

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · ファンタジー
122 Chs


"You are pissing me off. Get out now before its too late to back out." Avyanna shouted as she strafed to her left to avoid the incoming projectiles.

"Sorry but I can't afford to take any chances." Nigel smirked satisfactorily as he took out five arrows from behind his back and let it loose at his target. "And besides, I never back down from a good fight."



She held out her Katana and deflected the arrows save for one that barely missed her , inflicting a small cut on her cheek. Avyanna's hand went to her face as she felt the blood that leaked out of it.

"Now you've done it." Avyanna uttered in a deep guttural tone as she snapped the

dart into two. " You don't want to come out. Fine by me. Now lets play a little game."

Eva rolled.


"Shadow Technique : Unseen Arts."

Nigel scoffed as he set another arrow , with its edge tipped with poison on his shooting weapon. "Do you think a pair of Magic Words is going to scare me?! Think again." He let out a short breath and release his finger from the string propelling the arrow forward with fast speed. As it was nearly close to Avyanna she vanished into thin in which startled him.

"What in Fuck's Sake..."

Nigel hair stood on air as he felt a strange presence behind him, giving him no space to react as he stood on the thick branches. Fingers crawled up his back and gripped his shoulders as Avyanna said in a deep dark voice.

"You're it...."




'Shield block."

Percival was driven back by the collision between his opponents weapon and the shield he had effectively wedged between them to protect himself. He was panting heavily as Azrael gave him a sort of sickly smile .

"I can see that you are already weak."He jeered . "You have only two options ; Give up now and die , Don't give up and die?"

"The Devil or the deep blue sea , The dagger or the cup of poison?Either way I end up dying isn't it ?"

"Exactly." The man said dragging his Chain Scythe on the ground behind him as he walked ambly towards him.

"I think Is prefer a scenario where I survive."Percival replied bracing himself for another impromptu attack.

Azrael swung his Scythe , striking the Paladin who was ten feet away with it.


He dodged the blow by crouching and tossed the metal shield which struck Azrael in his side. Percival quickly moved passed him and retrieved the shield and took up a defensive stance.

The man snarled at the red head , he threw his Scythe which shot forward.

"Roll Initiative."

Sky shook the die and rolled .


At the last moment , Azrael switched its direction making the weapon, reach underneath the gap in the Paladin's armor, tearing away at his flesh . Percival groaned as the sharp metal cut at his ribs as blood flowed in torrents. He clutched his side as he faced his enemy. But blood continued rushing out as Percival felt weak and his eyes began to blur. Azrael seized this moment to descend on him , slashing and cutting at him without mercy until he lay in the dust bleeding all over.

"It's a shame a man of faith as yourself will be subjected to such a death." Azrael shook his head and Percival could not decipher whether it was a voice of pity or mockery. "Don't worry I'll pray for your soul."

Percival lowered his eyelids as he muttered a silent prayer to his God for the last time...

He opened his eyes when he heard a thud beside him. Facing him was Azrael , his Chain Scythe still wrapped around his hand , Eyes closed in death. In between his eyebrows at the top of his head was A small neat hole . Cleanly Executed.

Percival made a short prayer for him and bowed his head. This was not a miracle , he thought. Someone killed this man lying before him in the sand, without a second's hesitation .

But It wasn't him.

Now what he needs to ascertain was whether this person was a friend or A foe.