
The adventure in a Fantasy World with a System

Theo is reborn in a fantasy world with a system. Finally escaping the chains working for others back on Earth. Theo could now be free and explore this strange new world. Follow Theo on his adventure and his ways around the world There will be quite a few time skips in the early chapters. Being a fan of both Trash if the Count's Family and Solo Leveling. This novel is mostly inspired by them. I am writing a novel for the first time so please bare with me. I hope to get some comment or ideas to help improve my writing and the story, it would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your support. :) I'll be posting new chapters mostly during the weekend. Thank you for your patience!

Laz_Idio · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 6 - Preparing to leave the territory


Two Years later

It's been a years since Alex returned to the County after graduating from the academy. Fortunately for Theo, Alex has been busy helping their father in managing the territory since he returned, allowing Theo to continue his previous activity in secret.

His days in the forge has increased his mastery and Proficiency in blacksmithing. Since the Arrows and throwing knifes he made is of higher quality, increasing their durability during practise. Theo is able to sell most of the weapons he made with the help of the old blacksmith earning quite alot of money without his family knowing.

As Theo was leaving to attend the academy the next day, he tried to give some extra money to the old blacksmith which was stubbornly refused.

"I have already saved up more money then I ever need the past two years from the commission you gave me. Just keep this to yourself as I won't be using them anyways" The old blacksmith told Theo.

After some small talk and farewell, Theo left the forge after clearing everything up. He looked at the forge the last time, then returned to the estate.

During dinner, he asked Alex about the academy.

"Well, it's not as strict as most people would assume. You're free to choose any academic classes you're interested in as long as the schedule doesn't clash with your weapon combat lesson. For the combat lesson, students would have to pick one class, Swordsmanship, Spearmanship, Archery, etc." Alex explained. "I've heard from Sir John that you are highly gifted in swordsmanship, I bet you'll be the first of your year in combat."

"Most students haven't trained with weapons before attending the academy while the rest that has just received lessons a few months to a year before they attend the academy. So don't worry too much, I reckoned you'll do great in the academy."

Alex was honestly very surprised and proud when he learnt from his parents that Theo was doing very well in swordsmanship that even the knights and Sir John couldn't compare when they were his age.

Even while holding back alot, Theo is still able to win against most of the knights. If he were to spar with Sir John without holding back, he was sure that he'll be able to beat Sir John with little effort. He didn't want to surprise his parents especially his father too much therefore he always act like he would lose even after giving his all when sparing with Sir John.

However, to the knight captain, a 12 year old kid being able to withstand so long with a veteran knight in a spar has already shook him to his bones.

'Haaa, I really deserve an Oscar for such an amazing display.' Theo thought. 'I should avoid using the sword when I am in the academy. Maybe avoid using the bow as well.'

Although he knew Theo would do well on his own. Alex couldn't help but worry and lecture him non-stop about the academy, the different noble families, which nobles to avoid, heck he even talked about the royal family like Theo was going to the palace for thanksgiving with the king.

Theo planned to live an invisible life in the academy, avoiding anyone who looked like trouble and the royals are at the top of his list of people to avoid.

Theo wanted to cry and leave but no tears came out. He looked at his father for help but was completely ignored.

He could even see his father holding in his laughter from the shaking of his shoulder.

His saviour mother then intervened, "Alright, I'm sure you've already told Theo all of the most important things to look out for. Theo would have to leave early tomorrow for his journey to the capital. I'm sure he'll want to rest early."

Thanking his angel of a mother, Theo quickly left the dining room not before giving his father a quick glare who was still holding in his laughter.

Back in his room, Theo opened his status window and decided to buy some skills and item at the system shop which he hasn't touch since his first time as he felt that is wasn't necessary. He ended up only using his Points to upgrade some skills that didn't need Proficiency and in increasing the space of his inventory.

Name: Theodore Ashwell

Species: Human

Age: 12

Danger level: 6.5

HP: 800/800

Points: 201,680

Stats :-

Strength: 36

Agility: 40

Dexterity: 37

Stamina: 41

Intelligence: 39

Perception: 40

Skills :-

• Swordsmanship lvl 4

- High - Grade swordsmanship

- Proficiency: 34%

• Hand - to - Hand Combat lvl 3

- High - level combat

- Proficiency: 13%

• All-seeing Eyes lvl 2

- Able to see the basic information and stats of all beings and objects

- Cost 50,000 Points for next upgrade.

• Blacksmithing lvl 3

- Host is able to produce high - quality weapons

- Proficiency: 43%

• Shadow Cloak lvl 2

- Is able to hide and move in the shadow for 3 mins

- Cooldown: 24 hours

- Proficiency: 46%

• Daggers Throwing lvl 3

- is able to accurately hit a moving target from a distance of 25m

- Proficiency: 96%

• Archery lvl 3

- Advanced Archer

- Proficiency: 86%

• Language Translator

Inventory (11/30)

- 2 Health Potion

- Basic Bow (Adviced to be discarded, could break anytime upon use)

- Basic Dagger

- 3 × 5 High - quality Arrows (Made by Host)

- 3 High - quality throwing knife (Made by host)

- Army dagger (Made by host)

Looking at his inventory, he decided to discard the bow as the system advised and the basic dagger since he has made himself a better dagger inspired those on Earth.

Theo then opened the system shop and decided to look for a better bow in the store since he has mastered Archery and would be able to perform much better with a good bow.

He was surprised by the huge variety of bow available when he looked for bows in the item Store. Iron Dragon Bow made from the scales of an Iron scaled dragon. Elder Elves Bow made from the brunch of the elven tree of life. There was even a bow that glowed red that shoots fire attributed Arrows.

After giving some thoughts, he decided to get a normal High - Grade Bow. It was also the easiest and least demanding to use unlike the Iron Dragon Bow which required the strength stats of above 80.

'I don't think I'll be using Archery much plus I might attract some unwanted attention is I'm seen using an only-one in the world types of bow.' Laughing at himself

Although he could easily find a better sword in the system store with affordable Points. The decided to skip on the swords as he is already satisfied with the one his father gifted him.

He then looked at the skills and ended up picking a few which he would need.

• Disguise

- Gives host the ability to change his hair colour, eye colour and shift the bones slightly, which can alter the face and height of the Host slightly.

• Fade - out

- Host would be ignored by the mass if no drastic action is taken. Unless Host jumps out and scream in public while making huge body movement like an idiot, Host's existence would he ignored by the mass.

- Warning: skill may not work on level beings with danger levels much higher than host. The skill effect would decrease as the danger level gab between host and said being increases.

• Time manipulation lvl 1

- Host is able to slow down time for 1 minute

- Cooldown: 3 days

- Proficiency: 0%

The Fade - out skill was perfect for when he is in the academy, this would allow both students and teachers to ignore him. The time manipulation skill although costing more points would be advantages during emergencies as it's better to be safe then sorry.

Theo decided to save up most of his Points as until now he only got them when he mastered or level up skills and from daily quest, leaving him with 148,680 Points.