"Ohhhh, my baby looks so handsome!"
It was Yuki's first day of high school, and his mom was currently freaking out.
Yuki was dressed in his school uniform, a very ugly school uniform.
He had on an ugly brown blazer that reminded him of poop. He wore a long-sleeved white shirt underneath the blazer. His pants and shoes were both the same poop brown. He basically looked like a walking turd. Even Yuki's dashing good looks could not make this uniform look good.
Yuki's purple hair was tied back into a neat pony tail, a requirement by the school for boys with hair surpassing their shoulders.
'Hmmm... Maybe I should cut it.' Yuki thought to himself because he didn't like wearing it in a ponytail. He felt it made him look too feminine.
While it was true that Yuki's features looked a bit softer with the ponytail, it would be very difficult to say a 6'3 broad shouldered boy with a strong and heroic features looked feminine. Even in his brown uniform, Yuki exuded an air of confidence and dominance that caused many of the girls and women in his neighborhood to start referring to him as Prince Yuki in secret. There are even rumors that a Prince Yuki fanclub was started in the neighborhood by an unspecified person, close to Yuki with close to 50 members. Of course, the person the fanclub was created for was blissfully unaware of its existence.
"Oh, let me take a few photos, the other mem...I mean, I don't have enough photos of my adorable Yuki-kun." His mother gushes.
Yuki noticed his mother's slip up, but thought it'd be better if he didn't acknowledge it.
"Fine, but only a few." Yuki relents, knowing she won't take no for an answer.
"Excellent." His mother whips out her phone. "Now glare into the camera, and look at it as if it was an insignificant bug." She directs.
Yuki's eyes twitch at the ridiculous words coming out of his mother's mouth. "Mom." Yuki starts trying to object, but he's quickly cut off by his mom.
"Don't mom me, do as I say young man!" She orders sternly.
'Okay, now this is hella weird, hut whatever I'll do it.' Yuki decides to just go along with her request. It's the least he can do, considering she's sacrificed so much for him.
Yuki glares arrogantly at the camera as if he was looking at garbage.
"Oh, that's a good one. They'll love this." He heard his mother whisper as she snapped a few photos.
Yuki looks at his mom, confused. "Who's they?" He asks, slightly weirded out by his moms behavior.
"Hmmm, oh, you know... my... my coworkers. I'm always bragging about you to them." His mother says with a hint of nervousness in her tone.
'Hmmm, very suspicious. However, I think it's best if I just play along. I feel like digging too deep will not end well for me.'
"Oh, I see." Yuki replies robotically. "Anyway, I better go, I don't want to be late." Yuki says, looking at the watch on his wrist.
His mom smiles sweetly at him. "Alright, have a good baby." She says while waving from the door.
"I will bye mom." Yuki greets before making his way to school
Tenri Gakuen was an unremarkable school, to say the least.
Yuki noticed while approaching the gate that the walls had some graffiti on them, that the school didn't bother to cover up, or haven't covered up yet which they should've done considering this was the first day of school. The school building wasn't in any better condition. It looked decrepit, like it was on the verge of collapse. The building was so old and rundown that Yuki worried a gust of wind could cause it to collapse.
'Ahhh, I'm definitely getting that scholarship. I don't even care where.' Yuki thinks to himself fired up by seeing the condition of the school.
Walking inside only motivated Yuki even further.
'I thought these types of guys only existed within anime.' Yuki thought to himself seeing a group of guys with pompadours and pedo mustaches.
Yuki wasn't an anime lover, but he's watched a few as a kid, and those guys looked like your typical delinquent gang.
The glares they were giving him were quite uncomfortable. They were looking at him as if he had killed their families.
'Ahhh, this might be trouble.' Yuki groans, especially because the biggest pompadour, a boy about the same height as him, was glaring especially fiercely at him.
'What the hell did I do to them.' Yuki thinks to himself, confused at their behavior.
'Arggg, all pretty boys should die!!!!' Was what all the Delinquents were screaming in their minds.
They knew with Yuki's arrival that the girls of Tenri would be obsessing over the fresh meat.
Tenzo, the tallest and strongest delinquent, was especially annoyed with Yuki's arrival. 'If he seduces her, I won't hesitate to smash his pretty face in.' Tenzo thought to himself, ready to beat the crap out of Yuki if he messed with his woman.
Yuki ignored their stares and continued walking. As long as they don't mess with him, he wouldn't bother with them either.
Yuki walked to his locker with many eyes on him, both boys and girls, but he completely ignored them, focusing only on his locker. It was slightly unnerving being the center of attention. Even in middleschool, he was always the center of attention, but that didn't mean he enjoyed or even got used to being so.
After putting some of his stuff into his locker, he left going to 1-A his classroom.
As Yuki got closer to the classroom, he could hear a lot of noise coming from within.
However, when Yuki entered, the entire classroom went quiet.
Yuki ignored it and walked straight towards an empty seat near the window and took a seat.
As soon as he sat, the noise returned. This time, however, the noise came from whispers, which Yuki didn't doubt were about him. He wasn't just assuming that he knew because everyone was staring at Yuki while whispering to each other.
Yuki could never understand their behavior. In his past life, if people saw someone handsome, they wouldn't react quite like this. Everyone he meets tends to overreact to his appearance. His always hated by the guys and obsessed over by the girls.
He didn't understand why they couldn't just act normal around him.
'This is going to be a long day.' Yuki thought to himself, annoyed.
He was right. The girls immediately surrounded him during lunch break, bombarding him with questions.
"Hey! Scram!!!" An unknown girl yells.
The girls all turn around to see who has the guts to yell at them, but when they spot who did, their faces pale, and they quickly back off.
Yuki looked towards his savior, curious as to who was able to scare the girls that much that they'd run away.
His savior was a beautiful girl. No girl would not be an apt way to address her. She was a woman.
Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail with two bangs framing her mature and beautiful face. Her eyes were a darker shade of brown than her hair. They had fierce confidence within them, which made her look terrifying. Yuki could see why the girls ran away. She looked fierce and intimidating. She wore her school uniform with a long white coat draped over her shoulders.
She looks over at Yuki, giving him a once over before walking past him with two girls that Yuki failed to notice.
"Thank you." Yuki, thanks her as she walks past his table.
She stops for a brief second before continuing to walk on.
One of the girls following her turns around waves at him and says. "You're welcome." While grinning widely at him before continuing to follow the other girl.
'Hmmm. I wonder who she is?' Yuki can't contain his curiosity looking at his saviors back.
After school, Yuki made his way to the baseball field. He wasn't surprised when he laid his eyes on the field. The grass was slightly long, and mostly dirt. The clubhouse was nothing but a wooden shack, but at least they had actual changerooms. In conclusion, the baseball field was as decrepit as the school.
Yuki walked into the changerooms, wanting to change into the school baseball uniform.
The uniform wasn't as ugly as the school uniform even though it was all brown.
The changeroom was noisy as he walked in and full of naked boys.
"Oraaaa!!! Rookie, I want my shoes spotless by the time I'm finished getting dressed." A senior member was currently forcing a new recruit to clean his shoes.
Yuki had seen that all the time in his old life, it was an initiation.
Yuki already went through that in his last life. He won't do it again in this life.
"Good afternoon." Yuki greets while bowing briefly.
Yuki turns away and starts undressing, not bothering to wait for a response.
While undressing, Yuki suddenly feels a tingle on his neck as if to warn him someone is behind him.
"Oi Rookie." A deep and unnerving voice comes from behind Yuki.
Yuki sighs, already guessing what's about to take place.
"What is it?" Yuki asks, not bothering to turn around.
"Oi Rookie, you should have more respect for your senpais." The voice warns not liking Yuki's response.
Yuki turns around, nearly getting poked by a popadour.
'He's the delinquent who was glaring at me this morning.' Yuki recognizes the boy in front of him.
"Why should I respect you when you've done nothing to earn it?" Yuki inquires without fear.
Yuki's suddenly pushed against the wall, a massive hand wrapped around his neck.
"Would you care to repeat that, Rookie?" Tenzo asks while glaring and tightening his grip around Yuki's neck.
Yuki glares back before grabbing Tenzo's arm. Yuki slowly pulls back his arm, breaking the grip the delinquent had on his neck.
The entire changeroom goes quiet, watching their interaction.
Tenzo looks at Yuki stunned by his strength. Tenzo tries to rip his arm away from Yuki but is shocked to find that he can't move his arm at all.
"Don't do that again, or I won't be as nice Senpai." Yuki says mockingly, emphasizing Senpai before releasing his arm and continuing to undress.
Everyone changes in silence perturbed by what happened between Yuki and Tenzo.
Tenzo continuously sent glares at Yuki, but Yuki ignored his glares and calmly got dressed.
After getting dressed, Yuki walked out of the changerooms and walked to the field where a few of his new teammates and a frail old man waited.
"Alright, now that all the new recruits have arrived, line up!" The old man may look frail, but his voice was strong and full of line.
"Hai!!!" All the freshman, including Yuki, yell before lining up.
"Alright, introduce yourself and tell us the position you wish to play." The coach instructs.
One by one, the freshman introduced themselves before. It was his turn. "My name is Yuki Kaiba! I'm a pitcher and a good hitter."
"A pitcher, huh?" The coaches beady black eyes light up with intrigue.
'He definitely has potential, given his size and physique.' The coach thinks to himself while examining Yuki.
"Tenzo, step forward." The coach orders.
The delinquent that attacked Yuki earlier stepped forward with a stoic prideful expression on his face. "Hai Kantoku!" He yells in reply.
"I want you to lead the new recruits in warming up." The coach instructs.
"Hai! Kantoku."
Tenzo turns to the new recruits. "Follow me." He orders in a commanding tone before turning around and walking away.
The warm-up was easy for Yuki, but the other new recruits were breathing heavily as if they just ran a marathon, which they kind of did.
The warm-up consisted of 10 laps around the baseball field, followed by some stretching, then some quick sprints up and down.
It was brutal for most, but Yuki wasn't phased by it.
"Alright, Yuki Kaiba, come with me." The coach orders and turns walking towards the bullpen.
Yuki follows behind him.
When they arrive at the bullpen, they're greeted by a fat boy with a shaved head that reminded Yuki of a Buddha statue.
"Yuki Kaiba, this is Hotaro, our catcher." The coach introduces the walking Budha statue.
"Hello!" Hotaro waves with a silly smile on his face.
"It's nice to meet you, Hotaro-senpai." Yuki replies.
"I want you to throw a few pitches at him. I want to get a read of your abilities." The coach says to Yuki.
"Alright, Kantoku." Yuki agrees and walks over to the mound.
Yuki grabs a ball from the bucket of balls next to the mound before getting into position on the mound.
Hotaro sits in the catchers position and holds his glove up, ready to catch. "I'm ready, Yuki!" Hotaro yells, sounding slightly ditzy, giving the impression that he wasn't the smartest person around.
Yuki takes a deep breath before starting his wind-up, raising his right foot high into the air.
'Hmmm, good form.' The coach thinks to himself while analyzing Yuki's pitching form.
*Boom!* Yuki plants his foot while swinging his left arm forward, releasing the ball*whoooshhhh!!!* The ball whizzes through the air. *Pah!* The ball lands in Hotaro's glove, creating a loud thud.
'Hmmm, not bad. he's quicker than Kenji.' The coach thinks to himself seeing Yuki's 4-seamer.
"Nice pitch!" Hotaro compliments before throwing the ball back
Yuki nods in acknowledgment while catching the ball.
Yuki throws another pitch, creating the same nice sounding loud thud.
When Yuki catches the ball again, he stretches his left arm. "Alright, I'm about to start throwing seriously Hotaro senpai."
Hotaro and the coach both look at Yuki confused.
'Is he saying he wasn't throwing seriously before?' The coach asks himself unsure.
"O... okay." Hotaro replies, confused but gets ready.
This time, when Yuki raises his leg, both the coach and Hotaro notice Yuki's entire demeanor changed. He started emitting a domineering, suffocating pressure felt by both Hotaro and the coach.
*Booommmmm!!!!!* Even the planting of his foot was louder.
His arm swung past his ear at a blurring speed as he threw the ball. "Wooooorrrrrrrrrr!!!!" The ball produced a peculiar sound as it flew towards Hotaro's glove at frightening speed.
'What the hell!' Hotaro yells in his mind, seeing the ball fly at him with blurring speed.
*Boooommmmm!!!!* The ball hits Hotaro's glove, producing a frightening sound. "Ahhh." Hotaro's glove flies from his hand from the force of Yuki's 4-seamer. The ball continues on barely missing Hotaro face as it does, causing Hotaro to fall on his ass from both fear and shock.
'W...what a monster.' The coach thinks to himself stunned by the speed of Yuki's fast ball. 'That's at least 150kmph.' The coach guesses.
'What is a monster like this doing at our school?' The coach can not fathom why he was here at their tiny public school. The coach shakes his head. 'It doesn't matter. Now that he's here, we have a chance to advance deep into the qualifier.' The coach thinks to himself getting excited by the prospect.
"Hotaro, do you think you can catch that?" The coach asks the still frozen Hotaro.
Hotaro snaps out of his shock and looks at his coach. "I... I'm not sure." Hotaro sighs, unsure.
"You'll have to. This is our chance, Hotaro." The coach pleads.
"I'll try my best, Kantoku." Hotaro, seeing the determination in their coaches' eyes, regains his confidence.
'I can't be afraid, especially if I plan on achieving my dream.' Hotaro thinks to himself, trying to hype himself up.
"Good boy." The coach replies, pleased. He then turns to Yuki. "Yuki Kaiba. You heard him, please continue." The coach orders politely.
"Hai Kantoku." Yuki agrees and prepares to pitch again.
While they were talking, none of the three noticed how the rest of the players were staring at the bullpen with various expression, mostly awe at Yuki's pitching.
Tenzo was one of them looking at Yuki in awe before it quickly turned to rage as he remembered the changeroom events.
Tenzo was conflicted. As the captain of the team, he was happy that they acquired a super rookie, but as a person, he didn't like the arrogant prick.
*Boommmm!!!!* The sound of Yuki's pitch hitting Hotaro's glove echoes throughout the baseball field.
"What a monster." One of the starters, Ryu comments impressed.
Tenzo looks over at Kenji, wanting to see their aces reaction, but instead of the jealousy and anger he expected, he saw Kenji smiling.
"Kenji, aren't you worried?" Tenzo asks, confused.
"Why would I be boss?" Kenji replies. "With him here, our team has become even better." Kenji replies as if it was obvious.
"But, you're the Ace, aren't you worried he'll take your position?" Tenzo asks.
Kenji rubs his blonde hair with a wry smile on his face. "Of course, it's a little frustrating, but he's definitely more deserving of the Ace number. If possible, I'd like to reach Koshien with all of you. And if that means swallowing my pride to achieve that, then that's what I'll do."
Kenji's mature reply shocks all the boys.
'He's right.' Tenzo knows Kenji's right no matter how much it pains him to admit it.
A boy with dark blue hair runs over and hugs Kenji. "That was beautiful Kenji." He cries into Kenji's shoulder.
"Get off me, Sato." Kenji replies, trying to pry Sato off his shoulder.
"Let's get back to practice, everyone!" Tenzo yells.
"Hai Captain." They all reply.
While they were practicing, Fielding and batting Yuki continuously pitched to Hotaro.
Poor Hotaro was struggling to catch Yuki's pitches, but he managed to hang onto a few, which hurt his hand despite its extra padding.
After practice, as Yuki was walking to the changerooms, he was approached by Tenzo.
Tenzo was conflicted throughout practice. He was struggling with a choice. He could do the mature thing as the captain of the team and apologize for his terrible behavior towards Yuki, or he could get his boys to jump Yuki teaching him a lesson for his disrespect earlier.
Tenzo takes a deep breath before speaking. "Kaiba, I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. As the team captain, my behavior was unacceptable, I hope you can forgive me, and we can move on as teammates." Tenzo followed Kenji's advice earlier and swallowed his pride, and apologized to Yuki.
Yuki looks at Tenzo contemplatively. 'I never expected a meat head like Tenzo to apologize, I for sure thought he'd try to attack me for my actions earlier. I see no reason to be unpleasant, I'll accept his apology and move on.'
"I forgive you, captain. Let's get along from now on." Yuki accepts his apology and stretches his hand out.
Tenzo grabs Yuki's hand. "Hai Kaiba."