
The Absurd 911 Calls

A male operator receiving dumbass, absurd, insane fucking calls

korzenn · 現実
1 Chs

The 911 Call.

There's this broke man, very broke, his ass can't even afford a pizza, his name is jace

well, one day, jace was held at gunpoint, he calls 911 ( somehow ) and the guy ( the 911 guy ) taught him to fight back ( that shit somehow worked ) so he was inspired to become a worker for 911, well, when he can

and then, the had become a man with an apartment, he decided to become a dude who answers 911 calls. ( forgot to mention his mother and father died )

day 1

the first call...

Jace: Hello, this is 911

Caller: Hello please help

Jace: what is it

Caller: please send an ambulance

Jace: ... why?

Caller: come on I don't wanna say it just please send an ambulance

Jace: Sir, we cannot dispatch an ambulance until you give a reason.

Caller: Okay, Okay, F-fine, it's because my dick stuck on the wall

Jace: *giggles*, *tells it to co-workers*

Caller: HEY! what the fuck just dispatch a FUCKING ambulance!

Jace: okay sir dispatching an ambulance.

Jace was NOT expecting that first call.

Day 2

The Second call...

I will be expanding this shit soon, so don't worry my homies