

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


In a deep dark cave ,Water dripped animously as it's sound was echoed throughout the entire caverns. A man wrapped in a flowing dark cloak held a large book in his hand , the Grimoire of Dinai , giving instructions on the use of magic and alchemy but the individual wasn't particular concerned about that but on how to summon and subject demons.

Shutting the book to a close , He took up some salt and began pouring it on the ground in shape of a pentagram meant for such magical connotations. Wielding a blade , the man groaned as he slashed his wrist and !st the blood spill on to the salt markings.

His hands outstretched he began the summoning.

"I Summon thee demon , from the deepest pit in hell , forged from the hottest flames and darkest Hearts. Arise and walk the earth once more!"

Sudden flames burst out from the symbol and enveloped it. From the fires emerged the demon he had summoned, unearthly and horrid to gaze upon.

"Who are you mortal to dare summon me?!!!" It growled.

"You may call me the Shadow Master and It was I who brought you back to the land of the living and you are now bound to do my bidding." He scowled. "So You'd better watch your tone if you want to stay in it."

The demon emerged from the flame and bowed before the Shadow Master who then took out a piece of paper with a picture sketched onto it. "I want you to find this woman and bring her to me. She is presently headed towards Foggy Boroughs and there you will go. She had a certain tendency of showing affection to the less fortunate."

"And what do I get in return?" The demon said in a horrid voice.

"Well My fiendish ally , you will be free to consume all the children your demonic heart desires. I don't care how many people you have to slaughter, before she shows up but You must bring her to me!" " He said firmly before pointing towards the exit. "Go!"

The demon nodded and evoked his dark carriage to his aid and soon rode off into the night to fulfill his purpose.

The Shadow Master turned away as he clenched his fist till his knuckles were bleeding white. "Soon Avyanna..." He muttered viciously. "Soon , You shall get what you deserve."


Leticia sighed as she watched the sun setting . She was all alone as his parents were in another village where they had to sell their goods so they could put food on their table. Her older sister was not yet back as she had decided to work extra shifts in the Taverns. Since it was winter Solstice a lot of customers usually flocked to the inns and taverns for reservations on that cold winter night.

Tired if sitting , Leticia became restless and made up her mind to play a little game with herself. Soon she indulged herself and was laughing away happily when she heard the sounds of wheels crunching against the snow and a low pitched whistle.

Thinking her parents had returned , Leticia ran up to where she had heard the noise but instead of seeing her father and mother , she saw something that looked like an old creepy scarecrow, wearing a heavy black coat standing in a coat pulled by a number of black cats. It gave her an uneasy feeling , the aged straw it was made out of and the tattered clothes of children.

It cast a glance her way and Leticia froze. Her hair stood on end as she immediately felt petrified. Scared , she took to running , she had only gone a short way from home but now the straight path seemed like a long , winding eternity. Once or twice , she turned back and she saw the scarecrow - man standing some feet away , his eyes empty and hollow but when she had stopped running and looked back , it was right behind her.

It reached out a bony hand at her and Leticia screamed and ran all the way back to her house. Shutting the big doors close with a heavy latch , she pushed so!e chairs to block it as extra protection. Leticia rushed to close all other doors and windows and once she wa satisfied she was safe , she crept upstairs and took hold of her little rag doll Annabelle and then crept under the bed.

She wished that she hadn't been naughty and stayed inside just like her mother told her to. She wished she had not refused to follow her sister ,Rhea and she wished Rhea were here with her.

Leticia held Annabelle closer when she heard heavy footsteps thudding through the house.

'It's going to be okay Annabelle." She whispered to her rag doll. "You're going to be alright. Don't cry."

Everywhere went dead silent and she held her breath so the scary man wouldn't find her.


And she was gone.

All that left behind on the front porch of the desolate manor , strewn along with pieces of Leticia's petticoat was Annabelle, little rag doll as her owner had disappeared ...

As well as the Scarecrow Man.