

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


They were then taken again to the highest temple in the strange Land . The overview of the entire civilisation could be seen from the top as it was a very beautiful and scenic view.

But the adventurers didn't see that as they were about to be Sacrificed.all they thought about is how they are about to be killed, eaten and probably burnt alive on a stake.

They threw them down on the altars as they were arranged in a semi-circle.The High Priest, an ugly old man that has the eyes of a age long murderer had a sacrificial Knife in hand and behind him was Che'ara . The man had his face madly decorated with various types of chalk and markings that he looked more like a circus actor than a priest.

Facing the crowds and raising his hands to the Sun , he chanted a few words that the Adventurers didn't understand.

"What did he say?"

"He said that this ceremony was going to be a special ones since the gods were kind enough to spare our own people and instead provided us white rams to be sacrificed to them."

"I don't want to be the next Isaac ." Percival spoke anxiously as the people below cheered as they began shouting a particular word in unison.

"Varsta ...Varsta ...Varsta!!!!!"

"What do they mean?" Avyanna asked Che'ara who was holding a bowl engraved with diamonds , gold and topaz.

"The Sacrifices to Our god Zu has begun and is marked with the offering of blood atonement to him. As in all situation , the blood of a Vestal Virgin shall be used to mark this day. No other sacrifice can commence without this as the wheel will be spun and whosoever lands in the direction of the sun is a Vestal vessel."

"That's so not gonna be me." Kyra said.

"You can cross me off the list."

"I knew Losing my Virginity would always pay off." Avyanna heaved a sigh of relief.

"Seems no one is going to die today." Conrad said happily.

The grumpy old priest walked over to the adventurers and spun the revolving altar. After some seconds of spinning and spinning , Everyone held their breath in anticipation of whom of these White demons will their great god Zu , choose to be offered unto him.

The pedestal stopped as the sunlight beamed on Percival who squinted to avoid the burning rays from coming in contact with his eyes. The crowds shouted even more excitedly "Varsta!!!" For this was the first time that their sacrifice was a male and that made it more interesting.

"I spoke too soon." Conrad said glumly . "But for the first time it isn't me!"

"You haven't had sex before?!"Avyanna said in surprise.

"I'm not like you guys. I'm not just in that way Imbibed." Percival retorted.

"Typical Paladin." Levi shook his head. "

"It's a shame..." Since we're all going to be murdered soon." Kyra said sadly.

The priest raised his Knife to the highest point in the sky and proceeded to stab it into The Paladin.

"Enough with the theatrics already." Levi sighed.

John tossed the die .


"Thunder Storm : Lightning Shards."

Dark clouds covered the sky as claps of thunder and lightning crashed down at the people below who ran around in a frenzy as this had never happened.The priest had fallen to his knees in fear as Levi stood up from the stone tablet and started untying his friends.

A woman pointed to the white haired man and shouted. "A Dtida ...!"

All the people shouted this as they all bowed before Levi offering him reverence . Any person who could call down Lightning from the heavens at will was indeed a messenger from the gods , If not a god himself.

The priest crawled on his two knees and began kissing Levi's two feet in veneration.

"Now this more like it." He grinned.

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