

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


Avyanna yawned.

Everything was going so slow and nothing was exciting.

It was so damn boring.

They had decided to take a brief walk...

Due to Avyanna's incessant disturbance.

Levi wasn't with them. He had decided to remain back at the inn that they had lodged in because he had complained he had a nagging headache.

Avyanna gave him a suspicious look. "I thought you were a god. Since when do gods feel sick?" She questioned .

Levi lay back on the bed and used a fluffy white pillow stuffed with soft feathers to cover his eyes.

"First time for everything , I guess. Now run along . I want to have my siesta ." He shooed her away.

So that cool afternoon , Percival , Kyra , Conrad and herself went out for a walk. They went round various shops purchasing different things. Percival went ahead to purchase some books and scrolls. Kyra haggled with a sneaky swindler in order to get some poisons to tip her arrows and nearly killed him when he tried to give her a rip off. if not that Conrad and Percival intervened , promptly dragging her away from the badly abused swindler. Finally , They went through the open marketplace . Random people were discussing with others either vendors or other buyers. Bargains were being made as hands shook and money changed hands.

"Guys..." Conrad tapped Percival as they stopped at a sale going on . A man was trying to sell off ancient weapons of wars and better yet...

There was an awesome discount.

Percival examined the mace that was in his hands, while Kyra held fondly the Sumerian dagger with a smooth blade. Avyanna had seen a grimoire that was supposed to have contained powerful spells and magic and she was flipping through it.

"What do you want, Conrad?" Kyra spoke to him.

"Something doesn't feel right." He replied in a hushed tone.

"Yeah , Yeah ..." Kyra nodded absent mindedly, still enchanted with her dagger..

They had gone halfway when a low growling sound was heard among the four individuals.

Avyanna spun round. Conrad was feeling embarrassed as his hand was on his abdomen.

The people surrounding them gazed at them in awe and laughing was soon to be heard all around them.

"What the hell do you think that you're doing?" Avyanna nudged him."People are noticing us." She smiled awkwardly.

Conrad's stomach rumbled again even louder than the previous one.Everyone was now aware of this group of hungry travellers passing through their little town. Hands were being pointed at them by young and old, adults and children alike , jeering at them as numerous laughs filled the atmosphere.

"It's not me!!!!!" Conrad complained. "It's like it has a mind of his its own!!!!".

Percival grinned nervously while Kyra waved her hands. "Nothing to see here folks!"

But the rumblings and growlings continued. It seemed his stomach had already decided not to back down until it's demands where met.

From the dark shadows of an alley , someone watched the four individuals who where now the centre of attention at the ongoing sale.

Avyanna sighed and luckily she spotted a nearby inn; from its door post read


She edged the others in as they took their seats.The inn was full as different people chatted with each other , and the sounds of ladies bustling from table after table taking down orders.

A young maid walked down to their table wanting to take their order .

"Is she hot?" John asked with a sly smile.

Eva rolled her eyes.

She was a pretty blonde in her early twenties with dazzling blue eyes and a sweet smile.Her dress, the classic 'cute' maid outfit was cut to her figure , had a lot of drills and was indecently short.

"Just my type." John said and Su ling stamped his foot underneath the table which made him yell.

"I'd like some beans and brown bread and three plates of your house special 'Roasted pike and Salmon with warmed gruel." Conrad smiled at the maid .

The lady nodded respectfully and set off to get what Conrad ordered with her ample hips bouncing with a jig in her step.

Unconsciously, Percival stared after her and slurped his drink. Kyra followed his gaze and smiled. "So Blondie is your type?" She winked.

Percival shook his head. "No."

Kyra raised her eyes knowingly.

"No!" Percival repeated.

She raised her arms in the air in conceeded defeat.

"Alright! l give up."

The blonde maid returned with Conrad's meal which he wolfed down in hunger.

"Who's going to pay for that?" Avyanna queried.

"You know I love you." Conrad said and pinched her cheeks and she hissed.

As the maid was about to leave , Percival made to get up but accidentally knocked over his mug of rum. She took out a handkerchief and bent over to wipe up the mess and her open buttons revealed an eyeful of her full breasted chest

Percival choked on his rum and Kyra winked at him.

After Conrad had finished his meal, the four individuals stood up after leaving a tip for the maid who gazed longingly at Percival.

In embarrassment, Percival looked away feigning to be interested in something else, in order to hide his face and Kyra patted him on the back."She likes you."

They passed through a dark alleyway, which was the fastest shortcut back to the inn they had lodged in. As they passed through...

"Roll for Perception."




Obi folded his arms. "Why bother! I never get any good number."

"Just try, Obi. You might just be surprised!" John reassured.

Obi rolled the die.


John snickered and Eva smiled. Obi, in anger , tossed the die to Eva. "Here, have it! I hate my "dice luck!" He announced.

Percival felt something strange was following them. The others trudged ahead as He looked about. Avyanna tapped his shoulder. "You alright?"

Percival drew at his sword and held it towards her. "Hey, hey!!!! Calm down!!" Avyanna yelled.

Then he pointed the sword at the shadows. "Come out and face me!" He commanded.

"Well, he's lost it." Conrad Whispered.

A young man emerged from the shadows with a stoic look on his face. He immediately handed a sealed scroll and Immediately disappeared.

Percival sheathed his sword as they all peered at the scroll.

"Are we supposed to open it?" Kyra asked.

"It's a sealed scroll. It was meant to be opened." Avyanna responded sarcastically.

She tore open the scroll and read through it and then handed it to Conrad.

"The Royal Queen , Her majestical Grace summons us to her court on the kingdom of the Northern Lights. A ship awaits at the docks to take us across the sea to her Kingdom. A handsome reward will be given and if we refuse we will still be compensated." He rolled up the scroll and kept it in his pocket. "Pretty sweet deal." He shrugged.

"Can't hurt to try?" Avyanna said enthusiastically and Kyra groaned.

"Cheer up!"Her friend patted her on her back. "It might be exciting."

They headed back to the inn and Avyanna went up to Levi's room to inform him of the new arrangements. She heard some muffled voices and thumping noises but went ahead to open the door.

Avyanna shook her head. On top of him , panting raggedly as Levi clutched her waist , was a red haired girl with smooth, white skin and broad hips. She covered up her chest in some effort to save face. Her clothes that indicated that she worked in the taverns lay scattered on the floor.

Levi lay on the bed stark naked , looking bored and Avyanna shielded her eyes with her hand.

"I hope Your headache is gone... and there's no additional D***k pain?" Avyanna said sarcastically.

She pointed at the girl and at the door. "Of all the men in the world, you couldn't choose any one with good prospects??" Avyanna sighed . "I wish you know better "

The girl nimbly but hurriedly dressed up and left the room quietly and Levi smiled lecherously after her.

"And you...put on some pants." Avyanna picked up his trousers near the door post and threw it at him. Levi caught it and grinned and began working his way into It. "When You're finished..." Avyanna said she was almost out the door.

" Meet us at the docks . We have business to attend to."

She sighed and added.

"And no detours!!"