
Chapter 163:

"No college huh?", he asked, as he saw the resigned look on her face.

"You are here to tell me off?", she looked depressed, "Please don't I can't hear it from y-", "I'm not. If anything, I applaud your bravery, I am still considering whether to go or not, but I assure you, I would most definitely not be able to tell my family."

After a small pause, where Bea almost broke into tears, Ace continued, "Look, it's simple, you are doing good with your own projects, and believe you will have more fun that way, therefore, you don't go. Hell, the worst that could happen is that it does not end up working out, and you end up going to college a year later. Not too big a deal, people take a gap year anyways."

She looked up at him, hooked on his every word, "If I was you, I would explain it clearly to my parents, you tell them that you would rather pursue your dream, and that the way it is going now, it is not far from being realised, hell, you are making enough money to live as it is. Tell them that you will take the summer off, and if you see a potential growth, you will keep doing it, if it does not, then you apply for college in September. If you are going to do so however, let me now, I can help you with all the paperwork and the admission process, ok?", she nodded, tears of happiness about to stream from her face.

She was clearly happy someone had supported her, and Ace saw she still had a lot on her mind, so he said one more thing, "Now, thing about what I told you, and do whatever YOU want to do, whatever will make you happy. You have until we arrive to the restaurant to think, but after that, I want to see a smile on that pretty face of yours.", Ace was now walking faster, catching up with the main group ad leaving her to think, so he did not spot the blush that creeped up her cheeks.


"D*mm that was good,", Moe said, a content smile on his face, he had stuffed his face full of dumplings, and was now calmly drinking the last bits of his tea.

"Yep,", Ray said, as she came out of her conversation with Bea and Oby, "The ramen were insane,", then looking at Ace and John, "We have to come here again."

"Hey!", CJ said in mock complaint, "What about me?", "What about you?", she smiled cheekily and they all laughed.

"So, drinks now? Or are you too tired.", John asked, Hans shook his head, "I'm tired, but why not, also, tomorrow we are going cliff jumping, any of you want to come? We are going to some spots that also have water spots, so it should be nice. Getting away from all the heat.", the group nodded, and the other four looked at each other.

"I don't have anything to do, so I guess I will come.", Ace said, and the others nodded, "You guys have all the gear?", Oby nodded, "Ok, I'll bring a drone and some filming gear, should make things more interesting, and should also gives us some sick footage."

"Yep, sounds cool.", Ray said, and then, lowering her voice conspiratorially, whispered, "Now, you guys have not seen THE Warehouse have you?"


The Warehouse, one of the more interesting projects of the past few years. A few crews had gotten together, and with all the money from merchandise and so on, had bought a gigantic abandoned warehouse. Then, they had spent the past years working on it. The thing was, that anyone could go and help whenever. They had first cleaned it, and then, after planning how it would look, they began building it.

Now, after about two and a half years since they had first bought it, the project was finished, which meant that it could be used. The fact that it was a community project, meant that there were a lot of people who were invested in it, and spent a lot of time inside, which of course led to the fact that it was still seeing new improvements.

Of course, it would not be half the thing it was if it was not because of the parties. About halfway through the project, once a semblance of it was built, a few guys had the wild idea of throwing a party, people that had not helped would have to pay, but for the rest it was free entry, the goal was to make it the best party in the city, and use the funds that had been collected, to buy new materials.

The first one was shaky, but as soon as people heard about it, more and more people ended up coming, up to the point where they were making insane returns, which were enough to even buy some of the land adjacent to the warehouse, and build a pool. It would be maintained with the money from the parties hosted throughout the year.

One of the people involved had a friend who had a business that worked on building, cleaning and maintaining pools, which meant he gave them a good price, as long as they were the ones that were hired. They agreed that the prices given were simply too good, and so, the deal was taken, and they now also had a massive pool with round the year maintenance.

They went to the warehouse, it was about twenty minutes away, and of course, a party was going on. They went in through the main entrance, and they gave their names, and they all went in without paying. As soon as they got there, they each went their own ways, Ray went to show them around with John, and CJ went off to DJ, which he usually did with a few other guys. They swapped around as they saw fit, and it seemed to work just fine, since all of them loved it, and were pretty good at it too.

Ace went off to the separate room. It was a locked room, which had a serious amount of security, there, he stashed his bag with his skateboard, before locking the door in place, and going to the bar to get a drink.

After doing so, he went to the bar area, where people were tricking to the shouts and cheers of the people watching. It was a thrilling thing to watch, people defied the limits of what was physically possible, contorsioning their bodies in ways most people would think impossible. Their heads scraped the floor, and the rushes of adrenaline were almost visible within their protruding veins, tense from the physical and mental excersion that was needed to complete those feats.