
The Abysmal Archive

A Secretive area which located within is documents that tell of secrets, creatures and events that exist across space and time.

TheGreatSeer · ホラー
11 Chs

Abysmal Archive (All entries)

A desolate land with a bunker underground which houses a secretive area and within it is located classified documents that tell of secrets, creatures and events that exist across space and time code named "The Abysmal Archive." 

It is unknown currently who was stationed here?, why they were stationed here? and how they even got their hands on these documents?

It has been theorized a group known as the "Global Graviton" may have been the ones who used to bunker. They are simply a large group or organisation that knows of cosmic and anomalous information which they have somehow obtained.


El Errante (The Wanderer)

El Errante. People once dead have now risen once more upon the earthly plane. They are essentially spirits but possess a more physical form and skillset. People who died in one way or another had things they had yet to accomplish, and this desire paired with a white mask that has horns allows one who was dead to acquire a new form and continue onwards till their desires are fulfilled, whether that be seeing family one last time or murdering someone. It doesn't matter as goals are goals in the end.

Once a spirit has been paired with a mask, which can only be done by an espiritualista, aka a spiritualist, who has vast amounts of knowledge about spirits and all things related to them, they use their knowledge to both see and interact with lingering spirits, giving them a mask and setting them upon the world once more.

El Errante are described as white-masked individuals, with the mask having two eye holes with a light white glow in each eye, and long razor-sharp horns extending behind the mask and down from the back of its head, neck, and chest. They are covered in a coating of weeds and grass. Its entire body is a pitch-black colour. Its arms and legs are still humanoid, having fingers and toes, but its overall shape is lanky.

The creatures often have greater physical capabilities than any human, as they can move boulders easily, swiftly move across great distances, and survive damage no human could. Additionally, they often have a tool, commonly a weapon, though sometimes something else that is black in colour, that they can utilise at a level akin to a professional.


El camino a ninguna parte (The Road To Nowhere)

Before the universe existed, there was an entirely different place that had been made. The first draft of what was meant to be, so to speak and it had no life, no air, no death and no real idea. A place of infinite scope with dozens of pathways and stairs leading to a multitude of empty spaces and true dread. The time was lonely. Space was lonely. It was truly a place to be alone.

Though it was abandoned instead, the universe as we know it was created in its place. Unfortunately, every secret will eventually come to light. The dimension the place was in slowly grew stronger over time as its reach expanded beyond its own dimension, cracking and breaking into our very realm.

People would coincidentally enter into these cracks, which the senses of a human would not be able to detect, and so people would shuffle through the dimensions, entering the  place of the unknown.

Forever trapped with no escape. They have no need for water, food, or anything else that is necessary to be human because they are now even less than that. They are now part of the emptiness.


El Sangre iglesia (The Blood Church)

Tucked away within a dimension within a dimension eternally Hidden away from existence and kept in the form of a mere legend that is temporarily recalled before the thought is thrown away. The Blood Church is a place where giving one's red liquid grants you a place in the great beyond where you shall have all you have ever dreamed about.

It is a mysterious place. Usually it is uncommon for one to even enter the realm of the blood church, but if you're unlucky, you may slip through the cracks of existence and hurl into the realm known as La tierra de la sangre (The land of blood), where the great Blood church resides.

In this land, there is nothing. No people, structures aside from the church, or any kind of life at all. The sky is blue, so much so that it looks like the sea as if it were on the ceiling. One can enter the structure, which looks like a rather small church-like structure coated in a white colour with a few windows dotted around and an entrance consisting of two doors. Once one has entered the building, they shall see the pew chairs, aka church chairs, forming rows and stopping before the front of the church, which is slightly raised with a podium in view facing towards the church chairs. That's all there is, and it does not look particularly special aside from the fact that the chairs themselves seem to have some strange red liquid dropping from them and the fact that random pieces of clothing are dotted around on the seats.

A few days spent in this realm, and you'll quickly find you cannot actually head anywhere, as if you do decide to walk off in a direction, you'll end up back on the outside of the church. A few more days will pass, and the blue sky will drain in colour every day until it ⁸is overtaken by a scarlet red. Eventually the voices will kick in, telling you to dig into your very skin and chip away until the land gets its food in the form of the red liquid that swims around your body.

Eventually you'll be nothing more than a fraction of what you were, and gradually your body will break down until the realm itself devours you and your clothing is added to the church's seats.


la serpiente asesina negra (The Black Killer Snake)

la serpiente asesina negra. A rampaging monster of sorts that travels in a slippery snake-like manner along the ground or really any surface. This slither is accompanied by constant soft jabs at the floor, which are done so by its legs, leaving it moving in an unnatural manner. A strange characteristic is that mist exudes from its body, but this mist has supernatural properties, as it is actually a disguise for a portal that leads to another realm, which from a person's perspective is seen as a never-ending grassland. Across the dirt is an unimaginable amount of treasure scattered everywhere. This treasure is merely a mirage, as once you attempt to take it, you will be placed into a trance where you will immediately eliminate yourself, commonly through strangulation.

In terms of a description the demon has dozens of large metallic thorns protruding down its body which bends in several unusual ways in addition the creature is long with a length of 300 feet ,tall with a height of 150 feet, far faster than its size would suggest and incredibly capable of destruction as its legs are essentially giant knives which are black in colour and seem to be constructed of a metallic material so it's plenty deadly in addition the mist has another strange trait which  allows the creature to breathe without the need of oxygen so travelling through the depths of the ocean or somehow getting into space and travelling the  cosmos is not impossible meaning it's both mobile and dangerous.


El desvanecimiento (The Fade)

Life flourishes and then it dies. Life is all about doing everything you can before your time is up. Decisions upon decisions that make you the person you are. So what happens when someone gets in your way and you as well as others want this person gone. Well as it turns out teamwork makes the dreamwork as enough focus on a singular wish can cause even reality to bend to the whims of people.

In this particular case we are talking about "Fading". It's a phenomenon where if enough people want one particular person to vanish then using their minds and focusing on this one goal allows them to force reality itself to erase the person as this in turn will grant happiness to those who wished for that person to be gone. This is both amazing as it shows the power humans hold together, however its absolutely terrifying as anyone can be erased and people have struggled to understand why this particular ability even exists even if it did make people happy. Why give it to anyone? 

The erasing of an individual often is described as a person choking and  slowly evaporating into a smokey black dust and eventually entirely being gone. Where they go is unknown, but its not like anyone really cares.


El alma solitaria (The Lonely Soul)

Home. A place of warmth and safety. A place of hope and destiny. A place of growth and future. A Hellish prison. A connection so strong that your home is the place you feel the most comfortable where you can be yourself. A connection that is actually a curse.

Death within your home allows your soul to be grasped and chained down forever contained within the walls and never allowed the freedom to move beyond. Why would you need heaven if you're already in your home? This is the situation some unluckily individuals find themselves in. A wandering, fleshless and wrathful entity wanting to share its dreadful existence with others even if that's not what they want.

Innocent looking akin to a low effort halloween costume with a white sheet over a body with two eye holes. These things are now referred to as "Lonely Souls' ' possessing the ability to appear and disappear, phase through walls and limited telekinesis to move things around. They use their abilities to shock anyone that treads in their home hoping to cause their death and begging to gain a friend.


Uno que mira (One Who Looks)

There is a legend that has been spread through the lands of australia. The legend speaks of a home settled within a forest. This forest surrounded the home, yet kept its distance creating a small pocket of open land where nothing grew. The owner of this little home of coziness and warmth was a man in his 50s by the name of Dylan Smith. In terms of appearance he looked like he was covered in dirt completely but still wore a white vest, blue jeans and had a particular type of shoes. White crocks to be specific. He looked out of place as the inside of his home was clean beyond a shadow of a doubt. A small table sat in the middle of his 1 floor home with some chairs by a window and a bed in one of the corners. There were also several boxes scattered around as if he was about to move or had just moved in, yet his appearance suggested he had been living here a while.

The man's daily activities consisted of cutting wood with an axe that seem to appear whenever he needed it, sleeping quite a bit and generally leading a slow and relaxing life, however when night falls he twists and turns in his bed as sweat drenches his body and the house bends and moves as if it is in pain.

On particularly dark nights beyond the thick forestry one may see a titan of darkness with eyes of golden light rise and watch the home as it towers above.


El latido del corazón de Dios (Gods Heartbeat)

It was the summer of 20xx, where light was raining down, heat was rising, and days seemed to go on forever. People were out and about, enjoying their lives as much as they possibly could. They did not want to waste even one second of their breath. That's when it happened. At approximately 1 p.m., the ground began to shake, starting as a mere tremble and evolving into destructive and violent waves as small objects fell onto the ground, cars flew through the air, and buildings shifted, eventually toppling down as scarlet blood scattered everywhere.

While the chaos was happening, some people, from young to old, felt a tug upon their beings that directed them in a certain direction as they felt the urge to walk. They walked and walked for miles without food or rest, yet they seemed absolutely fine, as if they were in a trance that guided them towards something. Soon more and more people will be walking, forming a large army of individuals who will not stop walking, some of whom, due to the earthquake, were put in situations where they got badly injured, but they kept walking without a complaint.

Eventually, the people arrived at a large mountain with a gap that served as an entrance. There were people who followed their family in an attempt to stop them from walking; however, once they saw the mountain, they wondered if it was real since something seemed ominous about the large structure. The group entered through the gap and through the darkness that filled the inside of the mountain. After what felt like hours, they arrived upon a large open space where there was a massive hole in the ceiling, allowing light to reveal a massive metallic orb floating at least 50 metres off the ground.

Suddenly, what sounded like a powerful heartbeat would start up as the ground beneath the people's feet cracked and exploded with lots of force, leaving bodies scattered about like ragdolls. The people's family members stared in horror and confusion at the orb, unsure of what to do.


Teintes changeantes (Changing Shades)

There was nothing at the start. Nothing to feel, smell, touch, etc. Light is a mysterious phenomenon. Apparently, God was the one who introduced it into the universe. "Let there be light" was the phrase uttered, and just like that, the ability to see was obtained. Light is not alive. Yes. That was a fact. Is it true, though? The sun. A thing of immense heat. A burning ball of death and life. Amazing beyond words, and yet that is all it is. A flaming sphere. It's not alive, so it is of no importance to anyone other than those who study it in the name of science. There were those who prayed to it, revered it, and worshipped it as a god, but it is no god. Right?

The 21st century, and this is the idea that is common amongst humankind. We are thankful for the sun, but we are not going to pray to it, offer it anything, or thank it. We are the only sentient creatures in existence gifted with creativity and abilities no other thing has. Yes. That is what makes us special. Our uniqueness and individuality

2:57 p.m.—that's when it happened. The heat that was once bearable suddenly increased to the point of pain. Red skin and screams erupted. The sound of people dropping onto the floor as their consciousness dissipated That was merely the start, as the shadows we once controlled as if we were puppet masters cut their strings and left the 2D realm, becoming 3D just like the humans they imitated.

Their forms consisted entirely of darkness, and the light of the sun did nothing to hinder them. They had what could only be seen as fur on their hunched backs and arms that extended down from the shoulders, which included four fingers extending from their hands that could only be described as sharp. Their heads were animal-like in design, yet they had no facial features, or at least nothing human-like.

The humans in the midst of these baffling and frankly terrifying events made the mistake of not moving, as in those few seconds of confusion the shadowy beings swiped and landed large incisions that tore through fabric down to the flesh as blood spewed out the unfortunate souls that were attacked as they slumped to the ground dead.

That day marked the invasion. Was this God's judgement? Was this alien? Or maybe the sun had finally had enough?


Oscuridad (Darkness)

Basic information: 

A place or more accurately a planet, but also a draft of existence before existence came into shape that exists on the edge of the universe. It spreads its roots through different means all connected by the phenomenon of no light such as In the darkness of a room, down a long alleyway at night, when a room has no light etc and this darkness acts as an entrance to the planet as well as an exit to other worlds/universes which allow the life upon the planet to spread their ways to everywhere and evreything.

Alternate names:

The empty, the home of collapsion, The far reach, Oblivion among millions, The great stop, The End, The nowhere, The void, The unknown planet, The great eclipse

Planet description:

The planet has a radius of 7918 which is 12,742 Kilometers which means this planet is double the size of earth.

It has oxygen though most of the denizens don't need oxygen. There is a blend of white and black colours which form the colour scheme of the planet.

The planet has black trees with white leaves which sometimes have black and white fruit in odd shapes hanging from the trees. The trees can either be incredibly small for example being able to balance one of your finger or incredibly tall as they could dwarf skyscrapers.

The grass is white, whilst the dirt is black. Any minerals or materials often are composed of both black and white.

There are structures around the planet such as small black and white shacks, larger black  office building esqe structures and a variety of white caves, black and white jungles, large open spaces and black and white mountains 


(Shadow) sombra (Seeker) buscador 

A tall but lanky humanoid shadow with twisting limbs that likes darker areas due to it being able to camouflage in places that light has little effect over, however if It does make contact with light then it will immediately be reduced into the form of several black piaces of paper.

It can elongate its arms to grab its prey, become neigh invisible in darker areas and can possess small objects such as cups inaddition it possesses great strength in order to easily crush metal and has great durability where it takes numerous bullets to slay the creature.

(Crawling) arrastrándose (Eye) ojo

It has a diameter akin to a standard NBA basketball which is between 9.43 and 9.51 inches. It has a puddle like form that slithers and waves about as if screaming in agony. It usually keeps a good distance between itself and anything living seemingly afraid of what will happen to itself.

It will keeps it's distance but If it is ever  forced into combat then it shall retaliate. 

It is seen to be quick able to slide past and/or under anything efficiently and from there drag the target into itself as it acts like a black hole in the way that the target is never seen again.

(Corageous) valiente (Plague) plaga

A black, sticky and thin vine like creature that can quickly spread from surface to surface and extend itself several meters in any direction.

It attacks by attaching itself to anything living particularly humans and enters through their mouth and nose attaching itself to the brain and from there controls people.

(The) La (Razor) Maquinilla de afeitar

A black dome with a square base that hops to manicure about. It has large pitch black humanoid arms on either side of its body and has four fingers and a thumb that are shaped like small knives.

It prefers to leap at a target and cut them up with swift attacks and is surprisingly agile.

(Flicker) Parpadeo (Fly) Volar

A football sized four legged ball shaped creature with two silver fleshy like wings and a open mouth with many sharp looking teeth, however it actually has three rows of these teeth deeper within its mouth.

It can fly for a limited amount of time and uses its flight plus its speed from its small size to launch itself towards its target and literally try tk easy their face, however if it misses then it's revealed that it has a rubbery like body as it can bounce off surfaces and uses this to continously lunge at the target until it gets them]