
The Absconding God

Bai Hua, the young God of Rain, travels the world masquerading as an immortal with nothing but his shape-shifting sword. He helps a mortal to attain immortal-hood and goes on many adventures with him. He meets spiritual beasts and demons in his travels, makes many women sigh with longing for him. But no one knows that he is running away from something. Something the heavens had arranged. What will happen when people realize his identity? Will they worship him? Or form a kingdom with him as the emperor? What will happen when the heavens lose patience with him? Read to find out more!

Qingwa · 東方
6 Chs


Bai Hua had left the restaurant after finishing his food. He still had time before sunset so he decided to walk around before he headed for the Governor's mansion.

East Mainland was quite normal. So far he had not encountered any immortal or any strong martial artists. His knowledge of the mortal world was limited. He was never meant to live a mortal life and so everything intrigued him. Yet, he didn't get too involved to affect their fates drastically. Gods have always been indifferent to mortals. They had other concerns and so the mortals had "Son of Heaven" to rule in their stead.

People were going about their business and some of them were in a hurry as the sun was almost setting. He could see women hurriedly buying groceries. While some people were seen hurrying into the apothecary.

The sky was glowing red and small clouds were floating as if they were little ships sailing on a red ocean.

The governor's mansion was on the edge of the town, separated by a tiny grove from the main town. He started making his way towards the mansion enjoying the changing scenery as he could see some trees as he moved closer to the mansion. He had asked the address from the waiter earlier before he left the restaurant and now he followed as directed by that waiter.

He walked until he saw a walled-off mansion with a gate that was guarded by two soldiers. He reached the gate and declared,

"I am Hua, a musician sent by Zhang Chao. I am here for an event."

"A musician you say? Sent by young master Chao?" said one of the burly soldiers gruffly.


"Do you have weapons on you?"

"I don't have anything dangerous on me."

Both the soldiers saw that his body was lean and the robes couldn't possibly hide anything dangerous on him. They just saw that he had zither with him. The young mistress had ordered them to be very strict with the security today because of a certain guest who had come from the imperial city.

There were stronger guards inside the mansion and the guest also had powerful guards following, besides they were confident that no one would dare attack the governor's mansion as the governor was the brother of one of the king's favourite concubines.

"Okay, you may go in. After all, you were recommended by young master Chao. Wait at the garden, someone will come and fetch you when it's time."

Bai Hua went in and was taken by surprise at the luxury of the mansion. The town outside was thriving but the inside of these walls it was a different world.

Ah, so that's how the rich live in the mortal world, he mused.

There were many trees which he had not seen outside the walls. There were flowers all along the path to the garden that lied outside the mansion. He was admiring his surrounding when he heard footsteps from the side. It was a maid who seemed to be walking in his direction.

"Are you here for the party?" and looking at his zither at the back, "a musician?"


"Please follow me."

He was led inside the mansion. There were more flowers inside. The walls were intricately designed and spoke volumes about the wealth of the owner. He followed the maid till they reach outside a quarter that had white lilies carved and painted on the giant doors. She gently pushed it and he was shown inside a hall.

The hall was almost empty except for some servants who were giving last minute touches to the preparation.

"Please wait by the seat there," she pointed to the corner near the front of the hall. There were a couple of seats arranged there.

"You can also get refreshments from the table there." And she left.

Bai Hua wasn't interested in eating anymore. He didn't need to eat if he wills it.

He went and took down the zither from his back and sat. He admired the lavish colours of the curtains and flowers.

Slowly guests started coming through the door. They were all kids who were richly dressed. Some were giggling and chattering. And he could hear snippets of their conversation. They were all wondering who was the guest of the young mistress of the governor's mansion.

He had been observing the people the whole time. And he had noticed that the first arrivals were people who were moderately rich and the people who came later were richer than the former. And it continued in this fashion. They had formed groups and were sitting in their own groups. Finally, he noticed the ones from the restaurant. They were among the last ones to arrive. He figured that they were indeed among the richest kids in the city. Zhang Chao was looking for someone the moment he entered the hall and when he spotted Bai Hua, he gave a nod to him and went to take his seat among his friends.

He was making sure that Bai Hua was keeping his word and had not bailed out at the last minute. Bai Hua could really feel the sign of relief on Zhang Chao's face.

Almost everyone had arrived. Maids were serving dishes and wine to the guests.

Suddenly, the herald shouted, "Baoshan's Governor's young mistress has arrived with her guest."

Everyone looked towards the opened doors to see a beautiful young girl who was dressed in a purple dress wearing bright sparkling hairpins. And there was someone beside her, who was the guest. She was beautiful in her pale pink dress and similarly, she was wearing accessories on her long hair.

Everyone had stood up the moment they entered. It was a sign of respect for the host.

The people who were looking at the two of them can see that the guest was not as beautiful as the host. But there was something about her that made them want to look at her more.

Bai Hua had smiled the moment they entered because he had recognised one of them. It was the lady he met at the inn in the previous village. The one who had offered him tea. The one who was poisoned. The noble lady who was had sneaked out to watch him play the zither but was gone when he came back.

And she was here now as the guest of the Governor. That means her background was not small. It was big enough for the daughter of the Governor of Baoshan to organise such an event just to please her.

The intelligent ones among the people that had gathered here understood it. The herald didn't even say her position. That meant that she didn't want to disclose it. It only made them think that her father or mother must be from the imperial clan or like the rumours said she may be the daughter of the Prime Minister. Most of them might have visited the imperial city but they didn't have the privilege to meet distinguished people. Some of their parents might have but it didn't extend to the children.

Bai Hua was intrigued. It was the second time he had met her in the mortal realm. Was it her fate?

"Everyone, this is Xiao Lok. Her father is a friend of my father's. Please take good care of her tonight. She comes from the imperial city."

Ah, a friend of the governor, so that means he must be in some high position like the governor or even higher since the young mistress seems to be taking care of her, thought everyone.

Xiao Lok gave a slight bow to everyone and gave a charming smile. And everyone returned her bow.

Xiao Lok had not noticed Bai Hua. And Bai Hua had thought that she might have forgotten him as everyone tended to do so after some passage of time, though it had just been a few days since he last saw her.

Both of the women went up to the front and sat as everyone also took their seats.

"So, cousin, do you like it?" whispered the young mistress to Xiao Lok.

"Don't call me that here, Ting'er someone might hear you," chided Xiao Lok in soft tones.

Ting'er giggled softly and said, "Okay, okay. If you say so, Xiao Lok. So how do you like it? Your maiden trip to the towns of East Mainland, is it worth it?"

"Ah, big brother told me to travel and see the world. He even persuaded father to let me go out of the imperial city. And it was worth it! Big brother really cares about me even when we have different mothers."

"It seems he really does care about your happiness. He made you drop all your books and let you escape from the imperial city. I wonder how your father must be faring without you. Are you sure you don't want to stay longer? You just came here yesterday!"

"Ah, I can't. I must head back."

"Sigh, I can only visit you in the imperial city then. I don't think you might know anyone here. We will go and talk to them after they settle down. I am sure they want to talk to you too."

Xiao Lok had scanned the faces when Ting'er had said that she might not know anyone here.

She suddenly gasped when she looked at someone who was sitting close to her but was out of her line of vision before.

"Mr Hua!"