
The adventure in a Fantasy World with a System

Theo is reborn in a fantasy world with a system. Finally escaping the chains working for others back on Earth. Theo could now be free and explore this strange new world. Follow Theo on his adventure and his ways around the world There will be quite a few time skips in the early chapters. Being a fan of both Trash if the Count's Family and Solo Leveling. This novel is mostly inspired by them. I am writing a novel for the first time so please bare with me. I hope to get some comment or ideas to help improve my writing and the story, it would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your support. :) I'll be posting new chapters mostly during the weekend. Thank you for your patience!

Laz_Idio · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 22 - Searching for the 2nd Prince

The crown prince was fuming mad while Theo was returning to the academy after a long day.

"Dissapeared? He just disappeared??? YOU HAD ONE TASK AND THAT WAS TO CAPTURE HIM!!!" Caleb screamed at the guards that was in charge of arresting Max while throwing things at them.

"Tell me more about the person who helped Max escape." The crown prince ordered.

"As he dissapeared with the 2nd Prince as soon as he appeared, all we could discern was that he had dark brown hair and is a young man. He wore a white mask so we didn't get to see his face.

He was wearing a casual commoner outfit that could be found anywhere. From a quick look, the teleportation talisman paper he used should be of the lowest grade, which could only travel at a distance within the capital." The guard explained with a frightened look.

"We'll have the capital under lockdown. No one is to leave until we find him. Have the mage set up the formation that would not allow the use of teleportation be it a talisman or circle.

The only way out of the capital would be through the gates or the official teleportation circle which is to be heavily guarded and everyone checked." The crown prince ordered.

"Have people people knock down all the doors. I want all houses, rooms, basement, everything that can fit a human searched." The crown prince continued. "Have some people stay in the academy as well and watch that Ashwell boy just in case. Inform me if he isn't in the academy."

With the crown prince's orders, whole capital was searched inside out which included the academy.

In the academy, Theo changed and went to bed. Before falling asleep, he heard someone banging the door.

"We are doing a search under the orders of his highness the crown prince for the traitor Maximilian Osborn." The person opposite the door said before opening the door without permission.

Acting annoyed for being woken up while slightly confused, Theo looked at the royal knight serving the crown prince while rubbing his eyes, "What the hell are you doing at his ungodly hour?"

"Have you seen your roommate recently?" The knight asked.

Acting confused, Theo looked at Max's bed and said, "Terrance isn't back? I haven't seen him since this morning. He is usually at the training ground practising his spearmanship. I can vouch for you he has nothing to do with the 2nd Prince you are looking for." continuing, Theo added, "Terrance should be in the training ground, he forgets the time when he is practising sometimes."

Theo then gave the knights a sleepy look and asked, "Check all you want, I have morning class tomorrow. Can I go back to bed now?"

Seeing nothing suspicious with the room nor Theo's answer, the people working for the crown prince nodded their head and left. They then crossed out the possibility of Theo helping Max completely before informing the crown prince of their result.

Theo then fell asleep ignoring the people hidden outside his rooms and window which he could sense from his high perception. Its been a long day from winning the match to rescuing Max.

Theo couldn't care less for the people keeping an eye on him.

At Theo's inn, Max wasn't getting any rest. After Ash, the mysterious owner of the inn left, Max went to take a quick bath and changed into a casual outfit provided in the bathroom and had his clothes requested to be washed and left it outside with the note and dishes after dinner.

He relaxed after hearing Ash's imployees take his dishes and clothes as well as the notes he left outside. Checking that the hall outside was now empty, he went and lie on the bed.

Holding the necklace he was wearing, Max thought of everything that has happened as well as how he was going to live from now onwards. Being only 12, he is already marked a traitor and forced to hide.

Being a smart child, he knew that there would be people searching for him in the inn soon so he kept himself prepared for when they arrive. As soon as he hear boots and knighs ordering for his search, he will immediately clean up the bed and use the necklace he was given when they search his room.

Downstairs, there were still a few people who were staying in the inn and locals at the bar discussing about today's event.

"What a mess today."

"First, Indra who was the winner dissapeared right after the match. Then Haluk who was chosen to take the prize instead since the winner went missing refused and left, leaving this year's prize ownerless." One of the patrons said while taking a huge gulp of ale. "There was even an attempt on the King's life. So much has happened in a night, but as long as I am not affected nor involved, it's none of my problem."

"Many heard that the assassins confessed that they had done it under the 2nd Prince's order but seriously, who is going to believe that?"

"I know right? First of all, the 2nd Prince is only 12. Secondly, he is known for avoiding any association with the nobles that had wanted to support him. If he was even interested in the throne, he would have build a good relationship with the other nobles instead."

The voices of the patrons got lower as they continued,

"Honestly, I bet that this is a conspiracy and a play done by the crown prince."

"Shhhhh, don't say it out or you might be in trouble."

"Hey, there's even word on the streets that he might not even be the King's real son." One of them whispered.

Gasppp, "really?"

"I've heard of it too."

"Stop, stop, stop. Let's not continue. It might get us in trouble if people serving the crown prince entered the bar."

Everyone ended up agreeing to the last man who spoke and changed the topic.

"I wonder who Indra is though, he seems to have dissapeared as soon as the match ended."

"I heard some nobles talking and they guessed that he is a young noble from the Empire looking for fun."

"The Empire is a huge distance from Oriborn, why....."

As the conversation continued, many knights suddenly appeared outside the inn.

"We are doing a search under the orders of his highness the crown prince for the traitor Maximilian Osborn." The knight that entered first said in a loud voice.

"I hope the establishment cooperate with the search, is the owner or person in charge around?"

Frank the barkeeper who was also informed of the situation in room 402 along with Emma kept a straight face. "The owner isn't in but I'm currently in charge. We are happy to cooperate as long as nothing gets broken. We will charge for any damages caused to the inn." Frank said professionally.

The knights agreed as it was normal for inns to be worried for damage cost and agreed to the condition.

The knights then asked which rooms were used and which were not. As instructed by Theo, Frank listed room 402 as unused.

Leaving the knights with the spare keys to all the room, the employees continued their work while the patron watched and whispered among themselves.

The knights then went up the stairs and searched the rooms one by one, knocking of the door of the occupied rooms and using the keys to enter the unoccupied ones.