

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


Percival got up from the ground with the help of Kyra. He was surprised at how Levi turned against them and how close he came to death by Levi's sword to his neck.

Avyanna came running to Conrad's aid to check if he was alright admist his protests

Percival , on sighting Avyanna , left Kyra and went towards Avyanna to embrace her and plant a kiss on lips.

Still infatuated with Conrad , Avyanna pushed Percival away from her and continued to attend to Conrad and his unnecessary whining while Percival still fawned over her.

Kyra , seeing this , got possessed by intense jealousy. Percival was helping Avyanna who didn't give a hoot about him and when she clearly needed his help. Feeling pissed and intending to get vengeance on Avyanna , she walked straight up to Conrad and punched him on the nose as a way to get back at her.

And again the fight continued from where it had been paused.




"Ancient formation : Grand Mausoleum Seal!"

Moving his hands swiftly forming a pattern , swirls of red Lightning lounged towards the goddess enveloping her as it struck her continuously.

Nyx grinned as she recalculated her defence.

"Elemental trilogy : Raging Ice storm!"

Blasts of wind nearly pushed Levi off his feet. Planting his feet firmly into the ground , he placed his hand over his eyes as numerous icicles tore into his flesh.

He regained his ground although his body was stinging as if set on fire. Levi was ready to launch another attack when from within the mist, A sword cut through and made a great gash on Levi's arm .

He jumped back his bleeding arm hurting like Hell. Her earlier attack was a diversion as this was her main agenda. Nyx had her sword proudly savage dared him to come forward and meet his doom. This time he decided not to be so impulsive. As he waited for his arm to heal itself. If he was going to take her down , he had to rely not only on straight but wit.

After calculating his next moves , he moved swiftly towards Nyx in which they engaged in a hand to hand combat. He swung a powerful right hook but Nyx met him halfway and lashed out with her own fist. Levi's punch was faster and it caught her dead to rights. Nyx took it on the mouth and as Levi hurled her into the ground with such force that a gust of wind exploded.

As Levi was gaining the upper hand , Nyx saw a chance of her ultimately losing. Seeing this , Nyx placed her hands on the ground of their battle arena and it turned sideways. Levi inadvertently didn't see this coming as he was thrown off Nyx and rolling down towards the end where a blazing inferno was waiting with welcoming arms.

Not ready to die , he took out his daggers and dug them into the ground to maintain his balance.

"You cheater!" He shouted out to Nyx.

"My realm , My rules . I would watch my mouth , if I were you, and besides I'm not the one hanging by the brink of certain death." Nyx said.

Levi pulled himself up and summoned TerrorBlade, his most destructive and Vicious weapon forged in the fires of the Nine bells. He spat out blood from his mouth as he stood tall with his weapon beside him.

"You've just crossed a line."

Nyx simpered.

This was what she needed.

The raging animal in him to reveal itself.

Levi gripped the handle of his Sword just below the guard , drew it out and pointed it forward so it was facing the Evil Queen who drew hers. He charged directly at Nyx At the same moment he drew his sword up over his head and snaps it down toward Nyx.

The goddess conjured up her own doubled edge sword from thin air and blocked this blow . Thinking fast she tried to use a sidestep to let Levi falter and snapped her sword down to his unprotected shoulder but her timing was off.




Nyx rolled over gasping for breath. Her skull was roaring with pain and dizziness. Levi packed his attacks with terrifying amounts of chakra and force . The two were now out of breath and gasped for air. Levi knew Nyx was weak and decided it was time for the final blow.



"TerrorBlade : Strike of a thousand Shadows."

Raising his Blade, he made his final strike as several shadows ripped into Nyx as she lay on the ground, writhing in pain.

Levi walked up to her with a dark look on his face.

"Please..." She gasped. 'Spare me!".

"No Mercy." Levi said in a hoarse tone and was about to kill her when jolts shot through his chest. His sword fell from his hand as he staggered back holding his chest.

"What have you done to me?"

Nyx got to her feet bruised and scratched. "Gu . Strong enough to even kill a god ...Legend has it that its the strongest poison in all the realms. You know the poison am talking about don't you?. The same that you used to kill my Brother Parphrius, who did nothing wrong."

"He slaughtered thousands of innocents." Levi said.

"And so what? He didn't deserve that way of death nor did I , my banishment and now you, Levi , are going to pay.

"When did you..."He stuttered.

"Since the beginning of this fight. " Nyx retorted talking of The surprise attack from the mist. Levi looked At his arm That she had wounded him . His body felt so weak and useless.

Nyx raised his head by grabbing hard and whispered in his ears. "The poison usually takes a considerable time before it's effects are noticed so all I had to was stall." She smiled. "Now after I kill you , all that will remain are your friends. I can hear Avyanna's scream already."

She threw his head down and began walking away. Levi clenched his fists.


He couldn't have failed them.

He had to save them , but how ...

Eons and millennia of memories ran through his head . But the most precious ones are the ones with his friends. Of all the people he'd ever met , they were the truest , bravest and kindest ones of all.

Especially Avyanna.

Nyx was startled when she saw him rise up.

"How can you still move?"

"Because I have something you don't and never will have : Love."

"I want to activate my secret weapon." John said excitedly.

"Okay " Eva said and adjusted her glasses . "But according to the rule book you need to get an eleven to do this. Nothing !it's or less."

John nodded and there's the die twice.





"A miss." Obi sighed and John banged his fist on the table in frustration and in turn the die magically flipped and landed on a '6'.

"Woah!" Sky exclaimed.

"Impossible." Su ling gasped.

"How did...It was ...Just now..." Eva said , mouth open.

John used his hand to close her jaw and they continued the game.

A surge of Energy surrounded him as he began to change. This was the highest peak of his powers: The Sage Mode.

It allowed him to harness all his energy simultaneously to deliver a powerful blow.The last time he'd used this , he ended up getting banished.

Energy waves whirled around him as power flowed to his fists. His hair stood on end as his eyes were glowing red. His features hardened as Nyx balanced herself for another round.

Levi moved as quick as lightning. Grabbing her head , he shoved in onto the ground so hard that made the surrounding areas crack and break.

Flinging her into the air , He kept repeatedly administering deadly blows until he finally smashed her down . Grasping her neck , he rose Nyx up so that she was staring directly into his Red eyes. In a dark voice he spoke "I'm not going to kill you ...YET. But first , You are going to fix the mess you made with my friends or else you'll be begging for a quick death. Got it?!"

Nyx nodded and snapped her fingers. "They have returned to their senses . Now, let me go!"

Levi looked sternly at her and dropped her down. Picking up his blade , he moved away but not before leaving her with a stern warning.

"You were lucky today." He growled . "But next time , I won't be so nice."

And then he disappeared leaving Nyx all alone in her own entanglement of chaos

and despair.