

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


They were thrown out of the Tavern and landed on the Dusty ground with the Tavern keep warning them to STAY OUT!

Snow gently fell to the ground as people hurried to their houses as the night was going to be cold and most of the ground snowed in.

"Damn it. That was the last place that we could pass the night!" Avyanna whined.

"I thought there was another inn further down ?" Kyra peered into the distance.

"The owner and I really aren't on good terms." Levi ran a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean?" Conrad asked.

"What he means is that he slept with his fiancee .' Avyanna sighed.

"That's bad!" Percival shook his head.

Levi got up. "It's not my fault that she didn't tell me she was engaged." He responded , unruffled.

"She was getting married the next day!" Avyanna said exasperated. Percival struggled to his feet and sighted two natives of the village.They were coming towards them.

"Seems we are stuck out here." Kyra sighed.

Percival nodded. "Not really. I just spoke to those nice women over there and they informed me that there was one more inn on the top off that hill over there." He pointed to a large hill and a house situated on top. "It isn't that far."

"Well then we better get walking." Levi huffed.


They climbed up a series of stairs leading up to a huge manor that stood vastly on top of the hill. The Red Devil's Manor stood tall and Spooky against the outline of the clear dark sky. It had two long towers that were surrounded by bushes and shrubs . It seemed as if it were hanging on the air midway . The Manor had an eerie vibe around it as all its shutters where shut and curtains drawn to a close. Strange shadows enveloped the background as they moved subtly in the gloom of the snowy night.

Levi moved forward and knocked at the door. The sound echoed and seemed as if It was a death bell that had been rung.

The door slowly creaked open.

Standing before them was a girl dressed in the uniform of a maid. She had a dainty white cap that was somehow weaved into her hair. She wore a pink apron that reverberated the Dark blue cloth she wore underneath.

"Good day Travellers . My name is Lou. Welcome to the Red Devil's Manor. How may I be of service?"

"Red Devil's Manor ?" Conrad asked. "Is it just me or isn't the name sounds kinda weird and sketchy? "

"And her name sounds weird too." Percival added.

"We don't have any other choice." Kyra sighed as a gale of wind blew past them. "And the weather isn't getting any better."

"We heard from the villagers that you have lodgings and we will like to pass the night." Avyanna said and made to bring out some coins when the maid with the doll eyes nodded politely.

"I don't accept payment. You could lodge here for free." Lou said to Levi's surprise.

"Thank you for your generosity." Levi responded charmingly. As She ushered them into the Manor , Avyanna elbowed Levi . "You are so gonna hit that ." She whispered.

Levi gave a faint smile. Although she was pretty , surprisingly He wasn't attracted to her. Something dark and sinister lay beneath her beauty . She showed them each to their separate rooms. Lou had given them an invitation to supper but Avyanna had turned it down.

She needed time to rejuvenate and gather her collective energies or else she had a huge breakdown ahead of her.

And this was the perfect time.

Avyanna was locked up in her room while the others trodded towards the dining area of the house in order not to offend their host.

Lou was patiently waiting for them by the furnace. The crackling fire gave a reddish yellow glow that lit up the entire room as she tossed some coal into it,

She turned around and smiled malevolently at the four people , putting forward a tray nearly decorated with various confectionary and pastries.

"Would any of you care for some freshly baked scones?"

They seated themselves on the comfortable, plush armchairs around as the fair lady served them the scones and Jam tarts.

Conrad happily scoffed them down while Kyra chewed hers slowly. Lou offered some to Percival but he refused. He was on a fast , hoping that He would discover what path awaited him and which to take.

Levi told her in a blatant tone that he wasn't hungry. Lou smiled sweetly and informed Kyra and Conrad that she would bring them more Scones , if they'd like more. To this they nodded and Lou vanished to the kitchen...

Wherever that was.

"Her Aura is strange ." Levi stated as a matter - of - factly kind of way .

Kyra yawned. "I don't think so. Seems pretty normal to me.

Conrad shook his head in agreement. ' There's nothing strange about her. Just learn how to relax and enjoy some free service."

sometimes there is always a price hidden beneath free things Levi muttered.

Levi stood up and went to the window.It was covered by thick blinds of curtain. As he made to move it aside , the maid suddenly appeared out of thin air and shut them together. "I apologise but in the Red Devil's Manor , We do not appreciate Open Curtains." Lou announced.

"we ?" Levi questioned with a perplexed tone.

Levi observed her sternly and went back to his seat. He took up a scone beside him and slowly began to devour it. Within a few minutes , Kyra decided to go to bed and within a short time , Conrad followed Suit.

Levi along with Percival decided to call it a day. They trudged down the hallway with Lou watching them conscientiously . Percival entered a room and shut the door behind him . Levi putting his hands in his pockets decided to take a detour.

If Avyanna were here , She would have been able to diminish his fears and help him out.

But she was resting and that meant he had to do it himself.