fur?" Chuckling, Kiriko gently flapped her wings and continued "We'd certainly be millionaires if we sold them."

Although almost all of the game ended up as food for the giant herd, that didn't detract from the fact that much of the furs were dried and kept by the girls.

Having to this day every inch of the cave covered in various exotic animal skins, and even forming soft mattresses to place under the futon.

"Kyu~" Suddenly appearing in front of Fenrir, a cute little silver fox rubbed its head tenderly with Fenrir's paw, then climbed over his leg and quickly climbed up to Rei's side "Hi~"

"I still don't know how you have those gigantic boobs of yours with such a small body..." Flapping her wing to get Shizuka underneath, Rei murmured.

Shizuka certainly has a small body in her animal form, standing no more than 80 centimeters tall and being no different from an ordinary fox but with extravagant shiny silver fur.

Licking her paws with glowing eyes, Shizuka replied "I always ate all my vegetables~"

"Something you didn't" Looking at her daughter reproachfully, Kiriko interrupted.

Rolling her eyes, Rei turned her gaze to the fast approaching wolf and looked at the two women riding it "The others are here, shall we go?"

"Honey don't you want to ride mom?" flapping her wings while blinking at Rei, Kiriko asked teasingly.

Kiriko being the first one to be able to fly of the group, spent her first few days flying around the area and needless to say all the girls were excited about everything, Rei being one of the ones who spent the most time together with Kiriko in the air.

"No thanks, you sway too much" Looking away and ignoring Kiriko's tone, Rei continued "On the other hand Fenrir doesn't even sit down when he walks, it's much more comfortable."

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue, Kiriko thought for a few seconds and jumped, then transformed back into her humanoid form and stretched out her hand towards Saeko who came to her side.

Nodding in understanding, Saeko lifted her paw and suddenly a yukata appeared in front of her, causing Kiriko to smile and dress quickly, completely ignoring her lack of underwear.

Just as Fenrir had the stones inside his, a few months ago it was discovered that it is actually an inner space and surprisingly, the one who discovered this was Saeko.

Fenrir, being Fenrir, is only fast when it comes to hunting and fighting, while everything else he simply leaves aside and prefers to be lazy.

But Saeko, who dedicated herself to training to prevent Fenrir from getting injured again, discovered a lot about her new body and this inner space they share became a treasure for the group.

After all, every time they transform back into humans, they become completely naked, causing the clothes to become less and less and even Kiriko who doesn't think too much, is left with only a pair of underwear.

"Hello handsome~" Coming to Fenrir's side, Kiriko gently caresses his leg and smiles mischievously "Will you let me ride you~? I promise to be gentle~"

"No spaces for reptiles" Arriving suddenly, Yuuki jumped onto Kiriko's shoulder and propelled herself onto Fenrir's back, then flapped her wings and landed softly.

"Can we go?" Knowing that if she didn't interrupt Yuuki would argue for hours with Kiriko, Saya gently firmed her grip on Saeko's fur and commented.

Chuckling, Kiriko took a big leap and landed on Fenrir's back, then sat down cross-legged and slammed her shoulder into Yuuki "Bitch."


Rolling his eyes, Fenrir already used to all this, gave Ankor a look and let the wolf lead the way.

Running with a steady pace, the group finally arrived after about 40 minutes to a completely new area and obviously out of Fenrir's territory.

The area was not very different from the thick forest that Fenrir is used to, being the only thing that stands out is that the amount of trees is much smaller and most of them don't even have leaves, and all the trunks are dark and dead

"Grrr~" Arriving in front of a crystal clear lake, Ankor looked at Fenrir and growled softly.

"He says he's there" Staring at the lake, Fenrir fearlessly approached and looked at his own reflection in the water, then bared his fangs menacingly and growled "Grrr~"


Instantly, the water churned and a large figure jumped on the edge of the other end, causing the water to splash everywhere.

"..." Staring at the humanoid figure now staring at them, Rika blinked in a daze and commented "That's certainly not human..."

"I don't know whether to laugh or cry..." Nodding while looking at the thick muscles of the humanoid figure, Saya continued her gaze to the large, hard breasts of what appears to be a woman.

"What is that?" turning her gaze to Saya, Kiriko asked quizzically.

Certainly what came out of the lake was quite difficult to describe.

Pointy ears, long blonde hair with a strange hairstyle, while her entire body has bulging muscles, even her frightening face has a pronounced musculature.

[A/N: This character is already one that appears in the anime/manga/novel, I'll leave the image here].

If it weren't for the obvious breasts and the curious pink Greek chiton covering her body, you would have thought without a doubt that this being is a man.

[A/N: Chiton is the name given to the type of Greek clothing. You know, that thing that looks more like a sheet that is used to cover part of your body, although I'll leave a picture here for reference]

"It's a demon?" rubbing her chin as she saw no pupil and only having darkness in the eyes of that strange being, Saya muttered.

"Hahaha!" laughing loudly, Kiriko turned to Rika and commented teasingly "She certainly looks like you, they'll be great friends!"

Staring into the woman's dark eyes, Shizuka commented "Don't tease, she's cute. I like her eyes, they look pure."

As the group casually commented, the woman stared at Fenrir for a few seconds, then turned sideways and to everyone's surprise, knelt on the ground and bowed deeply with her forehead hitting the ground.

"What's he doing?" frowning slightly, Yuuki muttered.

"Submission..." Muttering softly, Fenrir walked towards the woman and sniffed her for a few seconds, then growled softly and looked sideways "Her submission is genuine..."

"Please don't do anything to her..." Scratching Fenrir's head with her small claws, Shizuka commented pitifully.

Staring at the woman on the ground for a few seconds, Fenrir growled softly and nodded, then turned around and returned to Saeko's side "Ankor, give the warning, this land belongs to him."


Turning his gaze sideways, Fenrir muttered "Now what shall we do-?"

Cutting off his words, Fenrir quickly turns his gaze upwards, and with a happy gleam in his eyes, mutters "She's back."

"Mn?" Turning her gaze skyward, Saya watches the beautiful, angelic woman slowly descend towards them with a flushed face "M-mom?"

Finally, after a long wait and many changes, Yuriko returned.

"Wow" Blinking in a daze, Kiriko continued "She's certainly an angel".

Indeed Yuriko came back full of changes.

Standing around 6'3" tall, Yuriko completely changed her previous purple hair to long golden hair, while on her back two large, white feathered wings flap elegantly.

Her body didn't change much, having the same great assets that Fenrir learned to enjoy. But there are changes that are very obvious and among them we can highlight his eyes.

Leaving behind her previous honey-colored eyes, Yuriko now stands out remarkably with beautiful sky-colored eyes, a color that seems to give off softness and would comfort from the bottom of your heart to whoever sees them.

Another of her great changes is the obvious rejuvenation in her skin, losing all wrinkles of age and gaining a firmness and smoothness throughout her body.

But what right now caught the attention of the rest of the girls is the beautiful golden halo that floats above Yuriko's head.

Slowly descending to Fenrir's side while completely naked, Yuriko looked sideways and fixed her gaze on Saya, causing the blush on her face to intensify and she nervously muttered "S-saya I-"

But without giving her time to finish, Saya quickly got off Saeko's back and ran to Yuriko, then hugged her tightly as a beautiful smile formed on her face "I missed you mom".

Turning his gaze to her back, Fenrir looked at the girls silently.

Understanding the signal, Rei took flight and climbed down from Fenrir's head, while the rest followed her with big smiles at a happy reunion with one of her friends.

Transforming back into his humanoid form, Fenrir did not bother to ask for clothes and approached Yuriko.

Separating from her mother, Saya watched her for a few seconds and tried to speak, but seeing Fenrir walking towards them, she sighed and looked at her mother for a few seconds, then dodged her gaze and muttered "Just be happy..."

Biting her lips, Yuriko's eyes clouded over at those words, only to smile brightly and nod.

Turning her gaze to her side, Yuriko stared Fenrir straight in the eyes, then scanned his body closely and looked at his face again.

Reaching out her hand, Yuriko gently caressed Fenrir's cheek and smiled with a warm look "Glad to see you with all your limbs"

"Heh, you don't know how close you came to not seeing him in one piece, at least about 3 times a month" Snorting with amusement, Kiriko interrupted.

"I wouldn't be surprised" Laughing softly, Yuriko pulled her body closer to Fenrir and hugged him gently, causing the young wolf to follow her steps instantly and share a warm embrace after a long time.

Rubbing her chin, Rika casually commented "Can angels have sex?"




Blinking as they looked at each other at such a vital question, the girls turned to Yuriko with obvious eagerness for answers.


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos