
1. Chapter 1

I got a request to write a story where Maya is injured in an accident. I hope you enjoy! Also, disclaimer: nursing school doesn't start until August so any medical inaccuracies are on me, and I apologize in advance.

They were heading back from a long call. They had been working on the apartment fire since around 6 pm, and it was currently 3 am. Everyone was spent and ready to get back to the station.

Andy was driving the engine, Maya sitting in the passenger seat with Vic and Travis in the back.

"I call first shower when we get back," Travis said, looking around the truck, "And I will fight anyone who says otherwise."

Maya was about to answer when all of a sudden, it felt like the engine exploded on the passenger side, right against Maya's door.

Ben and Dean, who were in the aid car behind the engine slammed on their breaks, completely unable to believe what they had just seen. A car had, somehow, skidded and hit something, flying through the air and hitting the engine on the passenger side before flipping backward.

"Aid Car 19 to dispatch," Ben said, grabbing the radio as Dean took off toward the engine, "Engine 19 was just hit by a car. Requesting additional aid cars and assistance to this location. Five or more possible injured."

As Dean and Ben were heading to check on everyone, Andy was trying to assess the situation.

"Hughes, Montgomery, Bishop?" she called out, able to get her seatbelt undone, a lot of smoke filling the cab.

"I'm here," Vic said, undoing her buckle, "What the hell happened?"

"I'm not sure," Andy said, "I think a car hit us. Trav, Maya, you with us?"

"Yeah," Travis said, coughing, "I'm here. I can't move though. The seatbelt is jammed, and my arm is pinned."

"Just hold still," Andy said, trying to find the radio, "Maya?"

Andy looked over, struggling to see her friend through the smoke.

"Bishop," Vic called, all three of them starting to panic at the lack of response, knowing the impact had been on her side.

"Guys," Dean said, coming up to the side of the engine, "Are you all ok?"

"I am," Andy said, looking at Dean.

"Herrera, you are bleeding," Dean said, seeing a laceration on Andy's arm and head.

"Trav is pinned, Vic is good, and we can't see Maya, but she's not answering," Andy said, looking at Dean.

"Ok," Dean said, trying to assess if he could start getting his friends out, "Vic, let's get your door open and you and Herrera can get out."

"I'm not leaving Maya until we can get everything in place to get her out," Andy said, shaking her head, trying to figure out how to get to her friend.

Dean decided not to argue with his superior, getting Vic out. There were already other crews starting to arrive and the smoke was starting to clear, letting Andy see her best friend a little. The blonde was pinned by the door, a laceration in her head. She was also clearly unconscious.

"Miller, I've got eyes on Bishop," Andy called, "She's out, but she's got a pulse and she's breathing. But we are going to need tools to get her out."

"On it," Dean said as he helped Vic down.

"What happened?" Vic asked, stumbling as Dean helped her down, looking dazed.

"She already asked that," Andy said, looking at Dean, "She needs a concussion assessment."

"Copy Herrera," Miller said, guiding Vic to an aid car that had just arrived.

"I think I might be able to get myself out if I could just get some leverage," Travis said, pushing on the piece of metal that was on his arm.

"Montgomery, just let them do it," Andy said, "It will be safer. Maya, Bishop. Come on. Time to wake up."

Andy looked down at Maya's abdomen, seeing a large piece of metal sticking out.

"Warren," Andy called as she saw him approaching, "Bishop's got a pretty severe penetrating abdominal trauma. What's the ETA on extraction?"

"We're working on it, Herrera," Ben said, climbing in to help assess, "Are you injured?"

"Just a few cuts," Andy said, looking at Ben.

"Lieutenant, you have a cut on your head," Ben said, looking at her, "You could be concussed."

"I'm fine," Andy said as Ben looked at the cut, "It's probably just a superficial lac. I was conscious the whole time."

"At least let me put a dressing on it," Ben said, grabbing some gauze, dressing Andy's wound as he looked at Travis, "Montgomery, how are you doing?"

"I think ok," Travis said, "This is stuck on my arm, but I think I'll be ok once it's off."

"Yeah, unless you have crush injuries," Ben said, finishing up with Andy, giving Travis his full attention, "Let me see. Can you feel it?"

"Yeah," Travis nodded, "It hurts like hell, but that's good, right?"

"Yeah," Ben nodded, looking at the metal, "Ok, it looks like it's got your shoulder trapped, but not your actual arm. Can you move your fingers?"

Travis did, Ben nodded.

"Ok," the older firefighter said, after giving Travis a spinal exam, "I think I am going to try to move this just enough to move your shoulder out."

Travis nodded, getting ready as Ben lifted. Travis managed to get his shoulder out, the bleeding intensifying as soon as he did.

"Ok," Ben said, immediately applying a dressing as Travis sat in the seat Vic had been in, "I need some help over here."

Immediately, Jack and Robert appeared at the side of the truck.

"He was pinned by some metal," Ben said as he helped Travis out of the damaged engine, "He's bleeding pretty bad from the shoulder, but otherwise seems fine. Get him to Grey Sloan."

"Andy," Robert called as Jack started wheeling Travis to the Aid Car, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said, working to stabilize the metal in Maya's abdomen, "Just some scrapes and stuff."

"You need to go to the hospital and get looked at," Robert said, worried about his wife.

"Maya is trapped and unconscious," Andy said as she got a collar on their captain, "I'll ride in with her when they get her out."

Robert wanted to argue, but he got a look from Ben that told him to leave it alone. He trusted the former surgeon enough to leave his wife in his care.

Ben helped Andy get Maya hooked up to a monitor that told them her heartrate was a little high, but steady, her blood pressure was a little low, and her oxygen was holding for now. They got an IV started and hung fluids to help compensate for the blood loss.

"We are almost ready to start working on the extraction," Miller said, coming around to the driver's side, "How's she doing?"

"She's still unconscious," Andy said, "And she's bleeding."

"Just sit tight Herrera," Ben said, "I'm going to go help with the extraction."

Andy nodded, looking at her best friend.

"Come on Mai," she said, "You need to wake up now."

Maya remained unconscious.

"Put this over Maya, and these on you," Miller said, handing Andy someone's turnout jacket and some goggles, "We are ready to go."

"Alright," Andy said, getting ready for the noise as she covered Maya up, keeping her face a little exposed on the opposite side of where the cutting would be.

Andy kept her eyes trained on her best friend as the jaws of life began working. It took a good 15 minutes, but they got Maya out, a wound in her leg starting to bleed heavily, but they managed to pack it quickly before getting her on a backboard and into an aid car, Andy joining her.

As they headed to the hospital, Andy pulled out her phone, calling the one person she had been dreading calling since she realized what was going on with Maya.

"Andy," Carina said, picking up the phone, "What happened?"

Of course Carina knew something was wrong. How could she not? Andy didn't call in the middle of shift for no reason.

"We had an accident," Andy said, feeling a wave of dizziness and nausea hit her all of a sudden.

"What happened?" Carina asked, "Is Maya ok?"

"She's unconscious," Andy said, looking at her best friend who honestly looked terrible, but her vitals were ok though they had had to stick her on oxygen because those numbers were slipping, "And she has a penetrating abdominal injury and some kind of head injury and some other stuff, but her vitals are ok."

"Can I talk to her?" Carina asked, "I know she's not conscious, but put the phone to her ear."

"Ok," Andy said, "I'm doing it now."

"Bambina," Carina said, trying not to start crying, "Hey. I need you to wake up now, ok? You are on your way to me right now, and I would really like to see you awake when you get here, so it's time to wake up."

"We are almost to Grey Sloan," Andy said, pulling the phone back to her own ear, "See you soon."

As the ambulance slowed, Maya made the first noise Andy had heard out of her since the accident.

"Maya," she said, fighting another wave of dizziness and a roll of nausea, "Hey, are you here?"

"An…" Maya said, eyes, fluttering open, "Wh…"

"We got in an accident," Andy said, "You are pretty hurt. Just relax. We are at the hospital."

"Car…" Maya said, looking around.

"Carina's meeting us right now," Andy said as the door to the aid car opened, Ben helping her get the gurney out, Carina running to it as soon as it would out.

"Car," Maya said, seeing her wife.

"Hi bambina," Carina said, eyes filling with tears as they started wheeling Maya in, her wife paler than she had ever seen, "I'm right here."

"Hurts," Maya said, realizing she was strapped to the backboard on the gurney.

"I know," Carina said, comforting her, "Dr. Hunt and Dr. Shepard and Dr. Grey are going to take good care of you."

Things were moving a million miles an hour and so slowly at the same time, Carina trying to stay calm as they worked on her wife in the same room her baby brother had been in a little less than two years before.

"Carina," Andy said, going up to her.

"What happened?" Carina asked as she kept her eyes trained on her wife.

"I'm honestly not 100% sure," Andy said, "I think Warren and Miller saw, but we were driving and then all of a sudden, a car hit us, but it seemed like it hit us high, like in the actual cab of the engine which makes no sense because the engine is tall. I don't know, but she got knocked out and pinned in for about 20 minutes."

"Let's get her to CT," Amelia said, checking her pupils, "Her right pupil is sluggish and this head wound is deep."

"Is she still awake?" Carina asked, looking at her friends.

"Yeah," Amelia nodded, motioning for Carina to come over, "Let's give them a minute."

Everyone except Amelia and Meredith left the room, Mer still assessing the abdominal injuries.

"Hi Bambina," Carina said, taking Maya's hand, something she couldn't do earlier because it was tied down, but having been cleared of major spinal injuries.

"Car," Maya said, smiling at her, "Love you."

"I love you too," Carina said, kissing her gently, "Amelia and Meredith and Owen are going to take really good care of you, and I will be right here when you wake up."

Just then, Maya started gasping for air and her oxygen, which had been trending down, dropped quickly, Meredith immediately calling everyone back in as Amelia pulled Carina back.

"Looks like we have pleural effusion," Owen said, listening to Maya's chest, "Let's get a chest tube in and then get her up to CT."

As Owen cut into Maya's chest, the blonde gasped, coughing and choking until the chest tube was inserted when she screamed out in pain, Amelia holding Carina tightly so she wouldn't run to her wife. Once the tube was in, Maya settled, finally able to breathe.

"I think she has a cracked rib that punctured her lung," Owen said as Maya was rushed up to CT.

"I need to go," Amelia said, knowing there was a good chance Maya had some kind of brain bleed.

"Go," Carina nodded, "Please, Amelia, keep her safe?"

"I will," Amelia nodded as she left.

"I will send someone with an update soon," Owen said, "She's a fighter, Carina."

"I know," Carina nodded as Owen left, suddenly feeling very alone until Andy walked up to her.

"She's going to be ok, Carina," Andy said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I hope so," Carina said, trying hard to fight the PTSD flashbacks that were threatening to take over, "Have you been looked at?"

"I will once we know what's going on with Maya," Andy said, trying to ignore the nausea and dizziness still.

Carina nodded, going to the waiting area with Andy.

Within twenty minutes, Levi Schmitt was coming down to update them, telling Carina Maya had a small subdural hematoma that Amelia was going to evacuate, a broken rib, and there was damage to her kidney and small intestine from the metal in her abdomen, and some muscular damage to her thigh along with a nick to her femoral artery that was bleeding heavily, but they were confident they could get under control. Maya was getting a blood transfusion right now because of the femoral bleed. Overall, nothing looked too bad, and everyone was optimistic that she would be alright.

"Thank you," Carina nodded, smiling at him.

"I will bring another update when they have one," Schmitt said, heading upstairs to help Owen because he was his fellow.

"Ok," Carina said, deciding to keep herself busy as she looked at Andy, "Now, I am going to get someone to examine you because you took care of my wife, but now she's in the best hands so we are going to get you taken care of."

"Ok," Andy said, standing up only to sit right back down as dizziness overtook her.

"Woah," Carina said, sitting next to her, "Are you alright?"

"Just dizzy," Andy said, head between her knees.

"Ok," Carina said, rubbing her back, "I am going to get a wheelchair. Just relax."

Carina, along with a nurse, got Andy into a wheelchair and to an exam room, Bailey coming in a few minutes later.

"Herrera," she said, "I heard what you did. You are a good friend."

Carina gave both of them a confused look, not totally understanding.

"This one sat in their engine with her captain until she was completely out," Bailey said, starting to undo the bandage her husband had put on Andy's head.

"You stayed with her the whole time?" Carina said, tears filling her eyes as she looked at Andy, "In the engine?"

"She's my best friend," Andy shrugged, wincing a little as Bailey looked at her head, "She would do the same for me."

"Thank you," Carina said, wiping her eyes.

"Alright," Bailey said, "So this wound is pretty large but superficial, and your arm needs stitches, but you should be fine. I'm going to do a quick concussion exam, but you seem all there."

Andy passed the concussion test with flying colors, Robert coming in as they were finishing up.

"How is she?" he asked, going straight to his wife's side.

"I'm fine," Andy said, taking his hand.

"She had been dizzy," Carina said, wanting to make sure Andy got the proper treatment.

"I am guessing dehydration," Bailey said, "Maybe mild blood loss. But I want to run some labs just to make sure, and get you an IV. I will send Dr. Henderson, our best plastics fellow, in to stitch you up. Other than that, Herrera, as long as your labs are clear, you are good to go."

"Thanks," Andy nodded, leaning back on the table.

"I will leave you two alone," Carina said, biting her lip as she stood to go.

"You can stay if you want Carina," Andy said, knowing the Italian was probably feeling very overwhelmed.

"I am ok," Carina said, walking toward the door, "I will be in the waiting area."

As Carina walked toward the surgical waiting area, she was shocked at what she saw. There were firefighters everywhere. Many of them she recognized as being from 19, but others were strangers.

"What is going on?" she asked Ben as he walked over to her, "It's 5 in the morning. Did something happen?"

"They're all here for Maya," he said, "This is what we do when one of our own is injured. It's called sitting vigil. It's mostly just to be there for support for the family and in case anything comes up."

"This is all for Maya?" Carina said, tears filling her eyes.

"And you," Ben nodded, "SFD is a family, and you are a part of that family. We haven't been able to do much of this since the pandemic, but now, with everything back open…"

Carina looked around, beyond overwhelmed.

Just then, Schmitt walked into the waiting room, everyone stopping and looking at him. He looked around for a second before spotting Carina, going to her immediately.

"How is she?" Carina asked as Ben stepped aside.

"She is doing ok," he said, "Dr. Shepard got the subdural taken care of and they are stitching her head lac now. Dr. Shepard wants to monitor her ICP for a few days, but she is confident she will be ok. Dr. Hunt is working on her leg right now. She was bleeding a lot from it, but that is under control now. Dr. Lincoln fixed her displaced rib. She has hairline fractures in 6 of her other ribs, but only one displaced."

"And her abdomen?" Carina said, absorbing all this information.

"So, that is the tricky part," Schmitt said, "The metal is actually penetrating the abdominal aorta, and is currently tamponading it, but…"

"But that is a very serious injury," Carina said, tears filling her eyes as she tried to blink them away, "Um, ok. Well, get back up there and help. Do not let my wife die."

"Schmitt," Ben said, stopping him, "How is the blood bank holding up?"

"She's going through a lot," he said, "If anyone can donate…"

"I'll take care of it," Ben nodded, "Blood type?"

"A positive," Carina said, seeing how lost Schmitt looked, "She's A positive."

"Alright," Ben said, walking over to a nurse, leaving Carina alone.

The brunette looked around the room, suddenly feeling extremely overwhelmed by everything. She was thinking about going up to her office as Ben got everyone's attention.

"Alright," he said, everyone quieting down, "Captain Bishop needs blood. She's type A positive so anyone who can and wants to donate, follow Nurse Juliette here. She will get you set up."

About twenty people got up, following the nurse as Ben walked back over to Carina.

"Thank you," she said, tears starting to fill her eyes again.

"Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?" Ben asked, "All these people mean well, but I know it's a lot."

"Maybe," Carina started to say as a nurse walked up to her.

"Dr. Deluca," he said, "I have a patient who needs a consult in the pit."

"She's not working right now," Ben said, seeing how confused Carina was, "Her wife is in surgery."

"I think you are going to want to take this case," the nurse said, showing Carina the cart.

"Dio Mio," Carina said, looking at the name on the chart, "Ok."

"Carina, they can page another OB," Ben said, confused, "You do not need to worry about a patient right now."

"This one, I do," Carina said, "I will be back soon."

Carina walked back to the ER and into a familiar room.

"Carina," Andy said, confused as the Italian walked in, "What are you doing back? Is Maya ok?"

"Um…" Carina said, looking up at the ceiling.

"No," Andy said, immediately assuming the worst.

"No," Carina said, realizing that Andy was jumping to the wrong conclusions, "No. She has a very serious abdominal injury that has a high mortality rate, but they caught it so hopefully, she will be ok. No, I am here to talk about you, actually."

"About what?" Andy said, confused.

"Well, the nurse just gave me your chart, and your hCG is elevated quite a bit," Carina said, looking at Andy and then Robert.

"Wait, are you serious?" Andy asked, looking at Carina, "I'm…"

"Pregnant," Carina nodded, "From these numbers, I would guess about 7 weeks."

"Are you serious?" Andy said, looking at Carina.

"Si," Carina nodded, "Now, I can talk to you about your options if…"

"We're keeping it," Andy and Robert said together, smiling at each other.

"Ok," Carina said, pretty sure that was going to be the case, but knowing she had to ask.

"The accident," Andy said, fear filling her body, "Could it have hurt the baby?"

"It is possible," Carina nodded as a nurse brought in an ultrasound for Carina, "Did you hit your abdomen?"

"I don't know," Andy said, tears filling her eyes, "What if…"

"Hey," Robert said, getting his wife to look at him, "Let's not jump to any conclusions. Carina is going to do this ultrasound and we can go from there."

"Si," Carina nodded, "But only if you are comfortable with me doing it. If not, I can get someone else."

"No," Andy said, wiping her tears, "No, I have always thought that if and when the time came for this, that I would ask you to be my OB."

"Thank you," Carina said, smiling at the woman who she had gotten rather close with over the past few years, "Now, I need you to take off everything on the bottom. Here is a blanket to cover. I will be right back."

Carina stepped out, giving Andy and Robert some privacy and also giving herself a moment of peace. She was feeling like she could have a mental breakdown at any minute, but she managed to hold it together for now before going back into the room, finding Andy ready for the ultrasound.

"Ok," Carina said, "Now, this is an internal ultrasound because of how far along you are. Are you ready?"

Andy grabbed Robert's hand before nodding. Carina took a deep breath before starting, feeling her entire body relax as she found a strong heartbeat on the ultrasound.

"Here is your bambino," Carina said, turning the screen, "And here is the heartbeat. Nice and strong, and you can see the baby moving around."

"Our baby," Andy said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It looks like you are about 7 weeks along," Carina said, grabbing some pictures of the fetus as she did her measurements, "And your placenta is enacted and everything looks good. Congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you," Robert said, tears running down his face too.

"Of course," Carina nodded, taking the ultrasound out before Andy sat up, "Here are some photos. You can make an appointment for an 8 week appointment with my office. I am going to go let the nurse know they are good to get the plastic surgeon in here to stitch you up."

"Can you not tell anyone?" Andy said, looking up from the strip of photos Carina had given her.

"Legally, I am not allowed to," Carina nodded, "I will not tell anyone until you are ready."

"Thank you," Andy said, smiling, "I will come find you when they finish with the stitches."

Carina nodded, leaving the room. She almost turned back to the lobby, but found herself stuck, not wanting to be with people.

Instead, she headed to the chapel, just needing the quiet. She lit a few candles before sitting down, thinking about the last time she was there, longing to be with the person who had held her and dried her tears then.

Without even realizing it, Carina sank to the floor, sobbing into her hands as she thought about Maya, about how serious her injuries were and how she very easily could become a widow after only a year of marriage. She begged her mom and baby brother to not let Maya die, to protect her. She jumped a little as she felt a hand on her back, looking up to see Amelia standing there.

"Is everything…" Carina started.

"Maya is doing ok," Amelia said, "They are getting the aorta repaired right now. That metal saved her life. If it had come out, she would have bled out in seconds, but in the OR, where they can control it, she's doing well. I'm just here because her ICP is stable, and I thought you might need a shoulder."

"Maya and I sat in here while Andrea was…" Carina said, not able to finish, "And I told her I couldn't imagine living without him, and then I had to, and Maya was there through the whole thing, to be exactly what I needed when I needed it. If I lose her…"

"You're not going to lose her," Amelia said, wrapping her arms around Carina, "She's is the most stubborn person I know, even more than me, and she loves you so much that she will never leave you."

Carina just sobbed, Amelia rubbing circles on her back as they sat on the floor of the chapel. Neither of them had any idea how long they sat there, but the doors opened again, Amelia looking up and seeing Andy standing here. Amelia gestured for her to come over.

"Any news?" Andy asked as she sat down on the other side of Carina.

"Not yet," Carina said, shaking her head, "You should go rest."

"I'm not going to be able to until I know she's ok," Andy said, shaking her head.

"How are Travis and Vic doing?" Carina asked, remembering hearing they were injured too.

"Vic had a grade three concussion," Andy said, looking to Amelia.

"She'll be ok," Amelia said, having assessed Vic both before and after she worked on Maya, "She's staying here a day, and she won't be able to work for a few weeks, maybe more, and concussions are tricky business, but as of now, I think she will make a full recovery."

"And Trav is out of surgery," Andy said, "He had a lot of damage to his shoulder, but they are thinking that with some rehab, he will make a near full recovery."

"Good," Carina said, nodding.

Andy eventually decided to go find the rest of the station, because unlike Carina, Andy found the firefighters filling the lobby comforting. Amelia just sat in the chapel with Carina, being there for her.

Finally, almost 8 hours after they took Maya back, Owen, Meredith, and Schmitt walked into the chapel.

"Is she alive?" Carina asked as soon as she saw them.

What do you think? Will Maya be ok? Hopefully I'll have the next chapter done in a week or less!