

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


Nigel breathed quickly . His breath was labored , as after all the energy  exerted from hiding from this Psycho bitch.

He had a dislocated shoulder, bruised knees , A sprained ankle and a stab wound to his side. The Big man had told him to watch out for this one but this was in a whole new level of crazy...

She was mad; both angry and insane.

A bad combination.

"Come out , Come out wherever you are." Avyanna said in a sing-songy voice as she walked purposefully on the ground, looking about for the bandit.



"Dark arts : Decay."

She placed her hands on the trunk of the trees nearer to her and they began to shrivel up , leaving nothing but dust.

"You're running out of trees to hide." She called out . "Come with me peacefully."

Nigel thought about surrendering. No! He had too much to lose. After all they've gone through to steal all those treasures now they were finally going to reap their rewards. No! He was going to fight...

He held the arrows in his draw hand , placing it in the right side of the bow, and shot at her.

"Really , this again?"

The arrows landed at her feet , as gusts of blast smoke came up , shrouding her view. Avyanna covered her nose and seeing was useless through the black clouds. Even if she used an attack , she had no idea who and where to hit.

Nigel grinned. The diversion had worked. She was blind and this was his time to strike.

He held his arrow , ready to take the shot and depending on whether or not it was accurate, might be his last.


Nigel heard a shot but didn't believe it was her. Looking down seeing blood gushing out of his stomach didn't still make him believe. He placed his hand against it and turned back to see who could do such a thing, kill a man when he was down.

He got the shock of his life.

Avyanna barely even had to move to avoid the arrow. It was so off course that it landed feets behind her. But from the poorly executed shot, She was able to pin point his location. Moving swiftly, she jumped on the branches of one of the tall , lanky trees and saw him resting against the upper trunk.

Knowing that something was off , Avyanna took out her Katana and turned the immobile body to her. He was dead, blood froth gathered at the corner of his mouth, his eyes wide opened as his hand held his abdomen as he had tried to place back the blood. What was more surprising was that She hadn't even heard the resounding gun shot and to let his assailant get this close?

Someone had murdered him...

Now she had no bandit to present back to the villagers. She hoped that the others we have better luck as she carried the dead body down from the tree and walked back to the rendezvous point.


"You don't give up do you?" Levi yawned as he knocked aside one her bullets with only a swish of his blade. He smiled at the blond girl. "I can do this all day sweetie without breaking a sweat"

"Just die already!" Robin groaned as she shot some more bullets at him. It did not make a dent . She decided to change tactics. Jayden was waiting for her and she couldn't spend all day fighting this man that didn't seem to die.

She made an acute turn and began running. She ran through the trees and jumped over fallen branches. Levi sighed and took after her.

Robin began panicking as she heard footsteps coming up behind her . She increased her pace , looking back at the enemy advancing in on her. Not facing forward , she bumped into something . On seeing him , her heart gladdened.

"What are you doing here. I thought you were supposed to stay behind ..."

"I know. I hadn't heard from the others so I decided to check on you. What's the status report?" He replied , taking out his gun and attaching a suppressor to his pistol.

"There's a boogie on my tail. I've tried to shake him off..."

Robin felt a sharp shot through her chest and she looked at him in dismay her hand clutching against her chest

"I thought we were in this together! "

"Every man for himself." He replied.

"The others..." Robin thought.

With that word on her lips , Robin collapsed to the ground as the man slipped his weapon in his coat and walked away. He betrayed them...

That bastard , she cursed as she took her final breath.


The Four Adventurers Society met back at the rendezvous point in confusion.

"I couldn't get him. " Avyanna sighed as she pointed the lifeless body of Nigel on the ground. "He was dead already."

"So was she." Levi placed the dead body of Robin beside her fellow bandit.

"He was shot through the leg before someone splattered his brains to the ground." Kyra groaned as she looked at Drac. "If not for the whole Bandit and then then dying thing, We could have been friends."

"Who could have done such a cruel thing..." Percival said solemly , crushing his fist. "Shot them all in cold blood?!"

"Worse we don't have any one to take back to the villagers to prove our innocence and get Conrad back." Kyra sunk down.

"Fuck." Levi swore under his breath.

"Wait..."Avyanna paused peering into the distance. "Isn't that Conrad?"

It was indeed Conrad, walking with an irregular jerky gait towards his friends. He had searched almost the entire forest for them and was elated that he had found them all in one place . He was bloodied and moving slowly.

"That's my boy." Kyra grinned.

"Did he escape by himself?" Avyanna asked no one in particular.

"Who cares?" Levi yawned once more. "At least their will be no need for us to go back to the Village had now we can be on our way."

Percival clenched his fist. How could he not see it. The Bandits had all been shot and here was Conrad suddenly escaped from prison with blood over his face. More incriminating , he had a gun.

Feeling enraged , the Paladin took out his sword to the apparent surprise and rushed towards him. Conrad saw him coming and tried to avoid the blow that caught him in the side of his chin.

"What the heck man!!!" Conrad exclaimed, touching his jaw.

"You killed them!"

"What the Fuck are you talking about Percival?" He answers startled. "Killed who?"

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