
The Adventures of a Nope Rope

Log_Daniels · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Prologue - Truck-kun Strikes

Walking down the street completely zoned out, Daniel was thinking about how today was starting out great. The birds that hung outside of his window didn't wake him up at the crack of dawn, his toast came out golden brown, and the sunny weather cancelled the chill of the wind.

Daniel looked both ways and was about to cross the street, when he saw a truck barreling down the road and a little girl was about to cross the street. As a decent citizen he put his hand in front of the child and pointed out the truck.

The mother of said child noticed this and thanked him "Oh my god, thank you she almost walked right out into the street!"

She promptly turned to the child scolding her "What do I always tell you! Look both ways, and hold my hand when we need to cross the street don't go off on your own"

Truck-Kun seeing his perfectly crafted masterpiece was cancelled by some passer-by and the guy on the opposite side of the street, who was supposed to save the girl and get hit still alive, was ticked off. He followed the interrupter home and laid in wait in the fabric between dimensions, cuz truck-kun is cool like that. Once the guy fell asleep in his bed truck-kun lined himself up and barreled through the wall into him.

"Serves you right for making me work overtime!" Was the only sound that could be heard over the sound of the house falling apart and the death rattle of Daniel the unfortunate object of Truck-kun's wrath.