

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


At highest peak above the dart , at the end of the heavens , lay the kingdom of Chaos.

It stood it ruins , cracked by destruction and ruled by pandemonium. Its streets were lined with hapless damned souls that were to be forever tortured. Their soulless screams rented the air as the Chaogenous Queen of this hell sat on her throne adorned with skulls and swords as she breathed in the agony of her subjects.

She had long dark hair that appeared to float in the air, and crystal glowing eyes. But no matter how beautiful she was , nothing could hide the rot that lurked in her heart.

"It is so tiresome here isn't it , minion?" She asked the ugly little gremlin standing beside her.

"Is the screams of the souls not enough for you , Mistress?" Minion replied.

"That is exactly it." She sighed as she glided across the floor to the balcony where she could get a view of her kingdom.

It was a literal hell as souls cried out . They were experiencing severe pain inflicted by more of her minions.

The Queen of Chaos and Discord spread her hand over the kingdom. "All this..." She said. "All of this belongs to me. They obey my every whim and I make them suffer everyday."

She sighed as she disappeared only to turn up near her draperies and wrapped her slimly fit body around it . "And that's the thing minion. It just gets old. I crave excitement. Living souls..."

"Mistress...You know you have been forbidden to tamper with the mortal realm."

"Oh Quiet minion." She slid gracefully to a table on it was a miniature ball of the earth. "To make these mortals transcend into chaos would be so easy."

She spun the ball. "They are just like animals. Caring only about themselves and their survival. Just pull the right strings and... They turn on each other without a seconds thought."

"For centuries wars have been raged , Blood spilt and ...Oh!" The goddess sank her hand into the ball and brought out the graphical image of the adventurers walking through a thick forest. They were chatting and laughing and she groaned in disgust. She scoffed when she saw Levi walking , lost in his own consciousness.

"Hmmn! It seems banishment hasn't changed you at all , did it Levi? Still the arrogant , comely bastard aren't you?" She turned to the minion. "How about some amusement minion ?"

"But mistress you have been forbidden to ..." The gremlin made to speak.

"I am not tampering with anything. How could I dare go against his All mighty Lordship or should I say godship." She said reverentially and then smiled deviously . "I just want to give my love to an old friend."

She blew some air into her palm and watched as her mysterious plan began unraveling.


They had made arrangements to rest for the night before they continued their journey.

All except Levi lay asleep around the smouldering fire. He had decided to watch the perimeter while the others rested. He stared up at the starless sky And shut his eyes. He was remembering what it felt to be up there, to be a god that thousands upon thousands worshipped. Being above human frailties and weaknesses.

But his exile changed everything . He was cast out never to return. Stuck with mortals that he was before above. Over time he has learnt to accept his place and live amongst them . Their ways were intriguing and different , not ardent followers rules like the Heavens.

After staying up for some considerable time, he decided to get some rest before morning. He closed his eyes and entered a dreamless sleep.

A shadow slunk from the shades of the trees until it envelopes his sitting frame. Out emerged the Chaos queen. She placed her hand on his shoulders as she watched all the adventurers sleeping.

"O how peaceful humans are when they dream aren't they? All worries and problems are momentarily forgotten as the darkness takes over only to awake to reality the next day."

She grinned.

"But mine is going to be different. I am going to make things so much worse.I'll start simple ." She touched Levi's face. "Rivalry ..." "Some dreams ..."She touched Conrad who was snoring away. " Fights..." She went to Percival , "Mischief..." .The chaotic queen glanced at Kyra and then kissed Avyanna's forehead ."And my personal favourite, Jealousy."

"Bit by bit , you will all turn on each other and then sweet , beautiful chaos will tear this little group apart. But how...That's a surprise."

She cackled nefariously into the night and vanished into thin air.