
The Take Over

When Justinian entered his Throne Room he dropped Clark to the ground. Since he still had a broken back he wasn't going to be getting up any time soon. On top of the unique venom he administered to Clark to depower him, he was going to stay weak as long as it remained in his system. 

Justinian's Honor Guard, all looked toward him when he teleported into the Throne Room undamaged. With a victorious smile, he reached up and removed his helmet. 

"As expected, I won and now things can get started." 

Remnosh smiled as she stood up from his Throne before she motioned to it. 

"The expected outcome. None of us ever doubted you." 

"If you did doubt me, that would mean I wasn't strong enough to inspire absolute confidence. From here, we will begin the takeover of Terra and begin integration. I also feel I should speak to Doctor Fate and Klarion." 

Sigismund did wonder about it. 

"So, why did you change your deal with the Lord of Chaos? You were quite vocal about wanting to have him use his ritual to separate the adults and children to make conquest easier." 

He had a simple reason that plan never came to fruition. 

"Simply put, there was a much easier way to take over. Politics. Through the few countries we did take over through force, we showed what can happen when compliance is accepted. They are extremely envious of the tech they can have and the promise of the interstellar age. 

While they are stuck on their rock we are expanding The Imperium in both tech, magic, and psychic means. It would be foolish to continue to resist when we bring so much to the table. While our crusading fleets expand our borders, my personal fleet must move to Terra. We leave in one hour." 

One after the other, all 50 of his Guards began moving to get to his personal fleet which was led by his personal Flagship The Invisible Reason, The Conqueror, and the other 500 vessels of his personal fleet which remained docked above the port of Deimos were activated by Soundwave. 

Justinian could move his entire 500 Fleet force to Terra as an intimidation display, but just The Invisible Reason, The Vengeful Spirt, and The Conqueror were going to be enough. Each ship was 100 miles long and they had the nifty ability to be able to combine into a single vessel. 

When Justinian gave the order to begin boarding, all across The Imperium, an army of Space Marines, Krorks, Eldar, Insectacons, Predakons, Tempestus Scions, and Psian Jackels all prepared to board the three ships. 

While that got underway, Justinian and his Honor Guard entered the Command Deck of The Invincible Reason. While Justinian sat himself on his Command Throne, Magna was treating Clark's wounds. 

During the battle, Justinian had not just broken Clark's back in a brutal manner, but his barrage of Defense Breakers to the chest had caused his right lung to collapse. He also had several dimensional energy corruption in his wounds making the healing process complicated. 

It was good that the process was sped up when Justinian removed the venom he had administered to Clark to keep him down. Magna stopped using her magic when she fixed Clark's back and all traces of the venom in his body were gone. 

However, she did keep him unconscious since they didn't want to deal with Clark at the moment. 

"There we are, he is out of danger. Now, we just have to wake him up." 

Justinian nodded. 

"Well done, I would have found it rather annoying if he died to his wounds. This way I can have him live through what is to come. Soundwave, have the troops reached their positions." 

<Affirmative. > 

"In that case, take us to Washington D.C. Bring us directly above the White House." 

<At Once, my Lord>


The Invisible Reason, The Conqueror, and The Vengeful detached from the docks on Demimos and they began to angel themselves toward Earth. That name would soon change to Terra once Justinian truly brought the planet into compliance. 

It would take years, but it would be worth it in the end because he would be able to complete his goal of bringing Terra into compliance. A small smile spread across Justinian's lips as one of his main goals would be complete. 

The Dark Matter engines burst with power as his warships hurled toward Terra. The three mighty vessels arrived in less than a second which meant three 100-mile ships appeared directly over the skies of Washington D.C. 

The people of DC were horrified at the gigantic vessels that covered the sky, but it was just getting started. Justinian stayed seated on his Command Throne, as the takeover was going to start. 

The first over of business was that his armed forces would be the start of martial law. From his Command Throne, Justinian began to command his forces. 

"Begin disembarking. Deplay Teleportation Arcs."

From his three vessels massive metal constructs dropped down around the White House. When those three titanic machines dropped down, inside his vessels a wide array of teleport gates opened up. 

Leading the front were massive Krorks who marched out of the three Gates each one of those titans of war towered 50 meters into the air. When the Krorks emerged, the people of D.C began to panic as it seemed an invasion was starting. 

Rather than allow a panic mob, Justinian tapped his foot and a wave of Psychic Energy enveloped the city causing all fear to simply cease. 

"Do not be alarmed, for this is not an invasion. It is merely the next stage of progress." 

Justinian stood up and glanced over at his guards. 

"We are going." 

He tapped his Spear on the floor of his ship before teleporting himself and his guards into the White House. When he had first arrived in the DC universe, he had met with President Buren an elderly man. 

The current president is a much younger man and a man who believed the future was in joining the Imperium was waiting. When Justinian and his Honor Guard teleported into the Oval Office which would have been troublesome since they were all gigantic, Justinian used some quick magic to expand the space of the office. 

That allowed everyone to fit without issue which would allow them to meet with the President directly. The man in question when he saw Justinian and his Honor Guard stood up from his desk before walking around and placing a hand on his chest. 

"Welcome God Emperor back to the White House. My name is-" 

Justinian cut him off. 

"Alexander Davis, I know who you are. My people have been in contact with you for some time. In exchange for your loyalty, we have been giving you rare technology, genetic engineering, and luxury. Now, it is time to cash in." 

Alexander nodded as he kneeled. 

"I live to serve, my Emperor. What do you require of me?" 

Justinian had a few requirements. 

"In a few days, you will go on national TV and agree to join The Imperium. As my infiltrators begin to do their work, the countries of Terra will slowly be annexed into The Imperium. For now, my army will estate Martial Law." 

Alexander nodded. 

"Understood. I can bring to arms the armed forces of the United States to aid you."

Justinian didn't feel that was needed. 

"Uneeded, but appreciated. Now, to start the process." 

Justinian raised his spear to the sky and in a burst of Psychic and Divine Energy Justinian linked up to every single person on Earth. 

"The time is nigh, Terra will now join The Imperium. Welcome to The Imperium." 

That was all he said, but it started the process. All over Terra, the infiltrators in the Governments of the world began to take over completely. Through magical and psychic means, they began to pass laws and activate the teleport gates they had built. 

The laws made resistance of any kind illegal which could be punished. Lauralina's Inquisitors now were fully activated the world over and whenever even a thought of resistance was thought, the individual would be re-educated. 

As for the secret teleport gates, those connected connected to the Gate Network of The Imperium allowing troops to be moved over from everywhere in the Imperium. The embassy in DC opened its doors and the forces of The Imperium began to arrive on Terra before they teleported to every city the world over. 

Martial law was put in place throughout the world as armies of Space Marines, Tempestus Sions, Psian Jackels, Kryptonians, Tyranids, Krorks, Eldar, and Men Of Iron moved through the planet. 

Through the use of Librarians, resistance was crushed without a single shot being fired. Russia, China, Rhelasia, India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Bialya, Markovia, and Santa Prisca which were already under his control made the process easier. 

With his boundless armies setting up base throughout the entire planet, the integration began. The first matter of business was the eradication of religion which meant places of worship were destroyed. 

However, Justinian didn't believe in book burning so he allowed religious texts to remain, but the Imperial Creed was put in Place. As the weeks passed, Imperial Control was cemented and entire cities were demolished before they were rebuilt with the standard of The Imperium. 

As truly great cities went up around the world, Justinian decided to reactivate the Leylines that cut through Terra. He had done the same for every single planet in The Imperium and Terra was no different. 

When the Leylines began to surge with Energy, Justinian had Erda begin to fuse a portion of her consciousness with it. Since Erda was the soul of Mars and he trusted her, he preferred if she could extend her consciousness to Terra. 

With Mana and Psychic Energy flowing through the planet in a flood of power, the animals and plants began to mutate. This would have caused a beast tide, but Erda was keeping things stable to prevent such things. 

This allowed the life of Terra to mutate in a nondestructive way. To increase the effect, Justinian began to release some of his creations into the environment which would begin to breed with the local evolving fauna and flora.

It was a grand age of evolution for Earth now known as Terra and even the humans were not exempt. It caused those who had the potential to awaken their psychic gifts. These Psychics rather than be allowed to run free were collected and taken to a Schola Psyconica. A place where their gifts would be trained. 

Psychics were not the only type of powered individual to begin to become more numerous, humans who could use magic began to awaken, and more metahumans popped up and this was just in a matter of a month. 

All these powered individuals were collected since their powers could be useful to The Imperium. All the while, Justinian ordered the White House rebuilt into a Gothic manor where he conducted the integration of Terra. 

Mars would still be his home, but he felt having himself and his Honor Guard would deter rebellion. As for Superman who had been defeated to have this happen, after they returned to Terra, he was returned to his family. 

As for the Justice League, they were effectively disbanded since they were no longer needed. All crime ended worldwide, criminals were dealt with in more permanent ways, and the prisons worldwide were nearly emptied. 

Those falsely accused with released, those with unforgivable crimes were sent to be test subjects while those who could be redeemed were sent to work camps. Currently, in the White House which was now called The Imperial Manor, Justinian sat on a Temporary Throne. 

He had his eyes closed as he used his connection to Erda who had bound Terra to her soul to look through the entire planet. So far, the integration has been going well. Sure among the more stubborn population feelings of outrage were common, but those were rare. 

They quickly dealt with my Inquisitors and the constant patrols of Space Marines, Tempestus' Scions, Psian Jackels, Tyranids, Krorks, and Eldar crushed any feeling of rebellion. 

When Justinian opened his eyes he hummed. 

"Things are going well. One month into the integration and so far, damage to the planet is non-existent." 

At the moment his Honor Guard was standing around him along with his Predakons, Grimlock, Predaking, Ravager, Devastator, and Grendel. He was feeling happy about himself now that Terra was his as it should be. 

At the moment he had his Mother Box analyzing other multiverses looking for that particular moment. His way out of the DC universe and a part of his mind told him it was approaching. Angstrom Levi, he just had to wait for that worm and his way out would be here.
