
The Actor Extraordinaire

ENGLISH TRANSLATION Updates: regularly Status In COO: 83 Chapters (Completed) Author: 漫漫何其多, Man Man He Qi Duo Summary: "Fresh meat" Jiang Chi - to get closer to his unrequited love, an actor extraordinaire - did everything to join Ye Lan's filming project, even if it meant he would not get paid. Note: 影帝, literally means "movie king". Used for famous and accomplished actors. The actress equivalent is 影后, meaning "movie queen". 小鲜肉, literally means "young, fresh meat". Used for young, rising actors with good looks (who often star in more commercial-oriented films.) The actress equivalent is 小花, meaning "fresh flower" Notes: I am not a native Chinese speaker so if there's any mistakes pls excuse me. Hope u enjoy!! Unauthorized non-commercial translation

Nctae_25 · LGBT+
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"It was my break of agreement first, and the organization would force any discipline on me, and I would acknowledge it."

"Sibling Geng... I'm sorry this time." Jiang Chi took a full breath, squeezed the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and murmured, "Subsequent to paying the organization's break of agreement, I will give you back That part."

Geng Tian just got off the plane around evening time, first he was confused by a line of data assault, and afterward he was called to the organization and was reprimanded by a few chiefs, of all shapes and sizes. He was loaded with outrage in his stomach, and he didn't need to have supper. At the point when I went to Chi's family, I needed to give Jiang Chi a temper. Whoever needed to sit tight for him to admonish somebody, Jiang Chi previously let it out unequivocally.

"I, I couldn't care less about my offer." This is excessively bogus, and Geng Tian is furious that Jiang Chi cuts his cash. Since he realizes that Jiang Chi won't profess to trick him, he feels more good and unclear. Stated, "Consider the big picture for yourself, have you done this to an extreme? Regardless of whether you conceal it from my representative, after the organization knows the news, can you not concern? What right?"

Considering Jiang Chi taking on the show with his back on his back, Geng Tian's indignation came up once more, and he harshly stated: "It's not on the grounds that you took the show with zero compensation! Does the organization care about cash?! The entire group has a drawn out arrangement for your vocation! You should Acknowledge the play without approval, or acknowledge this, this..."

At the point when Geng Tian recalled the film that Jiang Chi was recording now, his demeanor was difficult to clarify.

A couple of months back, Jiang Chi took a film secretly.

It is anything but a mostly secret workshop. The entire creation of the movie, from the chief to the screenwriter, is excessively first-line. The two male lead the plot, Jiang Chi serves two jobs.

Jiang Chi has been famous for over a year, yet he has never been on the big screen. Geng Tian has been focusing for as long as a half year. He is searching for an occasion to place him in which team. He didn't anticipate being the male one. He can be on the big screen. Simply show your face.

Presently it's going on. The big screen debut with the huge chief to battle the featuring flag, it was hit by Tianda's pie, however it's a pity-this is an equivalent sex artistic film.

Jiang Chi was in any event, attempting to crush into the group, and didn't request a bit of pay.

It was initially a column for the organization to bring in cash, however now it can't be crushed out for in any event a large portion of a year, and a few senior heads accountable for Jiangchi have detonated.

"A year ago's well deserved reserve funds! This time, it isn't included to pay, yet additionally to insult the organization! Is it justified, despite any trouble for yourself?" Geng Tian despised iron and steel: "It has been not exactly a year since it got mainstream! It's actually when it's perishing. At this point, you have the greater part a year to make a film that can't be delivered on the terrain! What is in your mind..."

"Didn't you advise me? I need to make a film to satisfy the fans." Jiang Chi is as yet not peevish, "An unadulterated informal film is very reasonable."

"Try not to trick me with my words!" Geng Tian exclaimed, "You won't battle for this film on the grounds that the other driving entertainer has just chosen Ye Lan! I don't have the foggiest idea about your musings?!"

Jiang Chi was alarmed, a dissatisfaction streaked in his eyes, he turned his head and hacked dryly, and unknowingly contacted another cigarette.

When Geng Tian said the words, he thought twice about it. When he saw this, he killed the point and said disappointed: "I simply needed to ask you, for what reason did you begin smoking?!"

"Interest for shooting." Jiang Chi lit a cigarette and took a taste, gagged, "Kill...After completing, I will stop."

Geng Tian glared: "Focus on the event, don't be gotten outside, you have not yet arrived at an opportunity to change into an attractive man."

"I know." Jiang Chi gestured, glared delicately, and gradually smoked.

Jiang Chi is just 23 years of age this year, and his face actually has a young layout. Sitting on the couch and figuring out how to smoke like this is mysteriously excruciating. Contemplating the organization's discipline, Geng Tian relaxed his heart, plunked down once more, and moaned: "On the grounds that you were harmed the last time you were recording, everybody identifies with you, so I applied for the three-month excursion. , While nobody is gazing at you in private... disregard it, what about there? I've heard before that this individual Ren Haichuan is exceptionally hard to coexist with."

"No, Chief Ren is generally excellent." Jiang Chi realized that this was a pass, and grinned, "I joined the group for a month and took in a great deal with Chief Ren."

"Then..." Geng Tian wondered whether or not to state something, "Where's Sovereign Ye, you and him..."

Jiang Chi flicked the residue, made a sound as if to speak, and gradually stated, "Sovereign Ye Ying is thoughtful to me."

Geng Tian quietly deciphered Jiang Chi's words: Subsequent to shooting for a month, Jiang Chi couldn't get to know Ye Lan.

Despite the fact that he was disturbed by Jiang Chi's own assessment, Geng Tian felt somewhat thoughtful to Jiang Chi when he heard here. He lost such a lot of cash and time to connect with Ye Lan. Sadly, it appears to be that Ye Lan didn't intend to have a profound companionship with Jiang Chi.

Else, it won't be conceivable to be "neighborly" in the wake of shooting so long.

In any case, this isn't unexpected.

Who is Ye Yingdi?

Ye Lan, an expert foundation, became popular when he was youthful. He made his first film in quite a while junior year. With a decent look and great acting abilities, he took the entertainer just before school graduation and graduated with two prizes. Since he left school as of recently, Ruler Ye Ying has been mainstream for a very long time, and he has been overwhelming the big screen for a very long time.

Lately, regardless of whether it is film assets or business assets, Ye Yingdi has been perched on the high level, shared benefit verbal exchange and prevalence, consistent and consistent, and red is persuading.

Where's Jiang Chi.

Two years after graduation and four years in the business, he has partaken in excess of 20 television arrangement and featured in three. The majority of the television dramatizations featuring in the television arrangement have been surged. The organization initially had no desire for him. It didn't need Jiang Chi to assume a supporting part in a period dramatization a year ago. In the show, the scoundrel played by Jiang Chi suddenly pulled in fans. With this job , Jiangchi immediately got famous, and his prevalence once overpowered numerous little meats in the amusement circle. Exploiting this investor energy, Jiang Chi took on an unscripted TV drama, and depended on his satisfying character to circle a great deal of fans, and pressed into the bleeding edge all at once.

Red is truly red, yet everybody realizes that producers like Ye Yingdi, who live at the highest point of the diversion circle throughout the entire year, would not place Jiang Chi in their eyes.

The two are not on a similar level by any stretch of the imagination.

If not for Jiang Chi's karma, he was likewise from a class, and he was eager to suffer difficulties on the off chance that he had acting aptitudes. Also that he didn't need a compensation, or he would pay for it, and he would not be essential for Ye Lan's team.

These Jiang Chi himself knew well overall.

"I didn't anticipate anything." Jiang Chi was extremely hopeful, and grinned powerlessly, "How is it possible that it would be... In any case, whenever I heard that there was such a chance, I was not accommodated on the off chance that I didn't battle for it, and I didn't lose it. I learned. A ton of things, but..."

You can even now coexist with Ye Lan day and night. Despite the fact that Ye Lan has consistently been cold to him, at any rate when shooting, Ye Lan will consistently take a gander at him.

The dramatizations in the primary month were generally clashes, with few rivals, the majority of them were on the spot. Much of the time, two individuals shot in an unexpected way, yet in the following not many months, they will have a "wedding trip period". The content Jiang Chi has for some time been remembered. Presently, Ye Lan's lines could be opened, and when he believed that Ye Lan would state those sweet words lovingly to him in the play, Jiang Chi felt that it merited paying as much for the break of agreement.

Geng Tian took a gander at the rosy red on Jiang Chi's face and was somewhat harsh, and waved his hand: "Fail to remember it, I'll deal with you from the organization, and return and give me a duplicate of the timetable from your group. Allow me to see... "

Jiang Chi harshly stated: "Sibling Geng, it is unthinkable for Chief Ren to allow me to play, and I disagree with it myself."

Geng Tian restless: "Isn't it for you to get your old capital back, all things considered, I know... Will there be a show tomorrow?"

Jiang Chi gestured: "Yes."


"An area scene, a night scene, the elderly person is somewhat disappointed, and one more day." In the crate, Ye Lan's eyes were at that point red, he obstructed the wine glass that was given to him, and scoffed, "A few games tomorrow. The play, I said it won't come, just come and play with you... also, set out to convince me."

The individuals in the crate snickered. An entertainer who knows about Ye Lan grinned like a blossom: "I'm heartbroken, I didn't have any acquaintance with you will have a show tomorrow, I would have quit filling you in the event that I knew it, accuse Yu Xinyue, his manager didn't follow us State."

Ye Lan looks great and looks considerably additionally beguiling when he is flushed. The whole box is nearly centered around him. A female star close to him really wanted to put down her body, set out a glass of water for Ye Lan and gave it over, Ye Lan caused a stir , Took the wine glass with water, raised the glass to the entertainer courteous fellow, grinned: "It's for you."

The actor's face flushed quickly.

It was Yu Xinyue who gave Ye Lan the wine. He was a couple of years earlier than Ye Lan's debut. He additionally took the actor in those days. The two have participated a few times, and the relationship is viewed as acceptable in the circle. Yu Xinyue heard that when she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass, she inclined toward Ye Lan and stated, "What's the show tomorrow? Or on the other hand the glass?"

"No doubt." Ye Lan scoured his eyebrows. "Luckily, there is no show in the morning...or else I will pass by with liquor tomorrow and I will be chastened to death by Ren Haichuan."

Yu Xinyue likewise drank a ton. He scoured his face, reviewed horrendously, and asked, "How long has it been required? It's been a month?"

"It's right around two months." Ye Lan was somewhat squinted by the astonishing lights in the crate, "It will be very nearly four or five months..."

Yu Xinyue caused a commotion: "Isn't it a little creation and ease film? It actually takes such a long time?"

Ye Lan's eyes were somewhat agreeable and pleased, and he jeered delicately: "The film with the prize won by it will be shot in a few months. Who will trick you?"

Yu Xinyue grinned: "Amazing."

"Hello! The child who played with you is named Jiang Chi." Yu Xinyue asked, "How?"

Ye Lan stated: "Excellent."

Yu Xinyue prodded: "Minimal new meat..."

"No." Ye Lan shook his head, "It's not the sort of individual who can't discover Bei in a hand. He has a decent temper, is exceptionally unassuming, and his acting aptitudes are acceptable. The old person Ren Haichuan likes him, saying that he is careful..."

"It's okay...too numerous meetings of late? What sort of true talk is it with me." Yu Xinyue said in a soft tone, "I additionally heard that two days back, his agreement with the first organization appears to lapse one year from now, thinking Ask you how this child is. In the event that the open door is correct, I might want to allow somebody to reach him to check whether he is eager to come to us for advancement."

Yu Xinyue established Time Media in a joint endeavor with her old club a couple of years prior. She was lukewarm previously, and her assets have been improving and better in the previous two years, and she has marked numerous specialists in a single year.

"Nobody isn't right." Ye Lan stated, "Else you return to visit my class and see with your own eyes."

Yu Xinyue grinned: "Isn't it alright to take a gander at the photographs? I actually use it face to face. I simply need to get some information about his disposition and character. I am old and can't bear those insane individuals."

"Not insane." Ye Lan squinted and thought, "The disposition is acceptable, and the face outline is alright. It's the sort of long and whole. It's OK to get you for a couple of years, the figure..."

Ye Lan didn't have the foggiest idea her opinion about, and grinned.

"Goodness." Yu Xinyue grinned and gave Ye Lan a cigarette. He likewise took a cigarette, and grinned ambiguously while lighting the cigarette. "You would prefer not to hear you recognition a particularly male craftsman, what's going on with your body?"

Ye Lan took a cigarette, delicately nibbled the cigarette holder, and grinned: "The little butt is very improved."

Yu Xinyue laughed stupidly: "Is it right? Ye Ying? At any rate, he is likewise the main male god in the film and broadcast business. Is it proper to take a gander at Xiao Xianrou's rear end the entire day?"

"Interest for shooting." Ye Lan inclined toward the couch, languidly stated, "Sign it, you sign, I can observe each day."

Yu Xinyue looked at him: "Valid? I like him?"

Ye Lan let out his cigarette and stated, "By and large, individuals who are messing with you are curious about him."

Yu Xinyue got it as well. He saw Ye Lan inclining toward the back with his eyes shut, realizing that he was truly flushed, and took a gander at that point and stated, "Would you say you won't have a show tomorrow? Something else, return soon? I'll see you."

"No." Ye Lan opened his eyes, "I requested that Lao Jin shot in the arm."

Yu Xinyue was defenseless, he thought he had a decent connection with Ye Lan, however Ye Lan was this way, as long as he contacted liquor, he would not get in others' vehicles, including him.

Ye Lan looked cheerful. Individuals in a similar circle can have companionships with everybody, except he has consistently recognized a few things, as though these kinships are just essential for his work, and the outer relationship looks great. He will likewise be obviously separated external the private circle. For such countless years, Yu Xinyue didn't have the foggiest idea about the particular area of Ye Lan's home.

Ye Lan shut her hair, shakily got the telephone, opened the location book, and slid to the J header list, squinted dazedly, and scarcely communicated something specific: Flourishing, come and jolt of energy.

Ye Lan tossed the telephone aside, and chuckled in the midst of the commotion of the group: "Please... allow Father to sing the last melody for you."

Simultaneously, at the Jiangchi family, Geng Tian got up and stated, "I don't have any acquaintance with you are recording nowadays, and I have no more associates for you. I will tell the organization tomorrow..."

"No need." Jiang Chi shook his head briskly, "Xiao Li is sufficient to follow me, and it's pointless if there are too much. Ye Lan brought two collaborators over, and I pulled a lot of Wuyangyang to allow others to perceive what the group might want. "

Geng Tian considered everything, and moaned: "Alright, you are requesting generosity and consideration, don't utter a word else, take great pictures, in the future..."

Later on, the shooting is done, and it is practically difficult to have the occasion to contact Ye Lan.

Geng Tian gulped the second 50% of the sentence into his stomach, and going to pivot, when he heard Jiang Chi's phone humming.

Jiang Chi's telephone was set on the table, and with a vibration, the screen lit up:

[Prosperity, come and pick me up]