
the adventure of Azathoth

Welcome to the story of Azathoth the great being the creator and destroyer of everything this is the story of his life as a father husband teacher friend and brother this is his true story I will only update once a month maybe two if I can

outergodazathoth · 書籍·文学
6 Chs

chapter 1 wives and children

Azathoth appears on top of a hill 'It's good to be back here after being gone for 7 years' Azathoth thinks to himself Azathoth walks down the hill passes by a big tree and then passes through a barrier

(What azathoth is wearing and his weapon)

He continues walking until he sees the big house and in front of the house he sees Chiron Dionysus three female adults and a child

(Chiron image here)

(Dionysus image here)

Azathoth walks over to them and stands a few feet behind them "Hello there" Azathoth says making them turn toward him

The three adults and child get a shocked look on their faces then a happy one and they run toward him

He allows himself to be pushed on his back "Love your back" The three adults say "Daddy you back" The child says

"Yes I'm back It good to see you four" Azathoth says and they get off of him and Azathoth gets up

"Now stand still let me have a look at you four even though I already know what you look like since I see everything but I want to see you in person," Azathoth says they get in a row

He looks at the first one on the left and sees she has black hair with silver eyes She is wearing black leather Armour with a black cloak

she has three throwing knives strapped to her abdomen and she has a quiver on her back "You look beautiful in black Artemis" Azathoth says "Thank you my eldritch moon" Artemis says

(Artemis image here)

Azathoth looks at the next one and sees she's wearing a golden armor-like dress with golden greaves and boots with flowing black hair and brown eyes "You look beautiful Athena" Azathoth says "Thank you my wise one" Athena says

(Athena image here)

Azathoth looks at the third one and sees she wearing a white dress with a dagger holster around her waist with a dagger in it with blue eyes and black hair "You look beautiful Hestia" Azathoth says "Thank you my eldritch flame" Hestia says

(Hestia image here)

Azathoth turns towards the final one and sees she has blond hair and stormy grey eyes with a hint of black starting to appear

she's wearing an orange shirt and blue shorts with a dagger holster around her waist with a dagger in it "you look good Annabeth my child and it looks like a little of your eldritch side is slowly starting to appear and override your human side" Azathoth explains

(Annabeth image here)

"Thanks, Daddy is it bad that my eldritch side is starting to appear," Annabeth asks "No if it was I would do something but it's fine," Azathoth says

"Why is her eldritch side starting to appear," Athena asks "It's starting to appear because I set it to appear when I got back" Azathoth explains "Why did you set it at all," Athena asked

"Let me explain when she was in the womb she was supposed to be fully eldritch but since she is my daughter her eldritch side would have overwhelmed your body slowly at first then after 5 months your body would have exploded

you would have survived being my wife your protected and all but I didn't want you to go through that so to make of that I made her part human and part goddess but I also it made so when I returned she will slowly turn eldritch again starting with her eyes" Azathoth explains

"That makes sense but why didn't you do it when she was born" Athena asks

"That's easy to explain I see everything past present future all possible futures all the time so I know what should shouldn't and will happen so I know the best possible future I might be the creator and I can do anything but I know what best and what's not do you understand," Azathoth asks

"Yes I got all that but are all our children like that did you set them all like that" Athena asks

"yes I did Annabeth can you go get your siblings please" Azathoth asks "Sure Daddy," Annabeth says and runs off

"So Azathoth do you have anything to tell us" his wives ask with anger on their faces even though he knows they're not actually angry

"I know you not mad and you already know about Hippolyta and Diana you just acting upset because you wasn't at the wedding which wasnt a weddingis just had to defeat Hippolyta in combat you will meet her in the future" Azathoth says

"You got us but you owe us do you at least have a you looking over them" his wives says

"I always have someone looking after people important to me and I already have something for you they're not ready yet" Azathoth explains "Daddy" he hears behind him and turns around to catch his youngest daughter

(youngest daughter image here)

"hello there my little Explosive expert," Azathoth says "Hello Dad" he hears and puts his daughter on his shoulders to see the rest of his children he had with Athena 10 boys and 10 girls

(The boys have black hair and the girls have blonde hair I couldn't find any pictures I liked so use your imagination)

"It's good to see you my children look at all of you all grown up," Azathoth says and he starts talking to his children for the rest of the day

After a month passes of Azathoth staying and training his kids how to control their eldritch powers that are starting to appear you can find him in the arena floating in the middle in front of him is a body that's 10ft tall

"There's the body and height of my new body that I've been working on for a while now since the one I'm in time is almost up anyway I just need to add each of my forms to it starting with my lesser forms lets start with my energy-based forms," Azathoth says

"Lord magic form and shadow and darkness form I summon you from within," Azathoth says and two human-looking but made out of energy the first one looks like a human but is completely made out of black darkness and there are shadow particles around it and lifting off the body

(Shadow and darkness form image here)

The other one has a black human-looking body surrounded by pink energy a pink flame is surrounding the body's head around it's body is pink lighting-like energy spiking off

(Lord magic form image here)

The two forms merge with the body making pink energy and shadow and darkness starts to come off the body

"Next is my animal forms bald eagle form, Basilisk form, bear form, void fox form, lion form, Phoenix form, shadow panther form, unicorn form, Cerberus form, and wolf form I summon you from within," Azathoth says

The surrounding charges all of sudden into a forest and out of the darkness steps a black wolf with yellow eyes the wolf runs towards Azathoth and jumps towards him but it turns to smoke once the smoke disappears he's back in the arena and sees a tattoo of his wolf form has appeared on his new body's on his chest

(Wolf form image here)

The surroundings change again and Azathoth is in a place with the dead walking around and lava he sees a fifteen feet tall three head dog with fire for its eyes it Has fire going down its back It looks Azathoth way and howls it turns to smoke once the smoke disappears he's back in the arena and sees a new tattoo of his Cerberus form on his chest

(Cerberus form image here)

The surroundings change again but this time is different this time four of his forms appear each stepping out from a cave but one of them slithers the first one to step out is a lion that has blue and white fur with silver claws and silver armor it turns immediately to smoke

(Lion form image here)

The next form to appear is the bear It is 10 feet tall it has black fur and claws of steel it turns to smoke as soon as it steps out

(Bear form image here)

The next to slither out is a Basilisk it has spikes going out its head and down its back It turns to smoke once Azathoth sees it

(Basilisk form image here)

The final one to step out of the center cave which is a massive hole is a 2000 feet tall void fox which pure black and has golden eyes and 20 tails it shrinks to azathoth height and turns to smoke

(Void fox form image here)

The surroundings change back to the arena and he sees the forms on his chest some overlapping but he can see the head of each and he sees there's still space for more

The surroundings change again in he is on a mountain and sees a unicorn with the moonlight shining on it he sees that its coat is blue and it has the very stars on it it turns to smoke and the surroundings change back to the arena and a new tattoo appears on his new body

(Unicorn form image here)

His surroundings change again and sees two birds One is a bald eagle that's brown and white the other is a Phoenix that's blue and golden with golden Armour on the surroundings change back to the arena and he sees two more tattoos

(Bald eagle form image here)

(Phoenix form image here)

The surroundings change for the final time and he is in a bitch black realm when he sees a purple panther appear in front of him and bow its head and turn to smoke the surroundings turn back to the arena and the shadow panther tattoo appears making his chest be completely covered and for him only to see the animal forms head

(Shadow panther form image here)

"Now my human/humanoid forms starting with my jester form jester form I summon you from within," Azathoth says a humanoid being that is wearing jester shoes black and white pants a black skin-tight suit a black and white long coat a sister smiles on its face with a black and white top hat and a cane in its hand appears and gets sucked into the new body

(Jester form image here)

"Now my protector and Assassins form protector and Assassin form I summon you from within," Azathoth says and a humanoid being in black armor with a black cape appears and gets sucked into His new body

(protector and Assassins form image here picture is black instead of white)

"Now my death form death form I summon you from within," Azathoth says a skeleton with a scythe appears wearing a black outfit for it to get sucked into his new body

(Death form image here)

"Now my chaos form chaos form I summon you from within," Azathoth says and a beautiful women in a dress that has stars and planets on it appears and gets sucked into His new body

(Chaos form image here)

"That's done now my dragon form but before I do that let's go somewhere else since it's massive," Azathoth says and disappears and appears in the void with his new body in front of him

"Lord of all dragons I summon you from within," Azathoth says, and a dragon that is so big if a human saw it can only see a part of its claw the dragon is sucked into Azathoth's new body

(Lord of all dragons form image here)

"Now my alien form Alien form I summon you from within," Azathoth says and a 40 feet tall Alien appears and gets sucked into His new body

(Alien image here)

"Next up Cybertronian form I summon you from within," Azathoth says and a robot appears that's as big as a planet but it quickly shrinks down and gets sucked into His new body

(Cybertronian form image here)

"Now finally it's time to become one with my perfect body let's do this true form," Azathoth says and the body he's in turns to dust, and a being as big as creation appears it has multiple eyes and tentacles touch one of its tentacles to its new body and get sucked in after a million years passes in the void but nowhere else

(Eldritch form image here)

The body opens its eyes the body's sclera is black its iris is orange with dark red tentacles in them around its iris is a mouth-like thing with teeth and the pupils are pitch black and snake-like

Azathoth starts changing things with the body starting with adding an 8 pack of abs and changing the hair from straight hair to curly black hair he then gives himself elf ears he gives himself two cocks he then gives himself an athlete body mixed with a bodybuilder

Once he's done he summons a big chest from storage and opens it first he pulls out two hidden blades and puts them on his wrist

(Hidden blades image here)

He then grabs two swords one that has vines on it and the other that has teeth and eyes

(Swords image here)

"Hello vanquisher," Azathoth says looking at the one with vines "And absorber," Azathoth says looking at the one with teeth he flicks his wrist and the Swords turns to tattoos on his hand

He then picks up two guns He flicks his wrist and they become tattoos beside the Swords

(Guns image here)

He then pulls out black dress pants with black socks and black dress shoes a white long-sleeve dress shirt then a black dress shirt flannel Then a black long coat then a white dress shirt and a black tie he puts the outfit on

(Outfit image here)

He pulls out a ring box and pulls out a ring that looks like a supernova is in it and puts the ring on and puts the ring box back in the box

(Ring image here)

He pulls out some shades and puts them on to cover up his eyes

(Shades image here)

He then pulls the final thing out of the box which is a hat out of the box and puts it on he closes the box and puts it back in storage

(Hat image here)

"There we go now then time to go back," Azathoth says and disappears to reappear in the arena